Friday, February 4, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #5

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you're all safe and sound if you were in the path of the winter storm.  Thanks so much to those who left their winter storm tips and I hope they were able to help someone else prepare.  We've had a long week of kick butt workouts so I'm ready for an epic rest day.  

Let's just slide right into...

Eating More Fiber Can Help You Poop Regularly — Unless You’re Making These 2 Mistakes (So guilty of #2 no matter how hard I try.  Oh hey...a funny!)

New Study Finds Vitamin D Sufficiency Is Tied To Key Cognitive Health Factors  (Definitely important to have your vitamin D checked.  Despite the Mr and I both taking 4000IU of D at our docs request, it was barely sufficient.  A little research shows that obese people typically need 10,000IU's because of absorption problems due to weight.  We'll be interested to see the next results of a full year of that amount.)

The #1 Best Drink to Slow Aging  (Got some in the fridge)

Why Your Mobility Worsens As You Age, and What to Do About It (I definitely do not want to be any less mobile than I am now.  Great tips.)

10 Health Hacks Using Vicks Vaporub (I'm sold!  Ordering a jar now)

Can’t seem to meditate? 7 joyful activities for you to try instead  (Great ideas I'm going to have to try because I super suck at meditating or anything requiring attention span.  We already do 3, 6 and 7 but I'm going to have to try this morning pages thing.)

Ready to Quit Your Job? Here Are the 17 Questions to Ask Yourself First  (In case anyone is thinking of joining the great resignation for something better for their well being.)

Woman Diagnosed With Rare Form of Skin Cancer After Being Told She Had an STD  (I go in just under two weeks to see if my pre-cancerous cells from this same thing have gone away or not.  (PRAYING yes and I'll take any you might want to throw my way)  If I had stayed with my previous hands off gynie who suggested "vaginal rest" after 3 months of burning and thinking I had everything from BV to yeast infection and not gone for a second opinion because I knew something was off with my body, who knows how long this would've gone on.  YOU KNOW YOUR BODY!  Second opinions can be lifesavers!!)

Wordle has been bought by The New York Times, will ‘initially’ remain free for everyone to play  (This is why we can't have nice things.  I give it two weeks before they put it behind a pay wall.  Literally could've sold to almost anyone else to keep it free.)

I don't think we'll get to be out and about this weekend since it's basically an ice rink.  People don't know how to drive when it's sunny and dry so not going to tempt fate when it's a crap fest.  

Whatchu got planned this weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday! I am fine with just staying in and staying cozy this weekend - and a good, much-needed rest day. Everyone have a great weekend!

  2. Praying for a clean bill of health for you!!!
    This morning is grocery shopping and then we're home for the day. I'm going to tackle the remaining flattened boxes to get them tied up and wash the bedding (did the main laundry yesterday...woot!), and will bake the hubs some cookies he asked for. And then I'll watch the stuff I recorded of the Olympics last night. Looking forward to a relaxed-paced day. Oh yeah, sent out tax stuff in earlier this week so that's done -- yippee!!!!!
    Have a great weekend and enjoy your well-earned rest day!

  3. Praying for good results for you!
    I'm continuing on repairing bad drywall taping in my basement.
    Have a great weekend


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