Monday, February 21, 2022

Do Over Please Weekend Recap

If you want to know how bad one weekend day can go, let's just say if I had this cross stitch pattern available, I would've been to work on it by 2:45pm Saturday:

While I couldn't find the pattern, I found a cosmetic bag very similar and it's probably going on my birthday wish list.  

So we read about a deep dish place that is new in town and decided we'd get that for lunch.  We placed the order Friday night for Saturday afternoon at the earliest time we could get it.  You know how you just have your mouth set on something and you can't wait to have it?  That was us Saturday morning and happy so we didn't have to play the "what do you want for lunch?"  "I don't know, what do you want for lunch?"  "Chippy Burger?"  "No"  "Mama Portly's?" "NO!" game.  Upon waking, me, laying there in pain with my extra hole down below (see Friday's post if that made no sense) with the only good thing to look forward to being this pizza I finally got up.  Since the Mr wanted to finish his two donuts from his hometown from the freezer for his sweet, I decided we'd swing by this old school bakery by my high school and I'd get a few things I wanted too.  I putzed around with what I wanted to order and by the time I went to place it, they were out of almost everything.  That irritated me with both them and myself and since I woke up particularly hangry knowing we would be eating lunch 2 hours later than we usually do wasn't helping things.  I had a scant amount of Cheerios left over so the Mr fixed those for me and apparently he thought it'd be a good idea as I ranted about the donuts I wanted that he would eat his donuts in front of me "for breakfast."  (We don't eat breakfast on Saturdays)



Yes, please eat the thing I can't have for two hours in front of me, bendejo.  Yes, he offered me some but they're 1) not my favorite donuts and 2) what kind of animal am I to be all "I'm going to take your hometown donuts you've been dreaming about?"  Nope.  

So we start driving to the pizza place across town and when we get within city limits, we get a text that the order is cancelled and we'll be refunded in a few days.  You can imagine with me already being hangry and him on the edge of it that did not go down well.  We pulled up to the place to place the order in person since we thought maybe there was a malfunction with their site.  He comes back.  Totally closed, no note on the door as to why.  Nothing.  We start driving away in blind anger and I check their FB page.  Death in the family and they were closed the day before and that day.  I empathize but shut down the online ordering!  We were not the only people who had that issue according to their page and also, leave a note on the door for those who drove across town like we did.  I told him to head to the bakery and thinking since it was 1pm it wouldn't be the usual shit show busy it usually is, I was quickly proven wrong.  Everyone elbow to elbow and just looking at the amount of people inside gave me a panic attack so I said to leave and go to a different place where I could get reliably crappyish donuts because at this point it's either that or ending up on the news.

We go there and are each in such a mind effed rage of having our whole plan thrown off when I was in so much pain and taking some of it out with a piss and vinegar attitude on him.  I'm sure I was 2 seconds from being bound, gagged and chucked in the trunk which wouldn't have done much since the trunk is in the back of the car so all he could do is pull a divider over me.  We got crappy chicken fingers because it was just easier, griping the whole time because I couldn't sit properly unless half of my labia was dangling off the chair.

There was a replacement box from a vendor on the doorstep when we got home since they sent me the wrong mat.  I had this bad feeling when I opened it and sure enough, the damn vendor sent me the wrong mat AGAIN and before calling Sur La Table, I checked the site and the one I ordered is no longer on the site!!!!!


The dude said they refunded my money and I said I split paid...half with a gift card and half with my credit card and only received a refund on the credit card.  In the exact same voice as this dude:


he said "we sent you the gift card in the email."  "Well, I never received it."  "Do you want me to get the number for you?"  "That's fine."  

*hold music for 3 minutes*

"We'll have to continue waiting unless you want me to resend it to your email."

So you've got me on hold instead of just emailing me the info?

"Yes, do that please." 

"Okay, anything else I can do for you?"

If I were face to face with you sir:


Oh it was a dandy of a day.

Sunday was better in the fact that it wasn't Saturday.  The only progress on the pain front was that bending over was possible without feeling like a needle was jabbing into my ha-poona katata.  We opened the windows and got some fresh air going during brunch while the sheets were being washed then we got in a killer strength workout.  I heated up the last of the frozen lasagna because I wasn't having it and we settled in for the evening with the fireplace on.

That was it in our world.

How was your weekend?

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  1. I hate when all the things pile up and leave you in a foul mood on a day you thought was going to be a good one. My weekend was basically not a weekend. Friday was my one Friday a month I work, Sat & Sun the boy was in a school drama production and my folks came down for that. So between losing 1/3 of my weekend off the top, spending time with my folks, and 2 performances, plus grading all the papers I didn't get to last weekend... yeah. What weekend? This next weekend I plan to do nothing at all. I was planning a ski trip but then I realized I have parent teacher conferences Thursday night so I wouldn't be able to prep and leave right after school that day. It's not worth it to do all that work for just one day on the slopes.

  2. What a suckage weekend you had! I'm sorry your pain level wasn't much better from day one and then having the rest of it go down the tubes like that just totally stinks. A do-over weekend, indeed. Mine was okay, but not great. Didn't do the things I said I'd do, and then I was in a pissy mood yesterday, to the point I texted the hubs during the night at work to say sorry for acting like a jerk when it was really work related, not him. So yeah, a blech weekend for sure.

  3. It was a sucky day but I think our Sunday was better, not in terms of actually doing much but at least in terms of not having so much stuff go wrong. Sad when that makes your day though. Sorry, again, about the donuts!


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