Friday, May 28, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #22

What's shaking, y'all?  Everyone ready for the three day weekend if you're in the US?  We sure are even though we're coming off our 25th anniversary getaway.  No amount of time away is ever enough even if it was double what we usually take.  We've got the patio together and since the MIL was dropping something off on the porch, that kicked into gear the need to get the front garden looking presentable too.  I truly broke my body this week being bent over, crouched and the like.  I intended to get back into a full exercise routine but that wasn't going to happen when I couldn't even get up from a seated position without making noises way louder than I usually do.

That also meant I was too lazy to set up pics for dinner.  

Monday was beef roast sammie and a big salad.  Tuesday was turkey tacos and Brussels.  Wednesday was homemade Chinese with cauli-rice and broccoli slaw.  Last night was orange roughy, sweet potato gnocchi and broccoli.

Now let's get into...

12 Bodyweight Exercises for Knee Pain Relief  (Nobody likes achy breaky knees...hello 90s!)

The Surprising Symptoms of GERD You Should Know (That's the worst.  Anyone else Vurp?  (Vomit/burp)  That was always a fun one when I had it...not.)

How to Build Perfect Picnic Sandwiches That Are Tasty and Portable  (I like to use these ice pack sheets when placing them toward the top of the cooler with foil.  Keeps them from getting squished toward the bottom and they don't ice up either.)

20 Gorgeous Flowering Vines to Add Vertical Color to Your Yard and Garden  (I've got star jasmine, clematis and my wisteria arrive today.  Take a tip from my suffering though, be very careful with morning glories and moon flowers.  I got HORRIBLE contact dermatitis all over my waistband area and face after cutting it down to the point we thought I had shingles.  SHOWER IMMEDIATELY after pulling any vines.)

The Best Memorial Day Sales of 2021  (Do ALL the shopping.)

Since we have our patio together, we'll be grillin' and chillin'.  Everywhere will be crowded so there's nowhere we could go to escape people.  Thankfully, it's supposed to be cooler and maybe even a little rain here and there which means mother nature can water things instead of me.

Any plans for the holiday/weekend?

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  1. So ready for a good cookout. Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!

  2. We both work this weekend so no plans. I'll be heading to the grocery store in a minute and hope it's not super crowded yet since it's earlier in the day. Have to wear a jacket because it's nice and chilly this morning. Then I have blankets to wash and that's about it.
    Have a great weekend!!

  3. We had planned to go to the zoo today, but when I went to order tickets they were sold out. Bummer. Bought tix for next Friday instead. So now I'm trying to find something fun to do in town, or one town closer instead. Other than that... nothing much planned for the weekend. Super boring. Did yardwork yesterday so I'm still fighting my allergies and they're winning. Stupid allergies.

  4. Family reunion in kc! 53 degrees out pfft! Enjoy


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