Monday, September 27, 2021

Grave and Ghoulish Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  Did you have a wild and crazy time the past few days?   We had an outdoor visit with my mom Friday which was nice.  The Mr and I are curious if it's a mom thing or an age thing that you tell your kids about people they have no clue who you're talking about but act like they do?  Both of our moms do this despite repeatedly telling them we have no idea who they're referring to.  Just need to brace up if it's an age thing and we've got 10-15 years before we start this habit.  I have to laugh because she ALWAYS complained about her MIL doing the exact same thing and saying "I don't know who the hell you're talking about" in her head and would sometimes say it out loud to her.

"That one girl, Gloria.  You know who I'm talking about."
"No I don't, I haven't been in the family for 30 years so I have no idea who you're talking about."

It drove her nuts and she'd spend 10 minutes griping about it so it's funny that she now does the same thing.  It's not the matter of bringing up people we don't know, it's that it's implied we know them as well as she does.  Nope.  We don't.  No matter how many times you bring her up, wouldn't know her to pass her on the street.  So I guess welcome to the next level, ma!  😂

It was too perfect of a Fall day at 68 degrees and breezy so despite it being our typical rest day, we went to visit my Grandpa and did some grave admiration.

These old ones are my favorites and I love the buildup of elements that give the statues so much more character.

Like this one...

There was an interesting one that was in color and detailed that drew the Mr's attention...

It's like being at an outdoor art museum sometimes and it's so nice to see these people leaving behind such beautiful pieces to admire and honor their loved ones.  If you haven't looked at old stones in your local cemetery, you really should.  They are truly beautiful and fascinating.  We got a great schooling at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow NY (yes, that one) and if you'd like to learn more as well as have a tool if you do genealogy, this book is a good resource.

We also had our first pumpkin donut of the season Saturday which is always a nice treat and the long walk helped burn it off according to the Mr's watch.

Sunday we were lazy and stayed in bed until almost noon chatting and solving the world's problems, as usual.  It was a little hotter but still breezy so we walked at Grandma's cemetery this time.

It was a busy day.  I felt so bad for this woman who was there at a fresh grave and was making a beautiful Fall wreath for the person.  I remember those days and that hopeless look in her eye.  I wanted to hug her or ask if she wanted to share a memory but I didn't.  Maybe if we see her there regularly I will but I just wanted to let her grieve in peace.  

We've started our ghoulish horror movie watching by getting a few Friday the 13th's knocked out.  Pretty funny as the Mr fast forwards through the credits in the beginning because it just sounds like a dude with bad allergies.

We had cauliflower taco salad for dinner and cozied up with some hot cocoa for the evening before settling in for some Baumler's on HGTV.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I'm glad we got in some extra walking in perfect weather, it's just too good to pass up. Those pic's you took are awesome and I agree it's worth looking around at some of those graves to appreciate the artistry of them.

  2. I am 60. I talk about people my kids do not know personally, regularly. I do not actually know them personally either. . .

    But the kids now know who I mean by the locations. And the stories are relevant. I have two bloggers I read in NZ, one each in Florida, Texas, San Francisco and Chicago. Things come up with those bloggers that apply to our daily lives.

    Good example - Chicago bloggers have dogs and have built pee pits at two different houses. We got two puppies in July and built a pee pit. We use recipes from the San Francisco blogger regularly, we love her dog pictures. Etc.

    I talk about neighbors too, which they might not know the neighbor, but they know the house. The new people in Briscoe’s old house, the new people in Ronner’s old house. We have been here for over 20 years, sometimes I am talking about houses that have switched 3-4 times.

    The kids talk about people I do not know much more often - mostly people they work with, I can keep track of most of them by name (now). I know which one adopted a baby, who is doing what, etc.

    Usually these are all interesting stories. And I suppose that is key.

  3. I'm totally guilty of talking about people that others don't know, which shows I am a product of my mother. Work related vents are the main thing, but it's still probably not interesting for the other person to hear about it. Although I got to know a lot about my mom's work people and their families. lol
    It was our anniversary/birthday weekend which was very nice. Worked as well and did the usual chores. High 80s most of the week so it's back to feeling like summer.


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