Friday, February 18, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #7

Happy Friday to you beautiful people!  I hope you had a great week and are ready for some relaxation and/or shenanigans!

Thanks so much to those who reached out regarding my medical crap.  I'm sitting here writing with a freshly biopsied poon to confirm that I'm in the same stage of VIN1.  (Which means I have about 4 more days until I don't have to wince or scream when I wee on an open wound.  I don't wish vulvar/vaginal biopsies on anyone.)   I was hoping for the VIN to be gone but as long as it's not moving forward, I'll have to be happy with that.  I'm ready to move on with my life and not have to think about it and step one is healing the extra hole down below.  


Enough about my Lamborghini Poontach, let's get to... 

How The Pandemic Is Changing Our Bodies  (This is super scary and sadly true.  Do all you can to get up once an hour, sit up straight and correct what is happening.)

Natural mineral may reverse memory loss (We eat a brazil nut with our vitamins every day for this very reason as well as a ton of other benefits to get our selenium every day)

3 seconds of weight lifting a day could be enough to build strength if it's intense, small study finds  (This is really interesting!  *squeezes really hard*  Ahh...done!)

Is Your Diet Detrimental to Your Overall Health?  (Good info to ask yourself and better reason to track for nutrients sake.)

Muscle Growth Does Not Depend on the Amount of Weight You Lift (It's all about the fatigue and switching it up!)

Walk slower to burn more fat and lose weight sustainably, finds new research  (Great news if you felt you needed to walk at a certain speed to get the benefits!)

Castile Soap Benefits & 14 Ways To Use It To Clean Every Room (Great tips!  Need to break out my Castile soap I've got in my linen closet.)

I Started Romanticizing My Chores to Keep Up with Housework — And It Worked Like a Charm  (Good when you're done making out with your rose gold feather duster can you do our house?)

The Top 5 Things You Can Do To Avoid Mold At Home This Year  (Another reason to finally deep clean)

49 Times Retail Employees Went The Extra Mile For Customers Who Didn’t Act Like Jerks  (Very sweet!  Always be nice to the cashier says the former cashier!)

Well, any plans I may have had for the weekend are probably out the door unless I somehow feel miraculously less throbby.  I see many ice packs and rolled towels under my ass cheeks in my future so make sure you do something fun so I can live vicariously through you this weekend!

FYI- Anyone who comes from Facebook, META has infiltrated and won't let me schedule posts without a blood sample and signing over a family member.  So unless something is fixed, notices will be up to my memory when I get up and about.  It's been coming for a long time and now they've finally screwed the pooch so I don't know how I'll be able to utilize it anymore.  Just a heads up.

Anything on tap for your weekend?

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  1. I am fine with another low-key weekend. It was a weird week and I just need to decompress a bit anyway. Have a great restful weekend everybody!

    1. Good because this is brutal but you can do whatever you want. No reason we should both be down and out!

  2. I hope you feel much better by the time the weekend is done! Oil change and grocery shopping today. Meeting, swim class tomorrow, and working the rest of the weekend. And finishing watching the Olympics. My favorite so far were the American snowboarder man/woman team who call themselves the "80s Babies" and won Gold -- at 40 and 36 years old! Made my old heart proud. lol

    1. I would take even the smallest improvement because there is NO comfortable position at all. Enjoy swim class! Gotta love those 80's babies. LOL

  3. I hope you get good/reassuring news soon and heal from the biopsy ASAP. I had a uterine biopsy recently (all clear) and thought I would levitate off the table to the ceiling from the pain. I don't wish that kind of pain and worry on anyone!

    1. Ugh, that does not sound fun and I love how the docs are so non-chalant about it like the needle poke is the worst of your problems. Uh, I gotta try to SIT at some point here without feeling like I'm getting bear trapped all over again! So happy to hear yours came back clear and praying you NEVER have to go through that again!


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