
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spicy Egg Salad Sandwich

The Mr was in a lunch rut but wanted to keep some protein in his lunch.  So I decided to surprise him with this little lovely...

But we know that egg salad sandwiches can taste a little dull.  Not mine baby.  I gave mine a little kick and the Mr loved it.  I hope you will too.  Here's what I used for mine:

2 large eggs, soft boiled
1 tbsp Miracle Whip Light
1/2 serving Habanero cheese
Fresh herbs
Preferred salt free spices (I used white pepper)
2 slices Trader Joe's Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread

Soft boil 2 eggs (or hard boil if that's your preference.  The Mr likes soft boiled) and put them in a bowl.

Break up the eggs into small chunks.

Choose some fresh herbs to use.  I used fresh chives and oregano and chopped them up.

Add your herbs, habanero cheese and mayo.

Mix it all together.

Put it on your bread.  I toasted his for some texture.  Yum!

Obviously this isn't something you want to eat every day but to bust yourself out of a food rut, pair this with a fruit salad and enjoy a little taste of summer!

Nutritional information:  Calories 432  Total Fat 16g  Sat Fat 6g  Poly Fat 2g  Mono Fat 4g  Cholesterol 387mg  Sodium 677mg  Potassium 228mg  Total Carbs 48g  Fiber 14g  Sugar 6g  Protein 24g  Vitamin A  21%  Vitamin C  7%  Calcium 12%  Iron 20%

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  1. This is awesome. I loved it and can't wait to have it again soon. I highly recommend it!

    1. Glad you liked it! I'll have to bust it out again for ya soon!

  2. This looks like something MY Mr. would appreciate. I was surprised that the soft-boiled eggs looked like they worked well in it, but my DH would probably want his hard-boiled. The habanero cheese is what grabbed my attention though.

    1. The soft boiled eggs made it creamy but still lots of good texture like a hard boiled.

  3. That looks delicious! I think you need to be my personal chef. :)

  4. I can't wait to make this to break me out of my lunch rut! Thanks for posting it!

  5. That looks fantastic! I love egg salad!

    1. I hope you love this one too! Something for the person that likes a little kick!

  6. Cant wait to try this when I get home. Thanks for all the tips Mrs!

  7. I seriously need to not read these things when I'm hungry!!! That looks SO good! :-)

  8. Beautiful photo! I have that plate too. :) I've never tried sprouted bread before--does it taste like regular whole wheat bread or is it different?

    1. I lurve that plate! If it wasn't so dang expensive to replace my whole set, I would!

      I've had the Ezekiel brand before and found it to be a little dense for my taste but Trader Joe's Whole Wheat tastes almost the same as regular whole wheat bread. Sprouted is supposed to break down a little easier in your digestive system so I've recently made a point to start buying that over regular bread for that reason.

  9. That looks really good. I'm thinking maybe lunch today. I've never seen habanero cheese around here, but I bet pepperjack would be pretty good too.


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