
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Comfortably exercising while obese

I got an email from a reader who asking for any tips for exercising comfortably while obese, specifically how to keep the stomach from flopping around.  The Mr and I both wear compression undergarment when we exercise.  I wear something similar to this (affiliate link) and the Mr wears compression shorts by Under Armour.  (affiliate link) We have several pairs of both and wear them every time we exercise to keep the ol' guts wrangled.

Not only do we wear them so we can comfortably exercise but to help prevent hernias.  The pulling and tugging that goes on when you're doing jumping jacks or running can eventually make you prone to them and I have no desire to go through that.  There was a time I thought I was getting one, I had a burning, searing pain in my lower stomach that would happen after exercise and when I mentioned it, several people said that was exactly how their hernias began.  So after some research I saw that wearing compression underwear/shorts was the best way to help lessen the chance of that happening.

As far as any other tips, it's the same as it would be for anyone.  Keep hydrated, don't subscribe to 'no pain, no gain' (Discomfort, sure.  Pain?  No.) and keep variety in your routine.  If you need some recommendations to keep variety in the mix, check out our workouts that in are rotation.  As the Mr pointed out in his comment, make sure as you lose weight that you go down in size on the compression garments as well so you get optimum compression and your schtuff is all neatly wrangled.  ;-)

Do you wear compression products while you exercise?

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  1. I've been wanting to get some compression shorts, I should really do something about it = )

    1. Get on it girlie! I think you'll find that it will make a big difference in your intensity and how much you're able to do!

  2. Great tips. The compression shorts really have enabled me to step up my workouts. It's like night and day. Before compression shorts I couldn't do any plyo type exercises at all, not even a simple jumping jack, without the gut getting in the way. Now I can do burpees and all kinds of jumps, etc.

    The only other thing I would mention is that you also need to make sure that you replace the compression garments regularly because as much as I love my first pair, as I've lost weight they have obviously lost their ability to compress and I recently was feeling some of that hernia type pain so I knew it was time to go to the next size down before that got out of hand.

    1. Excellent points hon! I've updated the post so people get the tip in case they don't read down here. I wish King Size still sold those compression shorts but you might be sized out of them anyway!

  3. Does a good sports bra count? I don't quite need anything else, but when I bought a better quality bra I found that I was able to comfortably go at higher intensity. I hadn't even realized that I was uncomfortable before.

    1. YES! A good sports bra probably makes a big difference. I can't say the ones I use would be classified as good but I do need to invest in one but I guess I feel like if I'm going to keep losing in that area, I don't want to invest too much yet for myself. But yes, excellent point, a good sports bra can keep the girls in place and save yourself a black eye if you're very well endowed!

  4. I sure do! If my workout pants aren't skin tight, then they ain't gonna work. Doesn't necessarily make for a good photo op, but it helps me move without worrying about problems from floppage (rubbing from movement is a big reason I wear them!). I've been fortunate that a lot of places now have compression pants for pretty cheap, but I do have a pair of UA compression shorts just in case things start to get too baggy.

  5. I am a BIG fan of compression wear and good sports bras, especially when I run. I used to use cheapo bras, and I could get away with it by wearing two, but then I tried a good one and will never go back. I just try and get them on sale, helps a lot!

  6. I don't wear compression gear for exercise (I overheat!), but I do wear a compression camisole everywhere else. I don't do much in the way of bouncy stuff, so I don't have too much trouble with 'the extra' at the gym. Another tip is to keep the core engaged. That doesn't eliminate the extra, but it sure does help!

  7. Great post! I didn't know compression garments were for exercising. Unfortunately, I don't work out hard enough to need something like this (I suck--I'm about to start the 30 Day Shred though!), but I've always had a lot of discomfort when exercising because of breathing issues I have. I think that that's why I'm always afraid to work out hard, because I'm out of breath so easily. :/

  8. Wow, I have had that pain before and did not realize what it was. Thanks for the info. It never occurred to me to wear compression garments during exercise. What a great idea!

  9. I love this blog. No excuses. Here are solutions and encouragement. You are awesome.

  10. I haven't worn compression undergarments because I could never find workout ones in my size. But looking at the link you provided reminded me that I do have girdle type things at home that I could possibly try as well. Thanks for the awesome tip! My stomach is the biggest issue (seems be to stretching and reforming like silly putty, I must say) and I know if I had some compression I'd have greater freedom of movement. I like it!


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