Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Barreling through May Hump Day Survey

Last Wednesday in May.  Yeesh.  Let's barrel into some survey questions...

What would be an accurate tag line for each month?  

January-  We're only 10 days into winter, shut it about Spring or you're going to make it worse for yourself.
February- Still not it.
March- Okay fine, it's're still getting snow.
April- Doesn't that surprise dusting of snow look nice on the tulips?
May- Enjoy the first part, it's going to be hot by the end.
June- Here's your summer...can it.
July-  Is it October yet?
August- I'll be in the A/C for another month again.
September- Please stop being hot.
October- Enjoy the two days of fall color before the wind storm blows them off.
November- Yes, it's okay to decorate for Christmas if you want to no matter what people harass you for it.
December- Cram in everything you think is festive until you're so worn out you're passed out the last 6 days of the year.

When was the most inappropriate time you busted out in laughter?  Usually passing notes during class.

What’s the funniest TV show you’ve ever seen?  When Wipeout first came out, it was hilarious.  I couldn't really name anything funny now though Young Rock was pretty funny!

What’s something that everyone knows is true, but we don’t like to admit it?  We can't make everyone conform to what we think is "right" in our minds.  Forced acceptance isn't acceptance.

What’s the weirdest text or email you’ve gotten?  I got an unsolicited dick pic about 10 years ago, recoiled in horror and showed the Mr.  He texted the guy back and said he was going to call the cops for sending porn to his 12 year old daughter's phone.  When I posted about it, my gay bestie said next time forward him the pic and number and he'd post it on the forums he visits.  LOL  (I wouldn't but that's funny especially if someone persisted.)

What always cheers you up when you think about it?  When grandma would say "you were my first grandbaby."

What’s the most boring sport, and what would you do to make it more exciting?  Anything with a ball.  I would make the ball explode if you had it longer than you were supposed to.  (Like when a quarterback is trying to make something out of nothing and refuses to give up.  Sorry dude, you don't get to "throw it away"...BOOM!)

What’s the creepiest tech out there?  ALL of it.

Who did you use to look up to, but they screwed up and you lost faith in them?  A family member that I really loved and admired.  I asked them to sing at our wedding which they reluctantly agreed to.  We picked songs and I got them sheet music.  I heard a week before the wedding they weren't going to do it and called to see if it was true.  They didn't get back to me until 3 days before the wedding saying they weren't doing it.  I was up all night crying.  The next day I had my work wedding shower and I got $100 from the co-workers, walked directly over to a woman I knew who sang opera professionally and asked if she had plans Saturday.  She sang for me even though it wasn't the style I wanted and was a total pro.  The family member didn't show up at the wedding even though I never told them they couldn't come and was heartbroken because they were one person I always envisioned being there.

What’s fine in small numbers but terrifying in large numbers?  I guess birds.

Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow?  80% planned 20% go with the flow.  We tried two vacations 'go with the flow' and we are both too indecisive to make the most of our time doing that then find out afterward we missed a bunch of crap.

What was the worst shopping experience you’ve ever had?  Shopping for my wedding dress.  This was the late 90's when you had 3 fat lady dresses to choose from and you're lucky we don't make you walk down the aisle in a white linen bag.  I still had to have it altered.

What escalated very quickly?  I don't want to say because it involves politics

What did you believe for way too long as a child?  That family would always be there for you.

What current trend makes no sense to you?  Every person being a paparazzi for normal people.  Mind your business.

Your turn!  Pick a few or all questions and answer them in the comments!

What would be an accurate tag line for each month?

When was the most inappropriate time you busted out in laughter?

What’s the funniest TV show you’ve ever seen?

What’s something that everyone knows is true, but we don’t like to admit it?

What’s the weirdest text or email you’ve gotten?

What always cheers you up when you think about it?

What’s the most boring sport, and what would you do to make it more exciting?

What’s the creepiest tech out there?

Who did you use to look up to, but they screwed up and you lost faith in them?

What’s fine in small numbers but terrifying in large numbers?

Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow?

What was the worst shopping experience you’ve ever had?

What escalated very quickly?

What did you believe for way too long as a child?

What current trend makes no sense to you?

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  1. What would be an accurate tag line for each month?

    January - Which resolution did you fail already?
    February - Don't forget Valentines Day
    March - Move that clock forward and suffer!
    April - Better get your rubbers!
    May - Perfect weather, for a few weeks.
    June - Boardwalks, Beaches and Sun
    July - Fireworks
    August - Heatstroke
    September - Too early football
    October - Perfection
    November - Turkey and Christmas Music
    December - Christmas

    When was the most inappropriate time you busted out in laughter? Church

    What’s the funniest TV show you’ve ever seen? Benny Hill

    What’s something that everyone knows is true, but we don’t like to admit it? That we all think differently and need to accept that we won't always agree - but we could still show respect.

    What’s the weirdest text or email you’ve gotten? See The Mrs story about that.

    What always cheers you up when you think about it? The Next Vacation

    What’s the most boring sport, and what would you do to make it more exciting? Golf. I don't think anything could make that more exciting honestly.

    What’s the creepiest tech out there? Facebook

    Who did you use to look up to, but they screwed up and you lost faith in them? My brothers

    What’s fine in small numbers but terrifying in large numbers? Rabbits

    Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow? A good mix of both is what I prefer.

    What was the worst shopping experience you’ve ever had? Saturday when we tried to get flowers.

    What escalated very quickly? Saturday when we tried to get flowers.

    What did you believe for way too long as a child? That I was special.

    What current trend makes no sense to you? The loss of intellectual thinking in society.

  2. What would be an accurate tag line for each month?
    January -- New Year, Big Whoop
    February -- Hearts Abound
    March -- Starting to get the Spring Tingles
    April -- New Growth Peeping Out
    May -- The Best Temps and Flowers A'Bloomin'
    June -- Halfway Thru the Year Already??
    July -- Hot as Blazes
    August -- My Bones are Melting
    September -- Oh Crap, Winter is Coming
    October -- Burning Leaves and Pumpkin Bread
    November -- Really Freaking about Snow and Ice, but Will Take a Day of Thanksgiving to Forget About it.
    December -- Throw the Norman Rockwell Expectations out the Window and Enjoy the Holidays

    What’s something that everyone knows is true, but we don’t like to admit it? There is more than "one" right way to do something/deal with something, even if it's not how someone else does it.

    What always cheers you up when you think about it? My dogs

    What’s the most boring sport, and what would you do to make it more exciting? There isn't a sport that I don't enjoy on some level. I can watch just about anything either in person or on tv. Sports nut.

    What’s the creepiest tech out there? Tinder

    What’s fine in small numbers but terrifying in large numbers? People

    Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow? When it comes to my usual week, I like some planning so I can tick things off a list (chores, appts, etc). For vacation, it's all about go with the flow. One year we had an itinerary for every day and it was one of the worst vacations. We both agreed when we got home that we didn't feel at all rested, relaxed, or refreshed and dreaded going back to work with that mentality. Ever since then, we've made it a point to find a few places we really want to visit while on vacation, but the majority of the time is relaxing with no time constraints.

    What escalated very quickly? Tornado

    What did you believe for way too long as a child? That mine was the only jacked up family.

    What current trend makes no sense to you? No current trends ever make sense to me because they tend to go to the extremes.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate your time! (Heads up though...disrespectful or spam comments will be deleted.)

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