Friday, October 11, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Howdy do?  We're rolling into mid-ish October so you'd better get to enjoying all of the Fall things because November first they're going to pull every trace of pumpkin or cinnamon and full blast it into Christmas and peppermint everything.  We haven't gotten to enjoy the season nearly as much as I like to which sucks.  I need some fall color to soothe my soul!  Instead our soul has become much like the Grinch I suppose with an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!  Oh yes.  We had the sump pump replaced Monday where the adhesive in the pipes was SO disgusting it drove us out of the house and I thank God we had good weather to leave the back door open most of the night.  The next day was an appointment with a financial advisor who gave us a consultation and we're basically doing better on our own than we would with him based on returns.  (Not like we're rolling in it by any means but I'd say 6% more than their highest return isn't too shabby for doing our own research.)  Essentially he said all he could really manage for us were two tiny accounts so it wouldn't be worth going with with for that but it was nice to see our calculators were all on par with his.  Wednesday was getting the gas valve replaced on the 18 month old water heater to get rid of that God awful knocking.  Welp, after he left, it made the noise again.  🖕  He went around with them about getting it replaced and the person who squeezed us in yesterday was giving the Mr a hard time about it and he had to put his foot down saying replace the damn thing, Rheem already okayed it.  It was essentially all afternoon of dealing with that crap only to find that didn't fix it.  While the tank was being changed out, the guy said cold water was coming back into the tank which means a cartridge is out in a single lever faucet.  The Mr changed out the shower one and it didn't fix it.  Of course our kitchen faucet is discontinued so a new one will be here Sunday but in the meantime he shut off the water to the kitchen with the theory if the water can't flow it will be like mimicking a kitchen cartridge replacement.  We should know this morning by the camera we have down there if he's on to something or not.  I got an art piece I'm using the for the bathroom project and of course because it came from India to the US then decided it wasn't ready to be delivered and went to China then Japan and then BACK to the US, it got damaged.  Sorry but I've now had more misses than hits with Canvas Champ so I can no longer recommend them and they don't want to refund my money and want me to wait two weeks for a friggin' replacement.  No.  So off to dispute the charge I went.  Thursday was a chiro appointment.  Today was supposed to be round two with the new therapist but she's in Florida and ya'll know about that so we cancelled.  I likely can't do next week because of 20,000 appointments and the bath reno could potentially start the following week so who knows if I'll ever see her again now.  


Appalling dump heap.

Now let's soothe your soul with:

Hitting A Plateau? Inadequate Protein Intake Could Be The Cause  (Always something to keep track of.  I know I'm lower on it than I should be.)

How Long Does It Actually Take To Speed Up Your Metabolism? An MD Explains  (Not sure why it's not mentioned here but also strength training from everything I've read.)

5 Drinks That Make You Poop Immediately, From a Gastroenterologist  (I drink two of the five that do nothing for me so we'll see if anything else helps.  And yes, the one you suspect is on here.)

Five Ways to Improve Flexibility  (I desperately need to work on this.)

If You're Waking Up With Dry Skin Or Congestion, This Could Be Why  (Yes I do and no I'm not stopping that or I'll be a raving monster every morning...more so than usual.)

The 30 Most Brilliant Cleaning Hacks of All Time  (Some really great tips I know I'll be using!  I can vouch for #8)

Stop making these 3 dangerous laundry mistakes  (It blows my friggin mind when I hear people don't wash their new clothes before wearing them.  So. Gross.  I second the solution for dryer sheets but don't forget a few drops of your favorite essential oil on them a few minutes before you use them so you don't get oil on your clothes)

Here’s Why There’s Soap Scum Buildup in Your Shower—and How to Prevent It  (I'll need to follow these when the new doors go in because our old ones laugh at my efforts)

5 Signs You're Dealing With Unresolved Grief  (Maybe because I identify with all listed but I don't feel based on conversations with others especially a little over a year out that this indicates being 'stuck.'  I think it's just the process especially if the death was unexpected.  You unfortunately have a lot more to process than if you were dealing with someone who had a lingering illness.)

This weekend is the Mr's birthday!  (Let's make a party in the comments with well wishes... don't be shy!)  So I'm not sure what tomfoolery he'll want to get into, if any, but hopefully I'll have something fun to report Monday.  You know us Gen Xer's, we like the rip it up, yo.

Sorry if this was riddled with typos, I forgot to run it by my proofreader before bed.

What tomfoolery awaits you this weekend?

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  1. I can confirm that the camera recorded no noise overnight. Not out of the woods yet but it's encouraging at least. Have a great weekend everyone. If we figure this noise out after 7 weeks I'll be thrilled so keep fingers crossed for us!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday to the Mr.!!

  3. Happy Happy Birthday Mr.! I hope you guys have a great time celebrating and can get out and enjoy some autumn weather!
    We have our Covid shots this morning, then I'll grocery shop while the hubs runs a couple of other errands. Then I'll go to work, do laundry, and work on a couple of things for the house. I cleaned my car yesterday after work and boy am I sore (how sad is that!) but I'm hoping the seat covers will be a huge improvement to the old ones that were literally disintegrating. It's going to be toasty at 84 degrees today but tomorrow 70 and Sunday 63 so I'm looking forward to that and may enjoy my first hot chocolate of the year that I keep saying every weekend I'm going to have. lol

  4. Happy Birthday MR.!!!!!! Have a fantastic day!


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