Friday, October 25, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #43

Howdy do all and happy Friday!  Did the week treat you well?  Ours was a tick less chaotic than last week's which I'll take but only a tick.  The Mr was in forced, poorly organized training well past quitting time for the last two days.  I had my second appointment with the new therapist and she proved despite her bouncing off the wall default that she can handle the tough stuff.  With about 8 sessions left to me, I'm not starting over so I'll continue with her for the remainder of the year.  Mom's sib also stopped by unannounced again which drives me absolutely insane.  They've been driving around with Mom's laptop in their car for like two months and they stopped by when we were gone before and the other night when we were having dinner.  Look, our house is torn up and ain't nobody coming in here.  So now that I know I don't have anything other than a box of pictures, Imma have to train them that if we don't make plans, our door doesn't open.  That's been our rule for 29 years and it ain't changing now.  I know they know the story about us refusing to let my dad, his new girlfriend and grandparents in the day after our first Christmas when the house was a complete wreck because they all talked about it for years.  Still applies!!  Grrr.  Anyhoo so nothing like a box of grief bombs being unexpectedly dropped at your door.  (And dog hair.  FFS vacuum every once in a while.  Mom didn't have dogs yet her pillowcase and towel are COATED in dog hair we're both allergic to.)  

Oh we also got another 24 hour heart attack as our bathroom project manager emails back after the Mr left him a message asking for an update (we were supposed to start this week) and says "I reached out to the manufacturer and they're running behind.  Your stuff is scheduled to ship 11/4-1/8."  I had to reread it like three times as my brain tried to compute.  The Mr was like "what's wrong?"  I stuttered and read it to him and my body just shut down.  My head was spinning, I was pukey, weak, and felt faint.  The idea of having to push this into the new year was just not happening.   In my head I'm thinking "we're going to have to get a refund for what we already paid and start this effing process all over again.  We've been without a sink for a month and are at our limit there and nothing else can be done until the shower conversion happens first."  I told the Mr he needed to call him since I was at zero capacity for words and who knew what would fly out of my mouth.  Of course the guy didn't answer and the Mr is like "we're really hoping January is a typo."  It took a full 24 hours of me being almost incapacitated by adrenaline before he called back to confirm it was in fact a typo.  🤬  Now just because it comes in in two weeks doesn't mean that's when it starts.  I really do NOT want to be doing this crap over Thanksgiving especially when our original deadline was Halloween.  No bueno.  That doesn't even cover still having to order our countertop for the bathroom vanity which will take a month minimum as well as the carpet for the bare stairs.  

So this crap is all clearly going into next year.  FML yo.

That about catches you up.  Now let's catch up with:

'I Can't Tolerate Gluten In The U.S., But I Can In Europe': Experts Unpack The Phenomenon (This is why I use Italian Einkorn flour.  Lower carbs, gluten and no pesticides/genetic modification allowed.  It cracks me up how an American doctor is like 'just walk more and stress less' as his answer.  Mook)

The training technique that’s turning back the clock for older adults  (I know I'd like to roll back a decade or so!)

Common condiment may increase risk of stomach cancer by 40%  (Good thing I make sure we watch it 6 days a week.)

The Sugar in Fruit Doesn’t Make It Bad for You, Despite Some Trendy Diet Claims  (You'd have to pry bananas and apples away from me.)

12 Weird Symptoms Endocrinologists Say You Should Never Ignore  (My mom had #11 for 40 years and the symptoms due to the unknown cause ended up costing us a closer relationship due to personality changes.  Yet one more way doctors failed her.)

The Cheapest DIYs To Finish Your Basement Ceiling While Keeping It Accessible  (Will it keep your neighbors pot from leeching into your space?)

Before You Pour All That Maple Syrup on Your Pancakes, Here’s What You Should Know About It  (We love going to Bragg Sugar house in VT and grabbing the Dark/Robust, similar to this one.  I use it in my pumpkin muffins.)

Ted Danson & Kelsey Grammer Settle 30-Year ‘Cheers’ Dispute: “Stuck In Both Of Our Memories”  (That right there is called emotional maturity.  May we all learn it before it's too late or we miss out on 30 years with someone.)

Oh and it looks like some of those pop up flower bouquet cards I was talking about in Monday's post are still on sale if you're interested.   Ooh, I actually just saw a few of their pop up pet cards are on sale.  Dammit!  I've got a cousin with a milestone birthday next year so I guess I'm giving them more of my money.  

Also, a funny moment from the chiro's office yesterday was listening to Dido's Thank You come on and the new Gen Z receptionist saying "wait, did this song come out before Eminem did it?"  The woman was like "yeah, this was first" and she must've gone on for a full minute about how "wild" it was.  Uh, it's been done for decades sweetie.  Poor girl would have no head from her mind constantly being blown from all of the songs she thought were original that have been sampled or remade.

I hope for us to get out for a bit to actually absorb the last weekend of October and the last glimpse of peak colors, and then I'm sure trying to get the house in a state that will not feel like it's swallowing us whole.

What's on tap for you this weekend?

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  1. I'm so glad the therapist may work out! Your drop by comment made me smile. That is definitely an Iowa thing. My farmer cuzzos do that. Next thing I know I hear a pickup truck honking in my driveway and I run outside to greet them! I just love them to pieces. That was a hard one to get used to when I moved to Illinois. Over there, ya just stopped by if you were in the hood and saw their car in the driveway lol. I pray your reno gets going and beats your timelines and expectations. I hope you are enjoying leaf peeping and huge change of seasons. I have a weekend of downtime after 4 consecutive weeks of company and events. Have a spooktacular week!

    1. Me too! Mom was a "piler" and I remember the horror of someone stopping by unannounced as a kid and us tearing around the house chucking piles in closets or bags. I inherited the same habits so our house is never "company ready" like my grandma's was. I have this dream I will one day be that way but time's running out! 😂 Dang girl, I bet you are more than happy to have the free weekend! I hope you do as little as possible, as comfy as possible!

  2. That moment when you realize how little time is left in the year... I just want to get as much of the Reno done as we can and take a nice long break from any projects and it's frustrating being so reliant on a contractor being done before we can really do our part. Have a great weekend everyone.

    1. Yeah that was sobering once we realized how little time is left in the year to attempt to get everything done. I guess we should put those stair treads we bought a month ago on the stairs because we're clearly not getting carpet underfoot any time soon. 😞

  3. I sure hope the shower install happens very soon after it comes in so you can get going on the rest of the bathroom. Getting a sink back in there would make a huge difference with stress. I would have fainted seeing January too!
    I had a goodbye lunch at Panera with a dear friend who is moving to Arkansas. This woman has been through so much in the past 13 years it's amazing she is still standing. Selling her house of 24 years has been a gut punch but she knew it had to be done. We were able to give her a soft sided crate and a wire crate we had for our little dog that her cat will use for the trip south and she bawled because it solved a dilemma for her. It was a tough goodbye. Work had some stress in there but hoping for a better day today. I hope you enjoy some relaxing time outside the house this weekend!🍁🍂

    1. From your keyboard to God's ears, girl! So much to still be done. I'd really like a tentative date to be put on the books but something tells me it doesn't work like that.

      I'm so sorry about your friend having to sell their home and move. What a lovely gift you gave her to help solve a dilemma which had to take a load off in an already stressful time. Try to do something fun this weekend if you can. Maybe a treat from the orchard? 😁


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