Monday, October 31, 2022

Sofa City Sweetheart Weekend Recap


I hope you had a great weekend and Happy Halloween to you.  Doesn't mean anything in these parts since they don't seem to trick or treat around here anymore so if you get lil goblins on your door, enjoy them for those of us who don't get any.

We worked on the "two steps forward forty steps back" project last week and this weekend- aka bedroom remodel.

On Wednesday, we installed our drywall for the bottom half of the wall project and did our own soundproofing with Green Glue.  

It was a massive pain in the butt working with 1/4" drywall as it doesn't cut well and is fragile to work with.  I will say we've already noticed a major difference as far as sound dampening so we're keeping our fingers crossed with full on results.  It takes 30-45 days for it to completely cure to it's maximum soundproofing potential but my Lord the fumes coming off of that stuff was horrible.  Given I'm very sensitive to smells, that meant 


I was hoping by the weekend it would dissipate but no such luck and there is definitely no sleep going on when I have to bunk on the couch.  It's that kind of sleep that you swear you didn't get any but you know you weren't awake for a full 8 hours.

We had a huge list of stuff we wanted to get done and all seemed well on it's way to being a very productive weekend.  Let's just say the initial mud and taping didn't go as planned so we had to backtrack and start over.  As that was happening, I noticed that the grout I thought I was done with looked like a giant turd and I would be spending the weekend fighting with it.

The only thing on our original list that actually got done was the taping/mudding and priming.

It's an utter show de la shite over here.

In between real life horror shows, we got in some horror movies to round out schpooky season.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, October 28, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #43

Happy Friday, you spooky bastards!  


It's Halloween weekend so basically, it's time to put up the tree.  


I keed, I keed.  

I feel like we haven't gotten to enjoy Fall at all this year so I'm in no rush to put up the tree but I would expect come Tuesday you're going to hear your first Christmas song of the year if you haven't already.  Sorry.  😕

Now let's get to:

Here’s How to Supercharge Your Body’s Natural Detoxification Process  (Some good info and I guess we need to prioritize dark roast of Satan's water.)

This 20-Minute Mini Band Workout Targets All Your Muscles  (Perfect as the busy season approaches and you need to find time to do shorter workouts!  I should probably blow the dust off of ours.)

This Common Spice Can Reduce Inflammation, Improve Blood Sugar Control, and Promote Better Brain Health  (Oh, I'm definitely covered.  Pretty much nothing I won't put this on.)

17 Healthy Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes for Easy, Nutritious Dinners  (It's slow cooker season!  WOOT!  What do they say instead of woot now?  Eh...let's go with weeee doggies!)

The ‘Wet Foot’ Test Shows You What Type of Arches You Have—And It Takes 10 Seconds (Sooo if it looks like Sasquatch just walked by that means I have flat feet, right?)

Here’s How to Fix the 5 Most Common Plumbing Problems Yourself and Stop Throwing “Repairman Money” Down the Drain  (Anything to save that service charge just for the privilege of looking at it.)

109 Jokes About Adulting That May Comfort You Knowing You’re Not Alone  (And in case you really want to procrastinate you can check out my faves.  #6, 9, 12, 27, 34, 37, 47, 49, 50, 60, 61 (amen), 74, 78 YES!, 107.)

Clever Dog Uses Leaves To Purchase Treats At School Store  (OMG this is the sweetest thing ever!!!)

It's not Halloween in these parts without this old school gem  (Click the stomp button to put it out.)

I've given up on trick or treaters so we didn't even buy candy this year.  If one shows up, I've got some Werther's in grandma's frog canister.  Never mind, they'd probably egg the house.  I do want to get in our most favorite spooky flicks like Fright Night and Scream which we hold out until Halloween weekend for usually.  I'm sure we'll find some kind of tomfoolery to get into.

How about you?  Any schpooky stuff planned for the weekend?

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Halloween Hump Day Poll


What did you use to trick or treat?  Plastic pumpkin or cauldron?  Pillow case?  Store sponsored bag given to you free around that time?   Fabric bag?  Bag you made and decorated yourself?

I used the plastic pumpkin when I was wee.  I remember using a bag from a grocery store or retail store that they gave for free a few years too.

What did you use to trick or treat?  Plastic pumpkin or cauldron?  Pillow case?  Store sponsored bag given to you free around that time?   Fabric bag?  Bag you made and decorated yourself?

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Monday, October 24, 2022

A Little Downtime for a Big Celebration

How do all?  The Mr and I took a little trip to Traverse City Michigan for his birthday.  It's an understatement to say we both needed the downtime given we were still knee dip in the shizz of the master remodel.  I must've foreseen being completely distracted with projects because many months ago I got the decorations and stuff I wanted and had them ready to roll.  As someone who spent their 20's packing two weeks in advance, that version of me would be horrified to know I began packing about 30 hours prior to departure.  The first time we went there was 10 years ago and it was my first time but I'd been hearing about it for 20 years so it had better be good!  It was and we fell in love with the place and went almost yearly for four years until we discovered New England.  

I let him pick the home to stay in and he found a place right on the water on M22 and he was sold.  It was dated but I knew that wasn't a concern for him because having a place to sit and watch the water is what he's all about.

When we got inside, he ran for the view and I knew he was good regardless of the rest of it.  

The rest of it being that the cleaning crew didn't do their job and I contacted the host and they said they'd refund the cleaning fee since I said I wasn't crazy about doing a 7 hour drive and having to clean the whole house.  (Still waiting for that refund and radio silence from the host, btw.  So basically she just said it to appease me despite saying to remind her if it didn't go through.)   We could tell it hadn't been used in a while because my sinuses immediately kicked into gear with congestion.  Time to open the windows but we had the waves to listen to so that helped distract us.

The first few nights we were treated to some lovely moonrises from the Hunter's Moon.

This was our 5th trip there so we knew it was an itinerary-less vacay and just visited places we liked.

(Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive (which had WAY less color than TC!), Sleeping Bear Dunes, Gallagher's Farm Market and Mission Lighthouse)

Then it was the Mr's birthday and I made sure the birthday boy rolled it in properly.

I was intrigued when I saw our favorite buttercream single bakery (radio bars if you're from the NE) made a cake version so I had to get that so I could get some fun toppers or they would look gigantic on the little singles.

They didn't make single layer cakes so we hacked off and threw away the bottom layer as we ate it through the week.  That mofo was HEAVY!  LOL  I brought some edible gold leaf to put around the outside to zhuzh it up a little since they couldn't put decorations on it.  

We had cloudier/occasionally drizzly weather from that point on but we both loved it as you know we're fans of the chilly.  Unfortunately that meant more time in the house with windows closed or cracked and that meant whatever creeping crud was in the air, mattresses and couches started infesting our faces.   (We suspect years of dust and probably mold since I'm highly allergic to both.)  He immediately got ear congestion the day after his birthday and by the following day, we were doing a telemed visit and a Covid test.  (We masked absolutely everywhere except walking outside.)  Luckily he was negative but we know it's not one test and done like people seem to still think 3 years later.   My congestion just multiplied every day.  (The baseboard heat and car heat on the way up had already killed my sinuses by day two creating a perfect storm.)

Since we'd already crammed in our must do's early on, we kept it pretty low key the rest of the time.  We watched spooky movies including Halloween Ends which sucked, would poke in and out of shops when the mood struck...

...and drove around looking at their stellar Halloween decorations.

(TC residents always know how to do it up for schpooky time!)

And because we are, us, this was in order:

I will never travel without our telescoping roasters because you never know when the opportunity for s'mores will arise.  (Aka- I make the opportunity!)

One lovely habit we got into from day one was watching the sunrise and they were beautiful whether it was going to be sunny:

...or not.

I do miss starting our days out like that because we live nowhere near palatable water or anywhere with a horizon.  

It was so nice to get away.  So lovely to celebrate the most wonderful, handsome, caring man I know.  I felt bad it wasn't some big blowout but we did the bigger party for his 40th so I hope he was okay with having the next milestone being low key and BS free.  Thankfully, it only took two days for his ear congestion to clear up but mine were done for and I was sick with sinusitis from the day we left to a week later.  (Three negative Covid tests.)  So that wasn't fun but because we know how to party the day after we got back, he got his first Shingles shot and was down with symptoms for the first two days.  Thank God that's over.  He slept under 3 comforters and flannel sheets!

Now we're back in the stew but always nice to remember that view...but with a different house.  😜

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Friday, October 21, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Howdy do, you sassy beasts!  I hope you had a great week.  We spent ours getting back into the swing of things after the Mr's birthday trip.  It was very much needed and I hope he had a good time.  It's always nice to be back in Traverse City but I admit we miss Hoxsie's Farm Market very much.  Seems crazy to think it's been 10 years since the first time I went there and fell in love with it.

Now let's fall in love with:

Is Taking a Hot Or Cold Shower After a Workout Better for Recovery?  (I'll take any shower after a butt kicker, thank you.)

How to Store Apples So They Stay Crisp  (I've got some spies for Thanksgiving pies that I'm looking forward to using!)

I Hate Everyone: Why You Feel This Way and What to Do  (Okay, so it isn't just me.  Actually, I already knew that or they wouldn't make this oven mitt I bought my friend who feels the same.  Will have to follow some of these tips.)

Why Cross-Generational Friendships Have Shaped the Way I View Time  (I love having friends of different generations!  So much to learn from both perspectives especially older ones.)

3 Aging in Place Renovations to Do in Order of Importance, According to the Pros  (I've been thinking about #1 for the past year.  Don't tell the Mr.  Maybe in a few years.)

Want to have better, deeper conversations? Try this  (People know when we get together real quick that I don't appreciate you paying more attention to your phone than our limited time together.  But that isn't the only tip given.)

Brooke Shields, 57, Says Her Age Group Feels ‘Overlooked’: ‘The Best Is Yet to Come’  (Once you're 40, society is basically done with you and it's pathetic.)

Why Do We Say Things Are “Dropping Like Flies”?  (Learn something new every day!)

It'll be home meals for the next few weeks until vacation weight comes off.  I'm trying not to remind myself we have an unfinished bedroom that still needs tackled.  No real plans other than attempted avoidance and some spooky movies thrown in since Halloween is fast approaching.

What's going on in your neck of the woods this weekend?

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Hump Day Poll: This or That- Apple Edition


Caramel apples or candy apples?

Caramel because 1) holy yum and 2) I feel like the candy is going to rip my teeth out trying to eat it.  The last time I had a candy apple I was a teenager and I think a shard of it stuck the roof of my mouth too.  Not a fan.   Team Caramel Apple all the way! 🍎

How about you?  Caramel apples or candy apples?

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Product Review: Alleyoop 4 in 1 Touch Up Pen Pal

If you have social media of any kind, you've probably seen ads for the Alleyoop 4 in 1 Touch Up Makeup Pen.  It's reminiscent of 80's kids multi-ink click pens so obviously I'm going to get suckered into buying it.  Ultimately, I wanted to have a mini makeup kit in the nightstand so that I don't emerge from my slumber every day looking like a sasquatch and could have on the most basic of make up so the Mr didn't recoil.  I was actually trying.  

The pictures won't show that because I have not plucked my eyebrows in probably over a year and the zoomed in phone pics are less than flattering.  But that's why you're here - truth.  Lighting is for people who get paid to review things and I do not.  No one sent me anything.  It was my $25 to love or lose.

I got the pen "In a Rouge" that had eyeliner in black, brow liner in taupe, lip liner in nude pink and champagne highlighter.

They also had 'Make a Mauve' which has black eyeliner, medium brown brow liner, mauve lip liner, and champagne highlighter as well as 'Berry Busy' with black eyeliner, medium brown brow liner, berry lip liner, and champagne highlighter.

You can see the 80's girl in me was going to be giddy with delight!

I'm a noob at using highlighters so that was going to be interesting.

This is what it looks like ejected from it's little plastic nest.  You twist the top to make the product longer but it twists out flat.

I'm gonna warn you, these next pics are NOT pretty, in focus and I hadn't even moisturized or given a care to trim and pluck the brows so you wouldn't think I'm a yeti.  I don't care and I know if you've been here a while, you don't care either.  If you're one of those people who do care, go to another blog.  😝

Brace yo'self.  It'll be obvious I don't believe in filters.

This is my before eyeball freshly awakened from my slumber with a hint of bed face and the aura of a mug shot.

This is my only slightly improved face with the brow pencil, highlighter and eye liner on.

Because the nude liner was SO nude, I had to put on some lip balm and I just filled in with that stuff so you could actually see the color.  It reads more salmon on phone pics but it definitely reads nude in normal lighting.

My thoughts.  

Welp, there's $25 I'm not getting back.  😖

First off, I don't like that they come out flat because there's just a huge learning curve trying to use it that way for me.  The brow liner did not fill in very well and I didn't want it to look like a toddler drew on my face.  I suppose I could do wispy strokes next time and see if that helps but I wasn't in love.  The eyeliner was okay but again, awkward to apply with a tiny flat product.  What's worse?  Within 30 minutes more than half of it had disappeared on both sides!  I literally had just talked to the hubby and went downstairs to make breakfast.  I hadn't touched my eyes (I'm an eye rubber too so that definitely would be a no go!) or did anything strenuous that would've whipped up a sweat.  I looked in my Caboodle mirror (yes, I still have one!) and saw most of the product was gone.  Not pleased.  

I did like the highlighter for a bit more of a bright eye toward the corner just under the water line but then there was so much damn glitter/shimmer bits/confetti/whatever you want to call it that it all just got all over my face and I looked like I was about to pop a glow stick and head to a rave.  The lip liner was a big disappointment.  I know I chose nude (should've chosen the mauve one) but there are nudes that still look good with a hint of pink or color enough to differentiate between your actual skin and lips and then there's this color that makes you look like the color has drained from your face.  Like the image of the lips above isn't even really correct because it looks like color but when I went in the bathroom, it just looked like the rest of my face.

Look, I get the concept and it's friggin' brilliant which is why I fell for it in the first place but until there is a smudge or waterproof version, it's not for me.  Product that doesn't even last an hour is a waste of money for me.  Maybe if you prime and use setting spray, etc it'll stay in place.  I'm not interested in doing all of that just to hang out at the house.  I'm interested in a few swipes and being at home feeling like a human and not scaring the Mr with the continued "natural" look.  I do also like that it's a clean make up product so no super icky stuff in the ingredients.  Thumbs up for that.  It might be fine if you're going on a weekend trip and just want something basic to grab or keep in your purse but I can't see this replacing anyone's usual make up routine.  (I know that's why it's called 'touch up' but it didn't last long enough for me to even call it that!)

*kicks pebble*

The search continues...for me, at least.

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Friday, October 14, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Happy Friday and happy mid-October!  If you have a Fall bucket list, I think this week is going to be peak for many states so it's the perfect time to go leaf peeping!   I so wish we could slow down time.  The month is going far too fast, as usual.  

Now let's peep:

Best Foods for Muscle Growth That Aren't Protein Shakes  (Good to know!  Natural is best if you can.)

8 Strength-Building Exercises That Don't Require Lifting Weights  (If you need to modify push ups, we do wall push ups at a diagonal or you can go to your knees as well.)

The 3 Best Exercises to Help Prevent IT Band Pain   (Lord knows I need these.  My IT band is an a-hole!)

High blood pressure is significantly lowered with breath training  (Great news should you be dealing with this condition!)

What's the Deal with Infrared Sauna Treatments?  (As someone who loathes summer, purposely sitting in a sweatbox sounds like hell on Earth but the health benefits sound pretty good.)

How Do I Apply for an Ex-Spouse's Social Security Benefit?  (For those married 10 years or more, please don't forget to ask about this when applying for social security!  It does not affect the ex's benefits (don't know how the heck that works but whatever) and we made sure my mom, who was signing divorce papers on her 10 year anniversary (but they weren't filed yet), asked.  While it didn't make a difference for her, I don't want anyone else to miss out on potentially more money in retirement.)

8 Stephen King Movie Adaptations That Changed the Book Ending  (I have to say I think they made the right call on The Mist.  That was friggin' heart wrenching!)

This Halloween Safety Video From the 1970s Is Unintentionally Creepy  (This is friggin' gold and I was the first costume of death because 70's!)

(Just an FYI- the folks at Meta are discontinuing certain features starting today.  I have no clue what that means and how it may affect any of you who click through on Facebook.  I hope it doesn't change anything as I do have an admin but I won't know much until sometime next week because I'm taking a freak out free weekend.  I'll update if anything changes.)

We had a much deserved relaxing week and it was somebody's birfday so we're going to carry that celebration into this weekend.  I hope we can find some good pockets of color and just zen out at nature along with a little birthday tomfoolery for the Mr.  

Got any Fall activities planned for the weekend?

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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Workouts Have Gone to the Dogs


You know what's fun?  When you're doing a workout and suddenly a pup pops up!  For me, it makes the workout go much faster or doesn't seem as bad when a pupper tupp is present.  Of course there are other times the dog is distracting.  (Sorry Peanut.)  But I thought I'd share some of my favorite videos where pups make an appearance and you can decide for yourself if they're right for you to do.  (You do them at your own risk should you decide to do any of these and don't say I didn't warn you on Tracy's stuff.  She's a beast.)

Chris Pecsi -  You'll be asking yourself "where's the dog?" but it makes an appearance about halfway through and I love that they're trying to keep it together being so serious.

Fitness Blender- I know there's another longer video with Loki but I couldn't find it.  This is a shorter one to get ya movin' a bit

Tracy Steen- We did one or two of her workouts and then came upon her dog Lily who looked similar to the pup we used to have and that was that for us!  

Jessica Smith-  Anyone whose done her workouts before knows of Peanut.  The little Vienna sausage who is either laying in her way or chomping on a chew stick in her bed.

Grow with Jo-  Bentley is a staple in many of Jo's videos and he reminds me of my fur sister.  She had so many of the same Lhasa qualities he has and it's like working out with her again.  

Fitness with Fido-  I haven't done this yet but I love this treat motivated hound!

Blogilates- Sir George The Magnificent is making his debut in this short workout and if you have a lapdog sized pup you can freak them out and join in!

I hope even if you choose not to do them, they at least brought a smile to your face!

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Monday, October 10, 2022

How to DIY Blackout Blind Light Gap Blockers for Only $5

Blacking out in general is usually considered a bad thing except when you're talking about your blinds.  I have always hated "springing forward" because it meant the sun was going to be blazing into the room even earlier.  While I can take a nap in a fully lit living room, for some reason I am up for good the second the room begins to lighten up at 5:30-6am.  If I'm lucky I might be able to fall asleep hours later but I'm a night owl by genetics and that means I'm getting 4-5 hours of sleep if I'm lucky in the summer.  (Six is my usual the rest of the year.)  I had blackout curtains and while they did enough to keep the tone of the room darker, they were cheap and the light still showed through the top, sides and cracks of the wood blinds.  It was maddening.  I had black poster board cut in long strips over the top of the curtain rod to keep it from flooding in more and reflecting off of the ceiling.  

I finally decided to invest in a blackout blind from  We bought their light filtering cordless blind for the patio door when we needed privacy due to construction literally on our back door over the winter.  We were both pleased with them and they even redid the blind when our own measurements were off at no charge to us.  (I think you only get three of those before they call it a day and charge you.)  So they were the first place I thought of.  I looked up and found the same style of blind but in a blackout version.  I read this article on their site about blackout blind light gaps on the side before I purchased them so I knew to expect that I was still going to have this issue even with custom blinds.  They mentioned something about Light Blockers that were something you could order with the roller blinds but they didn't offer it with the cellular.  I looked on Amazon and they sell the same thing there.  They didn't get as raving reviews as I'd hoped for at almost $40 for a set.  Many people said while they did work, they were severely overpriced and you could jerry rig something yourself for much less.  Well, jerry rigging is my love language so I got to searching.

What I came up with was this 2" wide weather stripping foam that was light and at $11 for more than I'd need, I was down to give it a go.  

The size I got was 33 Ft x 1/8" x 2"

I scored the adhesive backing on the back in the middle with scissors for the length I'd need.  I would butt it up against the edge of the blind so as not to interfere with the operation of it when I wanted to raise it up for light or cleaning the windows.  (I'm sorry, I barely typed the cleaning the windows part with a straight face.  There are probably spores from 1998 on the sill.  Oh wait, we had them in replaced in 2018, so scratch that...pre-pandemic spores are on there.)

As you can see, since I did this on my duvet you don't have to (or want to) press hard.  You just want to score the backing, not the foam.  Then peel the scored backing like so:

I butted the adhesive covered strip side up to the blind to make the gap as completely covered as possible then pressed the peeled adhesive side against the wall.

Because I keep it closed 99.8% of the time, I just gently pushed the blind back so the honeycomb parts that are sticking past the foam in the pic are now tucked behind it.  As you can see the yellowish portion against the blind is the adhesive backing.  This provides a light filtering effect which is what I was going for.  If you want total blackout, grab some black poster board for a buck or two and cut the strips an inch wide and use double sided tape to stick it to the adhesive backing that will be directly against your blind.  That will get you as close to complete darkness as you can get on the cheap.  

(Ugh, crappy pic.  Sorry.  But you get the idea.  This was before I tucked the blind behind the foam.)

Here it is the next morning.

In case you don't want to scroll for comparison:

(Actually the right pic was taken an hour later than the original pic so it had even more sun beating down and reflecting up off of my car.)  This is with the backing peeled only for light filtering and if my a-hole neighbor across the street would stop revving his hooptie for no less than 10 minutes at 6:30am now, I could tell you if it actually helps me stay asleep in the wee hours.  It's like he knew what I was doing and why.  Anyway, it's the difference between hissing at the window in the morning or feeling like maybe it's a rainy day that I want to stay curled up in bed for.

If the foam ever needs moved for any reason, a quick hit with a hot blow dryer loosen up the strip, then a gentle peel back and a swipe of Goo Gone to remove any residue from the wall and done.  (If you're worried about it pulling paint off the wall and trust me, it will if you've pushed down too hard and don't use a blow dryer on hot to remove then I wouldn't suggest trying this.  No one wants to re-paint!  If you decide to put them up anyway, you're doing so knowing if they ever have to be removed that there is a possibility of paint removal.  OR if you don't mind wee lil pinpricks at the top and bottom of your windows, you can always just use these flat clear thumbtacks and not peel back the adhesive at all  That's actually what I did after having to remove them to paint that wall because I was lazy by the time it was time for them to go back up.  So there ya go.

Is it the prettiest solution you've ever seen?  No.  But who the hell is going to see that anyway especially if you have curtains up!  This is the only solution available to me because of the trim that the window dudes needed to put in so I didn't have the option of the gap blockers you buy (which also use adhesive) ready to roll because they wouldn't have fit my window.

If the amount of sunlight still coming in the morning or midday is enough to still bother you then you either need to do the black poster board trick I mentioned, get a sleep mask or just paint the window with black paint Jerry Dandridge style, ya damn vampire. 🧛  

For the rest of us who just need a quick, cheap solution to an irritating issue with blackout blinds, this should do the trick!  The best part?  Given the amount I used, this only cost me $5!!!  


Do you have blackout blinds?  Have they improved your sleep?

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Friday, October 7, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #40

Howdy do all!  It's finally Friday and we are doing our best Julie Andrews twirl.

The Mr does it best, obviously.  I'm not going into the crap fest that is our life right now with the 5000 projects that are one step forward, fifty steps back.  I'm being tested and failing...miserably.  If I shed one more tear over this crap, I'm going to need flood insurance.  (Not to mention I just found out they discontinued my favorite candy of all time- Reese Cups with Reese Pieces.  The taint of life slides down my face again.)  Other than the continuing misery of DIY and the discontinuing of the only occasional happiness in my life,  I don't have too much to regale you with this week so let's just get to:

Vitamins and Supplements That Should Not Be Taken Together  (Oh wow, very good information!  Should definitely read this if you're on any kind of medication.)

Why You Should Wait Before Cooking With Chopped Garlic  (I'll definitely have to start doing this.  No use in wasting those awesome garlic benefits when you're cooking with it.)

5 Easy Stretches to Alleviate Knee Pain  (Nothing like a good stretch to limber up!)

I Tried ‘Eye Yoga’ to Relieve the Strain WFH Is Putting on My Eyes  (Ooh might have to give this a try because my eyes are a hot mess!  Several people have reported improved vision with the linked video in the article.)

High cholesterol: The hot delicious drink that could lower bad cholesterol in 'weeks'  (That's a LOT of that particular ingredient but we've added a tsp to our gag worthy coffee to make it more palatable so it's good to know it has added health benefits!)

Why we keep falling for fitness fads  (Personally, I don't think a different style of exercise is a fad but yeah Thighmaster or whatever, totally.  But I will say this.  We still love doing Turbo Fire from Chalene Johnson formerly of Beachbody and she has a really interesting video about here time there.  It kind of puts an unfortunate spin on things when we do them now but still get a good workout.)

6 Things Almost Everyone Has Trouble Decluttering—Plus How to Let Go  (I have to say paring down my pictures was quite freeing.  The easy ones are the duplicates since so many places threw them in for free back in the day.  Then throwing away the ones that are blurry or of something you don't even know what it is anymore.  I think I cut my pics down by a good 30% and eliminated 2 photo boxes worth!)

How to figure out what you want out of life  ("What society expects of you and what you actually want in life can be different things."  Uhh, if you're living by societal judgment, you're doing it wrong.)

The 44 Best U.S. Cities to Visit That Look Just Like Europe  (Oooh, some beautiful choices!  Though I can't help thinking of the food poisoning I (and others) got on our first visit to #1!  But I will say that every year I still order a few jars of jalapeno mustard from The Cheese Haus because it's that good!)

How the 1980s Became the Golden Age of Spoof Movies and Why It Couldn’t Last  (Actually it could've lasted if people had maintained a sense of humor and didn't clutch their pearls at every syllable people speak.  Hell, we quote Airplane! so much the Mr is afraid to say the word altogether because he knows he'll get this from me.  Even while laying floor the Mr was saying "Oveur...Roger."  Movie quotes especially from the classics are our love language!)

I'm mentally tapped out so I have zero plans to work on the bedroom because I'll just infuse my hatred of the whole thing into every square inch of the space.  Not like I have everything I need right now anyway but I'm sure we'll fall into something good.  I think I'd like to go for a nice long drive and see if the colors are poppin'.  We need something chill to do after the past few weeks months.  I'm becoming more of a monster than usual.


What's poppin' for you this weekend?

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