Friday, December 1, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #48

It's December.  😳

I mean, happy Friday.  We had a bit of a cold snap earlier which made walking interesting but the weekend is clearly taking care of that with highs back in the 50's.  😕  I just sit there longingly looking at the Stowe cam.

This week dragged.  Starting things out with the delightful doctor's appointment in which I feel like it just reinforced my mistrust of the medical community.  I know how to read...and reputable sites to boot!  Gasp!  This doctor is only marginally better than the last in that she will run tests and actually listen to concerns instead of waving us off.  The problem is she doesn't know what to do with a patient that does actual research other than give her canned responses and when I can politely back up what I'm saying she gives me a constipated look.  If I get emotional she freezes and is empathetic to a degree but doesn't seem emotionally equipped herself.  So unless I have something other than my rising cholesterol going on, I'm just going to smile and nod.  I don't think its a coincidence once the Mr and I both began drinking coffee at his liver doctors suggestion that both of our cholesterols shot up.  What do we put in our coffee?  1 tbsp of almond milk which is 2 calories and zero fat and we don't use sugar.  She acted like I was nuts and the raise is negligible.  Really?  Because I have about 16 studies from JAMA and other doctors journals that says otherwise.  Now don't get me wrong, we've also been eating probably more crap than we did before over the past 5 months so I know that is showing up too.  But my levels were already raised after 3 MONTHS of drinking coffee and that was after I had lowered my cholesterol in the previous 6 months by 27 points when I wasn't drinking it.  Like I was super proud of myself and then got kicked in the gut at my annual blood draw.  I know...statins.  Nope.  Not right now given all of the side effects they have.  The Mr and I have had the talk, I've already got some things ordered and to quote Gaston we're evolving a plan.  Part of it is to finish the coffee we've got then we're going back to tea.  I am SOOOO hoping that (along with other stuff) makes a dent so I can rub it in her damn face next year.  🖕

Now let's face:

3 Impressive Reasons Walking After Eating Is So Good for You  (The Mr and I did our 3 miler after Thanksgiving dinner and it was utter torture on that full of a gut especially on the inclines but I didn't have to sleep sitting up so there's that.)

The 3 Best Workouts That Can Help You Poop and 2 to Avoid  ("Wind releasing pose" giggles my inner 6 year old)

Eating ready meals raises your risk of mouth cancer, scientists warn  (Welp, just another reason for me to stop buying 'crutch lunches' of "healthy choice" and such.  Going to have to figure out a better lunch alternative that doesn't require me to whip out the einkorn flour every two days and go back to pioneer times.)

The 2 Best Ways to Get Rid of Calluses on Your Feet  (I don't personally feel like pumice stones do anything especially after I used this glass foot file on mine.  I get them on the sides of my big toes even though I have wide toe box shoes but that foot file is a lifesaver... when I remember to do it. 🙄)

Things bakers know: “Crust dust” is the secret ingredient to preventing a soggy bottom  (Dang it, I wish I'd found this before Thanksgiving because my bottom was quite soggy and now my actual bottom is quite saggy.)

Justine Bateman, 57, on Aging: Women Should ‘Opt Out’ of Idea That ‘Their Faces Are Broken’ (She's so right.  I admit, I do get sad if I see a celeb of any gender that looks old compared to what I'm used to but it's because it just reminds me of how quick all that time went.  I'll take wrinkles over this immovable chipmunk cheek look basically every woman over 30 seems to be sporting now in the media.)

How to make honeycomb paper ornaments  (I really want to do this but my little brain is cramping looking at the steps.  Honeycomb ornaments spark such wonderful memories from parties past.)

Today are our eye appointments.  Is that what life is over 40?  10,622 doctors appointments on the yearly??  MR!!  Don't let me forget to bring my ragged ass prescription sunglasses in to have them replace the lenses please.  If the clear coat bothers coming this weekend then I will finally get to painting those cursed bastard pantries.  If it doesn't, then who knows.  We don't really make weekend plans anymore so your guess is as good as mine.

What about you?  Any plans?

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  1. Happy Friday everyone. The weeks do tend to go by relatively the same except for the appointments we have to go to. For some reason we do have a lot at the end of the year and will have to balance that out more next year if possible. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

    1. I'm not a fan of this push of appointments between docs, cars, etc. Pffft!

  2. I hope your eye appointments go well! It's no joke that life is mostly medical appointments after the age of 40. I look at my calendar and it looks like I have a super busy social life, but it's all health appts! Ack! I'm scheduled with a new eye doctor in February and it can't come soon enough. I can't see well out of my contacts OR my glasses. Pfft.
    I've been working in the office since 6am and got all the filing done and shredding. Made me sad to get rid of all the vet info on our pooch who died a few months ago. So I made great headway. Now I need to start on the clock for work. The weekend will be busy with house stuff and errands and that's about it. I hope your weekend is a good one!! xoxoxo

    1. Yes, you've got quite the schedule in the works in addition to the normal schtuff. Ugh, I hope all is well with the peepers. I know that stuff is hard to get rid of. I still haven't brought myself to throw out our dogs heartguard and she's been gone over 14 years! It's flat so I figure it's not taking up space. LOL Have a great weekend!

  3. My husband is turning 50 in two weeks, he had bloodwork done Nov 14, for cholesterol recheck after 6 mths, Ldl went down 23 pts, not enough for doctor, its still 184, so high. Mine is up as well, I think being pre menopausal is doing it. we've added. Krill oil, flaxseed, oatmeal, vitamin E among the other supplements we take, he's lost 20 lbs I've lost 15. we are completely against statins, so trying even harder now, but boy do we love pizza!!! Our Christmas decorating is done, presents bought and wrapped, most of the food is bought, we're having christmas next weekend due to others schedules, that's fine, I'm not to picky about that, I just put on my skates and roll with it! I hope you guys have a great weekend!

    1. Uhh...what doc isn't happy with 184? Every chart I've looked at says its the highish end of normal. I did tell my doc I know being pre-menopausal can up it and she agreed. We just started eating black garlic again, I use ground flaxseed in my oatmeal. I just shot the doc an email about krill oil though I really don't want to be on another supplement that talks about blood clotting when I'm still on the pill and cream that talks about that too. I know I basically just have to cut the joy out of my life now foodwise. PFFFT! That sounds lovely! Enjoy your Christmas with family. Any day spent with them all decorated feels like Christmas Day anyway!


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