Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Hump Day Poll: What Are You Doing?

I'm curious, what are your current health goals?  Do you have any or is it not important to you right now?  Have they changed during the pandemic?  Are you actively trying to lose weight and if so for health reasons, aesthetic reasons or both?  

Currently my health goals are to get some kind of fire lit under my ass.  Like some people, we gained pandemic weight which we've pretty much lost before the holidays hit.  I've been going through health issues which I feel are directly related to my body throwing up a white flag after the first full year of the pandemic and I'm ready to move on from all of it.  Our routine for the past 6 months has consisted mostly of walking as our main source of exercise because I would spiral mentally if I didn't get out of the house.  The problem with that is I wasn't rolling or stretching upon our return so for over two months I've had a searing foot issue and I'm slowly getting myself out of it by digging into my legs because the chiro isn't an option right now.  We're getting back into a more consistent strength routine the past two weeks because I'm tired of my upper arms feeling like bags of unbaked biscuits.

I'm not happy with the way I look in pictures and have about 10 lbs to go before I feel like I'm back to a comfortable level and then obviously want to go beyond that.  If I'm honest with myself, we haven't done everything we could be doing if we're super serious.  Our eating and exercise habits haven't changed much but we both agree January was just kind of like "meh" on the shits given scale.  If we wanted to eat something that was a sodium bomb like a lower sodium soup and sandwich on Sunday, we did.  He can eat like that but I know I can't.  Sodium affects me whether I want it to or not which is why I rarely use salt.  I felt the snack monster trying to take over and even if we could fit it into our calories doesn't mean I needed to suggest it.  We need to start prepping things and stop being at the mercy of what's available from Amazon Fresh (which isn't much these days.  I swear the second we buy something it never comes back in stock again) and plan meals and get pick ups from other places if we need to.

The other night we were doing strength to Foo Fighters Medicine at Midnight album and when Making a Fire came on and I actually heard the lyrics instead of just singing them and burst into tears.

But if this is our last time
Make up your mind
I've waited a lifetime to live
It's time to ignite
I'm making a fire

So that's where I'm at.

What are your current health goals?  Have they changed during the pandemic?  Are you actively trying to lose weight and if so for health reasons, aesthetic reasons or both?  

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  1. My current goal is to lose 50 pounds by the time I turn 50. It is going to be tougher than it sounds and I realize after floundering in January that I am going to have to buckle down and actually make some real changes to accomplish this - but it will be worth it. The reason I am doing this probably did not change as a result of the pandemic, I think this was bound to happen as my age gets closer to that big 50 but the pandemic has made it obvious that losing weight is a game changer in terms of avoiding the worst effects of Covid if a person should get it. But my main reason to lose weight is truly for health and wellness at this point. When I say wellness I am actually referring to the mental health benefits of just feeling good about yourself and also being able to do things you want to do instead of worrying about a weight limit, etc.

  2. Hello! I'm actively trying to lose weight. I had lost 40 pre covid but found 18 back. Currently on whole 30 and can't wait until March 1 to be done.
    I'm doing it for health and ego. Just looking to have something positive come out of this season for myself.
    Have a great day and thank you for asking

  3. Back in September I met with my doctor because I was having all kinds of issues with inflammation and fatigue, bloating, etc., and told him I wanted to figure it out so some of the aches and pains would at least lessen if not go completely away. So we worked on a plan of removing all the major foods/ingredients that are known to cause inflammation and bloating and seeing how my body responded. Well, four months in and the difference is remarkable. I don't believe I have true allergies to foods, but I've discovered I definitely have a sensitivity to wheat because I get a runny nose any time I eat something with wheat (like a hamburger bun for instance). I've never paid attention to that before, but the week I covered for my coworker's vacation my food plan when out the window and I was grabbing at anything to 1)have simple meals because of my lack of time, and 2) ate crap food/snacks to stay awake on my shifts -- which of course never really works), plus drank a lot of caffeine which normally I don't have. To say my body rebelled is an understatement. The runny/stuffy nose was back within hours, the bloating every day, and my water intake went down severely, all of which combined to bring back very achy joints, that had been almost completely gone the months prior. So that told me all I needed to know. I've had regular doc appts and he commented the last time he saw me that he knew something was up because my face was flushed and he could see the bloat. So I just rebooted to what we'd been doing and I'm already feeling better as I get a lot of junk out of my system. Everybody has their own plan for what works for them, and I know mine would be considered uber strict to some people, which is why I don't walk around recommending it to anyone, but I can say for me, I'm amazed how much the foods I've eliminated have helped me feel not only physically better, but I don't have what I refer to as "food rage" anymore (but boy I did when I went ape sh*t off my plan that week), and that's been very noticeable to my hubs as well. Huge lesson learned! My exercise has been the pool twice a week, bands and hand weights at home twice a week, and using my exercise ball for my chair in the living room to force me to keep balance.

  4. Just before the pandemic hit, I set a goal to get back under 200 lbs before my 40th birthday. It was an achievable goal, as I only needed to lose 7 lbs in just over a month. Once I got some motivation to achieve that goal I decided to join Noom and the pandemic hit. Over the next 6 months I lost a total of 45 lbs and then plateaued. I wanted to lose at least another 15 lbs to get into the 'Normal' BMI range.

    In the last 7 to 8 months, with the stress of the pandemic, work issues, and just basically giving up over the holiday season I have gained back 15 lbs. Except for walking the dog I had stopped exercising and tracking my food intake. It also didn't help that I got COVID in January, after being double vaccinated. Even all exercise had to stop until I recovered. I'm just now trying to back to a routine. I can really feel that the lack of yoga impacted how I felt in my body. Everything was tight and I was getting aches and pains that I had never experienced before. So, my goal for this year is to try to get my fitness routine back and get my stress under control. If weight loss happens, that's great, but if I achieve the other two goals then I will consider the year a success.

  5. Trying to lose the pandemic weight for both health and aesthetic reasons. Trying to develop a yoga routine - I know as I get older balance and flexibility become more important. I want to love it, but I only tolerate it.


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