Monday, December 11, 2023

Insert Witty Title Here Weekend Recap

Happy tip tappy Monday to you!  (No friggin' clue what that means)  I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for a new week!

It's been a week of landmines y'all and I think I'm going to be in the minefield through the end of the year at minimum.  I felt a wave of panic come over me Thursday and messaged the Mr about it and before I knew it, he was downstairs holding me while I cried without even asking.  I posted a poem I wrote for my mom on personal social media and a friend and family member both said they were having a hard day as the holidays approached with their losses.  We all talked and consoled each other.   


I thought it was probably just a day long thing and went into Friday like "ho dee doe."  Nope.  It's present wrapping day and not just the Mr's from me but the Mr's from Mom...using her wrapping paper she used last year...and her scissors...and the Oak Ridge Boys Christmas album that we'd listen to all season long when I was a kid and putting his gifts from her in the tote she would bring our gifts over every Christmas Eve.  Ahhh, nothing like sobbing for an hour like it's the day she passed.  😩  A screwed 'right of passage' for us this year.  I know it might be weird to say it but it has really warmed my heart to see how the Mr grieves mom just as hard as I do.  I mean I always knew he loved her and considered her his bonus mom but there's always that part of you that wonders if they mean it.  He has really shown that just like she always considered him her son, he considers her his mom too.  I hope she can see that and know that she was never tolerated or was viewed as a 'typical' mother in law to him.  Sigh.  There was one funny though.  I grabbed her wrapping paper and was shocked to see the way she kept it from unraveling.  I went over to our stash and pulled out one of mine and showed the Mr:

I know she got a laugh out of that one.

Saturday was uneventful.  I don't know why the weekend days seem to suck down the tubes now with nothing getting done.  I went to the spot I was pretty sure a few of Mom's Christmas cards were that she filled out but didn't send.  I got her sib a potholder with her pic of them baking cookies together and Mom's handwritten peanut butter ball recipe and wanted to include one of the cards with it.  Of course they weren't where I thought they were.  Insert meltdown as I went through everything I could think of where they would be on all three levels of the house and sobbed uncontrollably asking for her to help me find them.  I had the Mr bring up a bin I already went through and sure enough, they were in a zippered pouch I put them in.  That was 30 minutes of panic I didn't need.  I wrapped up their gift and will get it to them this week as they're baking cookies next weekend like me and I want them to have them.  The first thing they said after Mom passed was 'who is going to bake cookies with me now?'  About broke my heart.  So I hope this brings a little comfort for them.  

Sunday we both slept in.  We headed down, ate brunch and I started going through some digital pictures that made the Mr and I both quite sad.  I wanted to get the majority of the digital pics of Mom in one place.  I needed to get some back up thermals and some cards and that took way longer than it should have.  We went back to the park to walk as long as my legs would allow and that was apparently 3 laps before it felt like I was stepping on rail spikes.  NOT fun as I sit here with my foot on an ice bottle.  I can feel my Achilles tendinitis is at top flare and I have no real way to get that area well so I must rely on the Mr's kindness which I struggle with as the not wanting to be a burden queen.  So I ordered an anti-fatigue mat for the kitchen since the cheap one I bought ain't cutting it and my legs are going to be in bigger trouble than they already are with me needing to be in the kitchen.  I'll have to remember kneeling on a chair may have to be an option or something.  I've never gone into prime cookie season pre-hobbled!  😝  Then it was basically going upstairs to fire up the heating pad and some hot cocoa and wonder how the heck it's Monday eve again already.  Sigh.

I was able to get the bedroom decorated so that's good.

We didn't get out to look at Christmas lights so who knows if we'll do that this year or not.  We tried in our own pitiful neighborhood but I either wasn't feeling it or wasn't impressed with what I saw.

What did you do this weekend?  Do you go look at Christmas lights?

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  1. I love that we saw how you and Mom both tie up the wrapping paper. I also love the way the bedroom is decorated, you did a great job. I do think we need to get out and look at the lights soon. It wasn't you. Our neighbors are not wowing me either.

  2. It was a crappy weekend for sure. I had my own screaming hatred meltdown myself, and had a lot that had to be done by the end of the night. This week will be very busy with 3 appointments and the two days without appointments I have a lot of running around that I need to do when I get off of work. Starting next week life will be very different and my focus will need to be elsewhere, so I'm trying to do what I can this week. We didn't go see the lights at the park either. Some houses in the neighborhood look fantastic and others are no different than mine -- virtually nothing. But the ones who went all out I am amazed at the detailed effort it took to get it to look so good! Twenty years ago we did that, but not anymore.


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