Monday, October 21, 2024

Brain Dump Weekend Recap

Howzit, y'all.  I hope you had a great weekend.  Ours was less full of stuff we should've been doing than it should've been.  Well, I should say on my part it was.  The Mr washed, waxed and clay barred both cars for the winter.  I have to say, if you don't clay bar your car, you should.  It protects your finish and makes it look like the day you drove it's depreciating ass off the lot!   He also installed our new kitchen faucet.  I primed the inside of the medicine cabinet.  First with oil based primer after sanding the damage on the MDF and to seal it, let it dry a day then bonding primer over that after I glued down the new 1/4" plywood bottom.  We checked out our new wallpaper for the bathroom since we finally received it.  The cost made me want to yarf so it'd better look friggin' amazing when it's done.  I think we're both at the mental limit after having to wash our hands and brush our teeth over the tub for a month now.   Despite that, I am stuck in a cycle of functional freeze when it comes doing what I need to on that front.  I am so overwhelmed that anything feels like too much.  I do have to thank the Mr for taking over the final coat of mud in the bathroom because I was literally having anxiety attacks every time we were in there and I finally blurted out to him I couldn't do it.  I seriously have no idea how it looked so bad and every video I watched were these people making it look like it was so easy and I felt like an idiot.  Thankfully, his skill is apparently leaps and bounds above mine and it looks 100x better.  Our bathroom remodel was slated to tenatively start this week but we haven't heard boo from anyone there.  Like, an update would be nice or how about getting the rendering we asked for well over a week ago.  I hate when stuff starts coming back to you about why you said you wouldn't go with a specific company after you already signed something.  I remember having this same issue before.  The Mr called and the answer was 'they expect to receive it soon.'  Thanks for the non-answer.   We're having to undo something we installed because it created another issue and that means more effing holes to fill and now a whole new paint job on an area I had zero intention of doing anything to.  Yay.  

Another attendant at the life party lately are flashbacks to Mom's death and the circumstances around it.  It doesn't help Hobby Lobby and Hallmark are hitting the heartstrings early just reminding me of what I'll never have again which then forces me to re-examine how long before that it all started changing, blah blah blah.  I've got a therapy appointment tomorrow with the hyperactive therapist and I honestly don't know if I can spill any of that stuff to her.  She reached out to me saying she could get me on the calendar and I wasn't going to but I did and they ask what you want to talk about and I said ADHD update and lots of grief dust up.  I hope she surprises me but I don't have a lot of faith going into it.  I also know that means me having to regurgitate everything in chunks that I already told the other one and ugh.  I am going to get to reading a book a dear friend got me when Mom passed and I knew that it was one I'd probably need if I got into this pattern.   I also am having a hard time with a shitty comment when I tried to talk to my friend about having a hard time grief wise when we'd been leaning on each other all spring and summer.  Her response was "it's a new week" and then turned the conversation back to her.  Oh okay, I guess our time of being there for each other is done.   So when it was time for her mom's death-iversary, I doled out the same as I got.  Yep, I'm petty.  It gets very tiring feeling like you're giving more than you're getting.  Oh yeah and are thank you cards after a wedding not a thing anymore?  I know, that was a random subject change but it's been hocking the Mr and I off that 4 1/2 months after my cousins wedding and not getting so much as a text thanking us for the $200 Amazon gift card we got them.  It makes it really hard to want to drop anything on a baby gift if that's the next step.  It just goes along with being ticked off not getting the same effort you give.  I know not to expect you from other people and all that BS but I don't think 'thank you' is too hard.  Now I'm having deja vu and feel like maybe I already griped to you guys about this.  Sorry if I did but clearly it's still seriously ticking me off. 

Anyone else ready for this effing election to be over?  I'm not going there on the presidential side, I'm talking about the local yokels who are spending their money slinging mud instead of sharing their plans (because they don't have any) and making me want to frisbee my damn TV.  We stopped paying for the 'less ads' tier at the wrong time and I cannot wait to just be bombarded with...oh wait...Christmas commercials.  Never mind.  Mute button constantly it is.

Oh, before I sign off on my cheerful update, I thought I'd share something that rarely goes on sale that I snagged this morning because I'm a cart watcher.  I snatched one of these Christmas tree cards from Freshcut Paper Store that is $3 off.  I'm going to use it as a centerpiece but if you have someone who doesn't typically decorate for the holidays anymore whether due to grief, older age or just not really caring one way or the other, this is a super cute way for them to still get into the spirit of the holiday without having to store something since it lays flat.  I got my friend this one and I was happy with the pics she sent me of it.  I've gone through and found a few others that are on sale right now if you're interested in snagging them.  (Seriously, I've only seen them on sale for Black Friday and not really for less than they have them today but without the sell out threat.)  They have a few others on sale today too.  I'm partial to the poinsettia one, super cute!

Okay, there's my weekend update...

How was YOUR weekend?

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  1. Thanks for just doing whatever you could handle. I get these bursts of energy rarely enough that I just have to try to cross things off my list when I can and I hope I can access that same mentality when crunch time really happens...which is why I really wanted an update from the bathroom peeps, cause I like to be able to plan a little more. I can hack making due in there until we have to but it would be nice to have at least some idea as to when it will be scheduled, and a call back is the least they can do.

    On the thank you card front - that just plain pisses me off. It is rude to not do that and if it's suddenly some new thing well too bad it sucks and makes me not want to give gifts - how 'bout that for a new thing?

  2. I get it about having a lot to do but getting overwhelmed as soon as you walk in the room. The spare room is like that for me. I worked in there 2 weeks ago and got a lot accomplished (3 bags of clothes which included 9 pairs of jeans and some dress pants with tags, and lots of shoes), but couldn't convince myself to do more work this weekend in there. And I'm only shooting myself in the foot because that space is going to be my work space, so the longer I procrastinate the longer I'll be stick in the tiny cramped room.
    My tablet died so I asked the hubs for my Christmas present early to get a new one in the next couple of weeks. The timing was not great and I was bummed it finally went kaput on me.
    I'm sorry it wasn't a great weekend for you and you have a lot of stuff that's stirred up. I hear you on all the ads and commercials. I have the tv muted and on pause more often than not so I can forward through the commercials because my mood will tank hearing them over and over again.
    That's wrong that you weren't given a thank you card for the wedding gift. That should be a standard practice. I had someone tell me they don't send out birth announcements anymore either because it's all done on FB now.
    I feel very very old. There is a lack of personal interactions now, but with greater entitlement expectations that I can't wrap my head around. I hope your session goes better than you think tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a good fit. It's never easy talking about stuff that holds a lot of pain and grief, but my hope is you'll feel a bit better and this lady will listen well. And I hope you hear back from the bathroom people!!


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