Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Non- Hump Day Poll: Is It Just Me?

Or did this year effing suck all the way around on the health front?

I lost my uncle, mom and grandmother.  There are two other deaths that directly affect people in my family, one of them I knew and liked a lot.  My two best friends have husbands going through health crisis', my other friend's parent is going through a recurrence of cancer (he's been on borrowed time for about 25 years so this isn't completely unexpected, I guess), we're waiting on biopsy news around here, one of my mom's good friends is going through a health crisis that doesn't look good and it's all just exhausting.  All of that has been within the past 4 months.

A lot of people have told me this year has sucked and so many people have mentioned how they're just not feeling it this holiday season.

Is it just my orbit or is there something about this year in your world too?  

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1 comment:

  1. It has sucked big time. I would like to think next year is better but I stopped playing that game in 2020.


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