Monday, February 14, 2022

A Very Us Valentine's Weekend Recap

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Sending you all da love! 💕

We had such an "us" Valentine's weekend.  

It started off great with a bouquet of flowers delivered from Hilo, Hawaii.

Those arrived in a box and I had to look at the picture on the website to hopefully get as close as I could and the Mr said I did a great job.  It's so nice to have a touch of Hawaii in the house again since we're missing it.

The Mr's gift got here on was white grapefruit.  Like, really expensive white grapefruit.  If this sounds like the Great Pumpkin version of "I got a rock", I would agree.  However, any of you white grapefruit lovers likely know that Texas stopped producing them and now you can't really get them in grocery stores for at least three or four years which made the Mr very sad.  So I got him 8 white grapefruit to enjoy this week and he seemed quite happy with that.  One woman's rock is another man's prized grapefruit.  

On Saturday the Mr was excited to give me my gift that he thawed from the freezer.  I was instructed to sit down at the table and open a box that was waiting for me.  It was from Send a Cake.  I'm sure you've all seen them on social media with reaction videos like this.  (Seriously, watch it first so you can appreciate the pics below.

I'll wait.

You done?

Here was my experience.

See that thing in my hair right by my ear?  That was one of the butterflies that as it was unwinding to "fly" caught the bottom of my hair and wound it like an 80's perm rod to the scalp!  I was able to laugh about it as I had to cut the top of the butterfly and slowly unwind it.

That's the butterfly cut in half and gingerly unwrapping the huge knotted locks of my hair.  Luckily I didn't have to cut out any clumps of hair or that would've been bad.  So if you are sending this to anyone, suggest that long haired recipients pull their hair back into a pony tail or it could be bad especially if it's a kid that will freak out.

I kind of put it back together a bit so you can see what it looks like closed.

Visualize double the candy since I already took the Mr's portion out of there so it's packed to the top with candy.

Then there is a cake in the middle and you can choose from several flavors.  Mine was chocolate peanut butter.

The cake has little goodies on top like a small pretzel, mini chocolate chip cookie, etc and what I thought was a chocolate covered peanut or something and popped it into my mouth.

It was a chocolate covered coffee bean.  

I ran to the kitchen and spit it out, pulled the spray spout down and tried to wash that heinous taste out of my mouth.  The Mr and I busted out laughing as it looked like I was barfing.  We split the baby cake which I wouldn't have pegged as chocolate peanut butter but tasted more like a Swiss Cake Roll.  The toppings were all stale just because they'd absorbed the moisture of being sealed in and frozen so be aware of that and consider taking them off.  It's not actually about the cake as you can see in the video.  We ate it and I thanked him because I'd always been curious and then he hugged me and we laughed uncontrollably.  With the 10% off you can get on their website, you still have to pay shipping so it totaled about $72 with the $39 base and then add on the butterflies and candy so there is an idea of what it would cost to do that from them.  If you want to do something similar for about half the price, you can get an explosion box to fill with treats of your choice and if you want the butterflies, you can get those too and have some leftover to put in cards and other places.  (Under the toilet seat?)

We watched a few blah movies (Red Notice and On the Rocks) and watched it spit flurries most of the day.

Sunday was low key in comparison.  We just did our usual and watched Sunday Morning in bed like the old folks we are.  I went down and saw the slew of pans on the stove and declared I wasn't doing anything more than heating something up so I popped in some lasagna I froze a week or two ago and we had that whilst watching Criminal Minds.  Then it was time to get a workout in and while I wanted to walk in the flurries, the melt had frozen so that meant it would've been a pain in the butt to walk in.  The Mr wanted to watch the Super Bowl for some reason but I wasn't interested so I did anything but that including learning Italian on Duolingo.

How was your weekend?

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  1. That was so us it's not even funny - but I am glad we got a good laugh about it all. You were a great sport! I absolutely love the grapefruit. If you like white grapefruit too then you understand. Once again the only problem was the weekend was too short!

  2. The weekend went by incredibly fast for both of us and neither of us could figure out why. It was typical errands and chores, so nothing out of the ordinary. I did manage to get 5 bags of donations packed up and out of the spare room and over to Salvation Army so I was tickled about that. And we did plenty of binge watching of the Olympics and enjoyed that immensely.

  3. That cake thing looks scary! I told a friend that my husband and I would be having a cheese plate (cheese and meat for him), some wine and splitting a dessert, and was told we were "romantic". I was thinking low-key though! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I did nothing all weekend. It was great at the time, but now that Monday has rolled around and all the stuff is still on my to do list I'm not to thrilled with weekend me.


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