
Monday, June 24, 2024

An Expensive Weekend Recap

Well hello there, you sexy beast!  Did you have a good weekend?  I hope so.  A new week is upon us so let's virtually chest bump and do this.


I can't remember if I mentioned that after picking up the car last week that my car's check engine light came on.  Well, it did so we ordered this code reader to see what we should brace up for.  (Mind you, it's $200 just to take your car anywhere to get your check engine light checked so this was already paying for itself and we could do our research a bit.)  It said something about an intake manifold runner or something.  We took it to a new place across the street and they determined it was that direction but it was the motor that turned the runner.  Now, we've had a problem with a choking engine for 4 years that the dealership 'couldn't duplicate' the problem so they did nothing.  We asked if this could solve that issue and they said absolutely.  When we picked it up and I drove it, it was unreal how different it sounded to me.  It sounded like it could 'breathe' and drove much better.  So while it was $800 we were not counting on and had just paid $450 a few days earlier for tinting, twas not the hit our bank account was expecting.  Sigh. 

On Saturday when we were in 93 degree heat by 11am, we decided to take the car out for a long spin to see if the tinting made any difference.  It was 93 when we left and 97 four hours later when we came back and it was SOO friggin' comfortable in that car compared to the weekend before, it was unreal.  We got everything ceramic tinted to legal limits which is 50% on the side windows, 70% on the windshield and a 5% strip on the top because the glare was horrid.  So you don't need to make your car illegally tinted to get relief and top notch UV protection to stop premature aging if you drive a lot.  We both agree it's already paid for itself and will likely get it done on my car as well.  

While we were out, we decided to get some park and grab geocaches.  

I must say, a microwave as the 'container' is a new one for us and gave us quite the chuckle.  We exhausted our bouncy ball booty since we had quite a few actual size caches for once instead of micros.  Being outside for even a full minute was too long.  It was miserable out there and we were more than happy to go home after getting about 6 under our belts for the day.  (We prefer late Fall/Winter caches anyway because no poison ivy.)

Sunday was pretty low key.  I was going back and forth with a vendor for a few hours so I was mentally drained from trying to be so friggin' polite.  Then trying to figure out if I want to buy another design program and other work stuff while I left on a Star Wars show for the Mr to keep him occupied.  It was time for a workout so we went down and got in some cardio and PT.  I go in for my one month follow up with the vein doc Wednesday so I'd better get a good report about that and hoping to get in for a quick turn around to get the final ablation done on the back of my right calf.  I do want to start throwing the bike back into rotation since I had to take it out due to inner thigh muscles that were trying to do me dirty and I couldn't trust it.  (Of course I've said that for the past two weeks as well and they've acted up.  Hoping I can threaten them into falling in line for the week.)

I was looking for some walking videos and I came across this channel.  OMG, y'all.  The little mama is SO FRIGGIN' ADORABLE!!!  If you need some 'exercise snacks' during the day, consider throwing a few of these in!

Oh and thanks to those on FB who responded to my poll.  If you'd like to get in on it, it's this:  Which makes you click the 'buy' button on Etsy if you shop there?  Higher priced item with free shipping or lower priced item where you pay shipping?  (Trust me, there is no 'free shipping'- they build it into the price.)  Trying to decide how much "free shipping" matters to customers since you end up paying the same price.

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. Prime has conditioned me to respond poorly to seeing shipping charges as a bad thing but lately I prefer to see the charges so I vote for transparency there. Have a great week everyone!

  2. It must have been the week for expensive car repairs - we just forked out $2100 for the hub's car too. Needed things to be sure, but soooooo much more expensive now. I hope your vein appt goes really well on Wednesday and you get a good report!! xoxo


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