
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No longer a perfect 10

I've always had big, long fingers.  My class ring size when I ordered it my sophomore year in high school was a 10.  When we were looking at rings for our engagement and the woman sized me, she told my then boyfriend (now hubby) "it'll be easy for you to remember her size, she's a perfect 10" despite the fact I was probably 50 lbs heavier than when I got my class ring.  Even when I got to my highest weight, my ring size was still basically a 10, albeit a little tighter depending on the day.

Now that almost 200 pounds have come off, I didn't really expect my ring size to change much since it didn't seem to change when I put those pounds on and I still have about 60 pounds to go before I reach the weight I was when I ordered my class ring.  But as I sit here typing, I'm wearing my wedding and anniversary rings on my index finger.  My middle finger is now the one well worn by the rings for the past year and wearing it on my index finger proves to be a little tricky as it likes to get caught on everything from my sweaters to my forehead when I forget its there.  So I'm thinking it's time to resize and the Mr may need to get his done as well.  His has already been resized once and it's getting loose again.  So I suppose I'm okay with not being a perfect 10 anymore in Ringland.  I'm putting my body on alert though...I would like to have weight come off in other places before dealing with this issue again so if you have some kind of "preferences" section in there, I request checking the stomach and legs options over the hand, shoulders and boobs being at the top of the list for shrinkage.

Have you had to have your ring resized on your weight loss journey?  If so, how many ring sizes?

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  1. Yep, my wedding ring is pretty loose right now, it's how I gauge my weight when I am too lazy to step on the scale. I personally would like to lose more of my boobs. Have a great day!

  2. Mine is still tight, but I'm hoping that my sausage fingers will grow smaller.. I will happily have it re-sized when that time comes! :D

  3. Nope. My fingers have always been short and fat, but there were plenty of times when I could not budge the thing if I had to, and it now swirls around my finger easily, so that's something!

  4. Yes! Along with the other places you mentioned, shoulders and boobs, my hands shrunk. I haven't been able to wear my wedding bands for about 6 months. The third time they flew off, I finally put them away till I'm done losing weigh and can get them sized. I'm with you, how about some shrinkage in the stomach area? That would be fantastic : )

  5. I haven't had my ring re-sized but it's definitely looser. At my fattest, I could barely get my ring off even using dish soap to grease the knuckle. Now I can always get it off with little to no resistance (depending on how much salt I've had--my fingers bloat really easily). And sometimes, if I shake my hand hard enough my ring can slide all the way past my knuckle and threaten to fly right off.

    My spouse's ring is the one that needs to be re-sized. He's taken to wearing it on his right hand (where the finger's not used to it, so it's more snug).

  6. I did when I first lost weight with my then wedding right. I was surprised because I didn't even think about my fingers losing weight too.

    That made me chuckle about the checking preference boxes. If only :)

  7. I never sized mine, and I went through two pregnancies (gaining 70 and 90 pounds), settling at a weight that was 70 pounds above the weight that I was at when I became engaged. Then I lost 125 pounds, and the ring is still the same size :) It was stuck on my finger for about 5 years, however, and now I can remove it easily!

  8. You were at 99 over on the right hand side, so I thought I would join to make it an even 100. :)

  9. This is timely for me! I am now wearing my wedding rings on the right hand, after taking off a work glove and brushing woodchips off my front, only to have the rings fly off too!! NOT COOL! That was the last loose day on the correct hand.
    One of my sisters was on her honeymoon in Aruba, and was playing frisbee with her new husband on the beach. She flung the frisbee with the left hand and watched her beautiful diamond arc through the sunshine, straight into the Caribbean. GAH!
    I have a tiny phobia about rings getting STUCK on my finger so am afraid to get a resize. DH called a jewelry store and they have some spacer you can wear. It's on the to-get list.
    Way to go, slender digits gal!!! Hey, did your thumb fully heal up??

  10. I've had to do the same thing! I wear mine on my middle finger or I'll put another plain band with the other so it'll fit snugger. I keep saying I won't re-size until ALL the weight is off, but we'll see. I have small hands and snausage fingers, so I just might be able to hold out. Congrats on the shrinking fingers!

  11. What a coincidence, I just spent an hour wrapping string around my wedding rings! I've gone from an 8 to a 5 1/2. The string didn't work :(

  12. My wedding ring probably won't need to be resized because I never took it off as I gained weight, so for a long time I COULDN'T take it off. There are other rings that I had to stop wearing, though, because they need to be resized--I got worried I'd lose them if I kept on wearing them!

  13. Nothing wrong with not being a 10 :)! Mine are still 10s but getting looser all the time. Haven't had to change fingers yet, but looking forward to it. Congrats and happy re-sizing :).

  14. Thanks for the comments! I'm always interested to see what people's experiences are.

    Thanks to the person who made me an even 100! You rock!

    Melly- Thumb has basically healed (2-3 months were just ridiculous) but it'll get a little aggravated if I do a hardcore strength training session that rarely lasts longer than a day now so I'm very relieved. Thanks for asking!

  15. I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings since last Christmas. And, I agree with you about choosing where the weight should come off! All my shirts end up falling off the shoulders and my pants sag on my butt, but my gut it still huge. It drives me crazy and no matter how much cardio or ab work I do it doesn't seem to matter. I have muffin top no matter how loose my pants are. Very annoying.

  16. I haven't resized yet, but am definitely due for one! I currently wear my wedding ring on the middle finger and I think I've probably lost at least 1.5 to 2 sizes. Not sure, but I know that I can actually put some size 7 rings on my finger and I think my rings are size 9 currently.

    It's funny because I am actually kind of loathe/afraid (?) to resize because right now my rings tell a story that I don't want to forget! :-)


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