
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What's ahead for the month

Happy November!  The beginning of a new month always brings a sense of a clean slate, even if you don't need one.  This month must be planned out meticulously for us as we have some traveling as well as a holiday so I want to make sure getting into the 2's isn't a fluke and I don't spend the whole month teetering back and forth.

I made out the workout schedule for November.  I made sure that I put the hotel gym on the exercise schedule for our jam packed trip out of town.  For those who know me, you know if it's on the schedule, it gets done.  We haven't missed a scheduled workout for 2 1/2 years and now that these are on the schedule, we have to do it or we blow the streak.  That ain't happenin'.  A few months ago, The Mr said he challenged us to get to the gym twice in addition to the walking we'll do while away.  I hope he was serious because the gauntlet has been thrown down, yo.

In paying attention to Thanksgiving, I think we'll do what we did last year and just eat a hearty, healthy breakfast and we have all the fixin's at Thanksgiving.  We still lost a pound last year so I'm hoping we can have a repeat for that.  I'm making the stuffing this year and it's a great low sodium, high fiber homemade stuffing.  I already did a test run and it turned out well.  We always have leftovers that Saturday so we're still on track Friday and try to flush out any sodium that day to please the scale Gods Saturday morning.  We have lots to pay attention to this month and I've got everything written out in black and white so there is no grey area for us.  We have found the past 2 winters that our weight loss seems to slow like hibernating bears despite us not slowing down so I'm hoping to break this winter curse as cold weather is getting ever so close. So that's the plan, man!

I did want to thank everyone for the sweet comments on my previous post!  You guys rock!

Do you plan ahead for getaways/holidays?  If so, how do you maintain accountability to yourself?

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  1. Thanks for helping me to remember that I used to plan better. In honor of the beginning of a new month, I'm starting to think more about the times ahead and being more thorough in my exercise and food choices.

    (I'm looking forward to reading your SP blog later on today, it sounds like you had a great weekend!)

  2. Great plans lead to great victories I think! It is absolutely essential! So yes, I plan ahead for holidays. We don't have Thanksgiving, but Christmas is already on my mind - I'm motivating myself. ;)

  3. I seem to do ok during the Holidays. We don't really go anywhere, so the workouts stay the same and surprisingly, the food at Christmas isn't a temptation, it's Thanksgiving that's an issue. I HATE that my weight loss was basically non-existant during the winter. Like you said, hibernating bear : ) Hopefully, that will be different this year.

  4. I like the way you plan. When I'm heavy with the triathlon training I have a plan and with very few exceptions stick to it. But since my last race I haven't stuck to a good routine. Time to make a schedule once again!! Thanks for the inspiration or reminder.

    Congratulations too! As always I think you are doing a fabulous job!

  5. Hmmm...your question is definitely needling me, as in "do you REALLY plan for these things, missy...huh do you???" And I kind of have to say no...I really don't. And maybe that's why I'm on a couple year plateau!

    But you are right...tonight I put together the plan and begin my own streak!!!!

  6. Glad the gauntlet has been thrown down. When I took a business trip in August I had to force myself to use the hotel gym and was so proud of myself. I know we will do it not only because it is on the schedule now, but also because neither one of us will allow the other to skip now so we will do it for sure!

  7. I don't plan well. No, that's not true. I plan amazingly well, it's the follow through where I find myself lacking. Or is that slacking?

  8. Bill will be home for Thanksgiving this year (but not Christmas). So we'll be staying home and hosting a bunch of family and friends. We always load up on veggie dishes and I don't like pie, so it's not that tempting of a day for me, thank God!!

  9. I'm not much of a vacation planner but I usually don't go overboard. And I have a rule that any indulgences end when I cross the county line coming home. So far it works. For most holidays, I just try to keep my exercise up and stick to plan as much as possible in the days before and after.

  10. You know what I love the most about your blog??? that you and the Mr. are making your dreams happen together! My husband and I just started working out together at a new gym, and it is so nice! Really great bonding time that isn't filtered through stress, just HEALTH!


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