
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend highlights

Well they're highlights to me, probably pretty boring to others.  This is the beginning of Hell season for us.  We HATE the heat.  H. A. T. E.  This weekend was the preview to what is coming up this summer and I think it's going to be another summer of being inside in the A/C or seeing if he can get transferred to Antarctica for the season.  Saturday was our 'active' day before the weather turned from miserable to impending heatstroke so we got to this one farmers market (our first of the season) when it opened hoping it wouldn't be as grotesquely crowded as it usually is.  Nope.  The quickest way to irritate us is to go to this particular farmers market.  It's in the snooty part of town and everyone likes to break every market rule according to me.  My rules are as follows:

1) If you are there to socialize, get your butt off to the side so people who are looking for actual products can get what they need and get out.  I do not have time nor patience to stand by while you whip out your phone to show people pics of your kids that they don't want to see.

2) If you're walking at a moderate pace, do not suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk thereby disrupting traffic flow.  I understand that latte needs to be sipped but if you can't sip and walk at the same time, you need to stay home.

3)  If you've just purchased something at a vendor, please do not just turn around and start walking assuming in a market with about 500 people none of them are around you.  It makes me apologize for you walking into me because you're a careless asshat and there is something wrong with me apologizing to you for your asshattedness.

That about did it for the Mr and I could tell he just wanted to get the hell outta there.  So off we went to our future neighborhood market up the street and it was a little better.  We got some lettuce, strawberries (that sadly already look like crap), local organic chipotle cheese and that was about it.  Hardly worth the gas to drive over there but the other place that had mad asparagus yo also had a bunch of clueless idiots making checkout unbearable arguing whether or not the bag he was buying was mustard or turnip greens and he was arguing with the vendor.  After I pointed out the Mr that the lettuce mix he had looked a little wilty, he put it back and they lost the sale.  We just didn't have the patience to be out in the heat with crowds.  But we did stop at a wholesale place we'd passed a billion times in the past and finally decided to stop.  We got a few things but weren't over the moon about the place.  We might stop in from time to time.  Then to the grocery for some pineapple so I could make some smoothies for later.

Lunch was going to be good old fashioned cookout food all measured out and portioned.  I made 2 ounce sliders and topped them with spinach and onion.  They were so tall I had to use those frilly toothpicks to hold the Hawaiian sweet rolls in place.  Spicy BBQ chips and dip and a serving of baked beans.

Oh.  Did I mention I stuffed the sliders with that chipotle cheese I bought at the farmers market?

After the mini meat fest, I made some papaya pineapple smoothies with half a banana and some cantaloupe in mine and some strawberries in his to help aid digestion and calm any inflammation from the sodium.  This will be a new thing for us on the weekend.  Somehow this Magic Boo-lay version doesn't quite resemble the last time I had a smoothie in a margarita glass poolside with papayas cut from the grounds by our houseboy.  {sniff}

While we were out I wanted to go to Avenue.  I had NO intention of buying anything because their prices are out of control!  They are doubling their prices and are forcing me to basically only shop there when there is a clearance going on.  Sad really because I hear people complaining about their prices every time I go there, you'd think someone somewhere would get the hint.  Anyhoo.  As soon as we walk in, I see $5.96 for sweaters.  Um, yes please.  So I bought 4 sweaters for me, a knit long sleeved shirt and a cardigan for my mom for Christmas all for a total of $40.04 with tax and if I'd paid what was on the tags, it would've been $200 with tax!  So yeah, mama snagged a bitchin' deal.  I also bought them all in a size smaller (14/16) and I plan to be in it by Fall.  (Yes, I know there's a lot of black with a red one thrown in there but I hated the other color choices that were left)

For dinner, we had the same sides but a 50% less fat 3 cheese chicken brat.  I also made lemon shake ups and I put the Mr's in his special Bubba Gump light up glass.  This caught one of the 4 colors it flashes like a cop car light bar and it gets a little dizzying but I wanted him to feel like he was back on the water at Bubba's...before the screaming child showed up.

Sunday was just spent trying not to get heatstroke.  The Mr pulled all of the weeds out back and put down ant and bug killer around the perimeter of the house since well, tis the season and we want to stop 'em before they start looking for a place to come in from the heat.  I think I finally realized that there aren't ants crawling all over the kitchen like they do in Hawaii which is nice.  When you get used to ants on your kitchen  counters, gecko poop anywhere and B52 roaches dive bombing you, you know you're a local or an honorary one and you forget how nice it is not to worry about that stuff when you're back on the mainland.  But honestly, I'd put up will all of that stuff to be back in Kona with some tradewinds going because this summer is gonna be GROSS!

Actually that's how I thought the weekend was going to go until the Mr got rather active after I posted this.  We were going to stain the patio stones, noticed how uneven and gappy the stones were looking and the plastic edging that keeps the stones in place were all out of whack.  The house has been shifting quite a bit and it's showing.  Well, it didn't make sense to go to the trouble of staining if the rest of it was going to look like crap.  The poor man exhausted himself and took 3 showers yesterday.  He's back at it already this morning.  I'm cutting him off at noon for a workout and no working again until 6pm when the heat has died down.

How did you spend your Memorial Day weekend?  What is your cut off comfortable temperature in the summer?

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  1. I stayed home this weekend and spent yesterday going to all the tourist traps that I always plan on going to when I have the time but never take the time. Once I'd had enough shared humanity, I went home. I actually had fun!

    Today I have chores to do that I always plan on doing when I have the time but never take the time. (Do you see a theme here?)

    It's going to b warm today but I don't mind because it won't last long. It's supposed to be 85 today and 63 by Wednesday. I had planned on getting the summer clothes organized but I haven't put the sweaters away yet. I don't think the time is here yet!!

    Enjoy your day!

    1. That's awesome! It's fun to go to in-town tourist traps! Oh man 63, I'd love that! I bought a cute sweatshirt in Lahaina that I'm dyin' to wear!

  2. Love the Bubba Gump glass! We got some when we were in Lahaina but ours don't light up.

  3. I hate the heat too. We don't have central air and it's been 90 and humid going on 3 days. Not getting anything done this 3-day weekend.

    1. Oh my Lord, how are you still alive? If I have an extra 3K, I'd give it to you for central air!

  4. Yep, I'm another heat hater! Woohoo for the Avenue haul. Keep tabs on the Mr. working in this heat--he needs to listen to your cut off for sure! Have a great day.

    1. Hooray for heat haters! I was out there with him. I think I sweat about 2 liters off! Blech!

  5. I'm so lucky because we have a lane bryany outlet 2 minutes from my house and I get some owe some deals there! The older I get the more I hate crowds!!!! So annoying. Every year about April, I declare I'm going to die this summer. I never do and each year I weigh less, the easier it is. I love the 80-85 days and if I am going camping or to the lake then I will take up to 95 but anything over that is torture!!!!!

    1. I didn't know LB had an outlet. That'd be the only way they'd get my business. I cap out at about 83 degrees and then I get grumpy because if there's heat, there's always humidity.

  6. Sounds like y'all had a fun and tasty weekend!!! PS. I can't stand people. They suck so much!

    1. You're correct, people can suck. I swear in public we tend to have a dbag magnet! Saturday was "how many cars can go out into the road in front of you and wait for traffic to clear in the opposite lane" day. The answer: 6.

  7. Spring a crazy person. I'm exhausted and everything hurts but the house looks 100% better. Closets cleaned out and clothes shifted. Of course I do this and it snows and I'm in the basement looking for long sleeved anything to wear out but...oh well. We rarely get even into the 90's and we always have a breeze up here, so it cools off in the evenings even if it's warm. was 32 yesterday so we're not there yet. I like the heat...I do not like humidity and heat at all. 100 degrees with 100 percent humidity is killer. Last time we were in Puerto Rico in May I thought I'd died and gone to hell for sure.

    1. When you're done you can come clean here. ;) Humidity is just plain gross.

  8. Amy @Health Hungry

    This post cracked me up! I often wonder(having been big all of my life) if I am more aware of others because I've had to be... I am always amazed at people's apparent lack of awareness that there are others on the planet... especially at crowded places! We spent the weekend enjoying our new backyard firepit - so peaceful! Memorial weekend is usually more low key in this area, many leave to camp so the city is tolerable! ;)

    1. I find I'm more aware of others because they tend to be a big ball of suck. HA! Glad to hear you're enjoying your new firepit!

  9. I've got to learn to eat BEFORE I read your blogs so that I don't get drool all over the keyboard, really not good for it-lol. Sounds like an awesome, productive weekend. I hear you on the heat factor. I start to dislike it at 90 and hate it anywhere over 100. I would hate 90 if it weren't so average for most of the summer. It's downright cool after the 100's. Hope it is a cooler than promised summer for everyone's sake :).

    1. Anything over 83 and I'm not a happy camper. I really need to move to Canada or as north as possible. I wonder if Santa needs some more helpers.

  10. It's hot as hell in Memphis, too. I had intended to go to Central BBQ today, but the thought of hot food makes me a little ill. :)

  11. So far this weekend, I threw a little Surprise! Party. My brother's lady is a Surprise! Party consultant, and she just started, so I told her I'd throw a party to help her out. It's a woman's only novelty adult type party. It was HILARIOUS! It was also nice to be around adults for a few hours solid without a three year old constantly underfoot. Otherwise, it's been a typical weekend. It's been miserable this weekend so far. Boo! And unfortunately, it doesn't LOOK like it's going to get much better. We debugged our perimeter, but we're still having issues with the ants. I think they've set up shot UNDER the house. UGH! So we're going to have to do some serious business under the house.

    What's your smoothie recipe? If you have already posted it, I'm sorry. If you could link the post, that would be awesome. I'm thinking of having a smoothie after eating as well. I'm hoping it gives me the "sweet" I'm looking for so I don't try to find dessert.

    1. Man I remember my babysitter having Undercover Wear parties when I was like 10. My mom went to a few of them too and since it was the 80's, she'd buy me the body glitter for my eyes. LOL

      My smoothie recipe is literally chucking the fruit with some ice into the blender. Like the one I did was pineapple, 1/2 papaya, 1/2 banana and some cantaloupe with ice. As long as there's pineapple and papaya, those are the anti-inflammatories I'm looking to get in and bananas do a good debloat with their potassium.

    2. I just noticed that I said this weekend was typical, then LITERALLY in the next sentence said it was miserable. LAWL! That makes me sound pretty confused. The miserable part of my weekend was the heat. Otherwise, it was a good weekend. *L* Thank you for the smoothie recipe. Now to find papaya. That isn't something that is easy to find around here. Boo. Pineapple is easy to find. Bananas WAY too easy. Papaya, not so much. Mangoes are fairly easy to find though. Could I sub one for the other?

    3. In the research I did on mangoes, it does aid in digestion like papayas but several sources say it's great to help GAIN weight due to how the starches convert to sugar quickly so that stops any mangoes in my future! Up to you if you want them in yours! :)

  12. Well it seems like overall a good weekend, minus the heat. Those slidersand look amazing! With mealst like that you should post more recipes. Id also love to know how you weigh and measure your food. I've not done that yet.
    I made it to North Carolina today and its so hot and humid...almost makes me wish I was back in the snow and rain of Montana. My flights were uneventful which was nice. Still a glaring reminder that I have a long way to go in the weight loss department. Glad you're back. I just love reading your blogs while im out and about! Stay cool lady (and the Mr.)...

    1. If you look in MY FAVORITES, I list the scale I use and the small tbsp adjust a cup measurer. I live by those every single day and I measure EVERYTHING I eat. I used to gripe about it at first but now it's just everyday stuff!

      Hang in there on the flight stuff. I know it stinks. Use it as ammo when you get home! I'll be jealous when you go back to your cool climate!

  13. Your food pics always make me hungry! Hate the heat, too, but in Washington state that's about 10 days a year if that and not until July or August--it's currently in the 50s and overcast, don't be too jealous! Hate crowds, too--don't get me started about that one. We barbequed bison burgers yesterday (yum!) and are barbequing Copper River salmon today. That's our reward for running a half marathon this morning--along with some chocolate cake and strawberries.

    1. I will take that as a compliment! They make me hungry later too! HA! I'd take 10 days a year of hot days. I need to try bison. There's a local place at the farmers markets I always see. It's basically buffalo right? I had that once and the house stunk for DAYS after I cooked it. I think I'll grill it. ;) Congrats on the half marathon!

  14. I totally hear you on the inconsiderateness (is that a word?) of people in crowds. I'm constantly ranting about people who don't care how their actions affect others, from the drivers who slam on the brakes and back up without looking to get a parking spot to the people who whirl around and start walking in the other direction without looking...yep, I hear you. My current favorite people to hate are the ones who run me into the wall at the rec center when the zumba class rotates 90 degrees.

    Heat? Hmm, I can take about 90 fairly easily, mostly because I have lived in arid states since 1990. Over 100 has me panting under a ceiling fan with the A/C cranked to instant freeze mode. I mostly stay inside except early in the morning when that happens.

    Our weekend was great...had my hiking buddy Sarah and her husband back from Indiana for some business and went out with them to eat every evening. Highlight of the visit was our hike Sunday morning, 3.5 miles followed by hamburgers on the patio of a little mountain town's burger joint, a nap and then pizza at their favorite pizza place. Sigh, I'm afraid to get on the scale.

    1. I feel like I have to apologize, it's my generation and younger. (Not ME mind you!) It's like all of us latch key kids grew up and some have a grotesque sense of entitlement and then they started having kids. Oh man, 90 and I'm in a cave! Sounds like you had a great weekend. I know you don't indulge like that often so just enjoy the time you spent and get back to it as best you can!

  15. I am not a fan of high heat either, but I prefer it to too frigging cold! I like moderate and winter with snow, but no negative degrees.
    I pulled a move that I think you should have used today. We were at the grocery store getting a couple things and headed to the self checkout. We waited in line and when our turn came up, some ladies (younger, line stealers) came up next to us, like they were going to go ahead of us. Well, I am all bit up and tired from my hike so, ah hell naw. The guy who was just about ready to leave grabbed his receipt and his change, but missed a couple of bills. I saw this and knew these bitches wouldn't say anything and keep his money, so I immediately moved ahead of them, grabbed his cash and said, excuse me sir, this is yours. Then I stood there and preceeded to check out without even looking at the girls. So there youngsters, I got you!
    Stop worrying about being so dang nice to others and polite, because honestly, its just pissing you off. You are a person and you can stop apologizing for other peoples rudeness.


    1. I don't like anything under 25 degrees. I'll take cold over hot because I can layer up. When it's too hot, I get arrested. Okay maybe not but you can only strip so far.

      GOOD FOR YOU at the grocery store and for steppin' in line to teach those girls their place. Wenches. Trust me, I'm rarely worried about being nice to people when they don't deserve it but it was our first market of the season so I didn't have my battering ram attitude on. You can bet if it needs to be locked and loaded next time, it'll be on hand!

  16. I need a weekend from my weekend this time around. Makes being at work more relaxing but I am glad it's all done. Thanks for all the wonderful food, that made it all worth it even more!

    1. I'm sorry hon. I do appreciate all the work you did. It was a lot to do in such a short time but really needed done before we got everything set up.

  17. Well, don't ever move to the south! My husband and I hate the heat too--it gives us both headaches. It's funny, because people have told us that in the south, it's the reverse of living in the north--people go outside in winter and then stay in during the summer. :)

    I totally agree with everything you said about the farmers market! I hate the people who hold up traffic. It makes me so stabby. Maybe you should sign up for a CSA? No annoying crowds!

    The smoothies look delish!

    1. Ugh, definitely couldn't do the south. The humidity is my kryptonite. You said stabby! That's hilarious! CSA would then mean no control though right? I was trying to talk the Mr into a houseboy like we had in Hawaii. I said we'd just have him for 2 hours every weekend and send him to the market so we didn't have to deal with people.

  18. I live in a fairly dry climate so I have a higher tolerance. When I've gone places with higher humidity though I've pretty much just melted into a puddle and waited for it to be time to go home. Anything outside & physical though has to be done before about 9am. My swamp cooler keeps my house livable all but about 2 weeks every end of July/early August when the humidity amps up for no reason I can comprehend. Those couple weeks I just try to find as many places as I can to go that have real air conditioning.

  19. I spent my weekend sick, so it pretty much sucked. I hate the heat too. I am a fall and winter person. Here it's pretty much hot and humid all summer, so it sucks being outside most of the time. We'll have an occasional nice day in the 80s where it's not too humid, but most of the summer here it hangs out around 90 or more. Even days where it's in the 70s suck when it's over 80% humidity. blech


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