
Monday, September 23, 2019

Where'd the Weekend Go Recap

Howdy do, all?  It was quite a week last week.  I did the vinyl tiling for the second half of the basement and I never thought I could feel so broken.  Friday I worked from 10am to 10pm before I was done with two one hour breaks for lunch and dinner.  I never wanted to see that space again after that.  It was all I could do to clean up the paper backings from the vinyl tape and tiles.  When it was done, a storm had just wound down so the crickets were out and it was quite peaceful.  The Mr was kind enough to massage the back of my thighs and hips so walking would be possible the next day and it did help release things.

The weather forecast before bed was totally clear but hot in the afternoon.   As we got on the road, we saw the skies get darker and darker until we were in the middle of a total downpour for about an hour.

You can imagine how an antique show in the soccer fields was going to look after that.  Not fun.  Probably half of the vendors had their stuff either undercover or underwater so we felt a little gipped.  It finally cleared up but we'd gone through the other stuff since we brought umbrellas.  I wasn't impressed.  Either the hipsters have bought everything worth buying or my creative eye has changed because I used to get all kinds of ideas at these things and now all I see is junk.

It was nice to see some items from my childhood...

I thought it was funny this is what I saw given I just ordered a real one the night before.   I've always passed because I never had a place to store it but now I do so I guess I should learn how to sew.  I wish Grandma was still here to teach me.

Walking around for two hours on uneven mud/grass and asphalt did a number on us both.  We did end up getting two crystals to sit in the gym on one of the shelves for good prices.  Otherwise, nothing really wowed us but it was still nice to be out of the house.  Afterward, we went to an Italian restaurant for lunch then to Christmas Tree Shops and picked up a few things.  I found a good deal on Fall flowers for Grandma's grave.  We went to Joann's and I got some scrap pieces of fabric so I could test the machine.  Of course, their scrap pieces are kind of hideous.  I got a few that didn't make me want to hurl and we got on the road back home.  The Mr flipped on the game he taped and I zoned out and nursed a bit of a was a long day.  To make it even longer, at 8:10pm, I was like "want to get Trader Joe's out of the way?"  So we hit TJ's, Target and two other stores for a few of their specialty items before doing produce the next day.  It was nice that most of it was done but it stunk that it was 2 hours out of our night on top of it all.

Sunday morning was not a great one.  Lots of emotional crap with zero solution so it's not even worth going into.  I'm sure being at the end of my cycle didn't do me any favors on the weepy front but that was a minute fraction of it.  There's nothing I hate more than when as women it's assumed or we excuse real emotions, for being on the rag.  I had to just get through the morning silently wiping away tears knowing nothing I rationalized was going to make it better.  It was one of those lowest of lows where I wanted to burn it all down and nothing meant anything anymore.

Sudden and sweeping depressive episodes are the best!

We stopped by the post office then Grandma's and changed out her flag and flowers for the season.  Then it was off to the final grocery store where I counted on both hands how many people were racking up bail money in my mind.  I needed to get out of there because it was not good for my mental state.  That put us squarely at 4:30pm and I had to get up the motivation to workout.  I had zero desire but I'd somehow managed to stave off the "it's the last day of summer we should get ice cream" monster so I guess I owed it to myself to get down there.  It's irritating when you're both on the same bad page but I think given the way I was most of the day, he was going to err on me going through some self-loathing rather than me taking out my fury on him for saying no.

We did a new to us Power 90 and weren't impressed and followed it up with the Burn Fat Faster kettlebell workout.  It handed us our butts.  I craved comfort food for dinner so we had a grilled Cotswold cheese on 9-grain bread and Healthy Request soup.  Chicken and Rice for him and Tomato for me. 

I'm readying myself for a new week and am hoping to be productive.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. That rain sucked but I'm glad we still trudged through it and did what we set out to do even if we didn't find much at the show. I think there is a cycle with antiques. We're at the tail end of it. You get nostalgic for everything at first and are amazed at what you can find and now even when I see stuff that I haven't seen for years, like Mr Mouth board game, I get initially excited and then reality sets in - like yeah what am I really going to do with that game. We both know it would be play it once and put it on the pile of other games we don't play. Still neat to see it again for once though. Have a great week everybody!

  2. Ahhhh, the Sew Perfect!! I haven't thought of that little guy in years. And it was a great looking box, too. My weekend was much better than the week before and I managed to get all the laundry done on Saturday which always makes me giddy. It was a lot of puttering and doing little things, with good naps that rejuvenated me. The hubs gave me an anniversary present early because he couldn't hide it and I was thrilled to see my new chiminea for the back deck! I cannot wait to sit out there with the flames again -- and it's the perfect way to "shred" old documents and junk mail. lol The hubs has his facial surgery this afternoon so hopefully all that goes well. I hope this is a better week for you -- think's finally here!

  3. Sounds like a challenging weekend. I had plans to so some outdoor painting that were foiled by terrible rains. I had plans to take my little to the orchard which were also foiled. I ended up having my Moms friend over Friday for chicken and veggie foil packs on the grill. Saturday morning I started the closet purge as I need everything I own in my basement or garage by October 6th to get all my hardwoods done. I ended up taking my little to a really cool Lego place where kids do projects. I'm amazed at what people can build with Legos! Saturday night I got one of my spare rooms completely emptied. It rained all weekend. I ask my neighbor to come over to help me hang a cabinet I had curb shopped in my garage. That turned into a total garage Purge where we hung everything possible on the walls and I edited my woodpile. It felt really good but wasn't in my plans. I really wish I would have taken it before picture. I made a nice dinner a beef roast and veggies before retiring to the bathtub for A long soak. Although it wasn't the weekend I planned, it was a super productive weekend. Have a great week!

  4. I hope today is a better day. I felt the same way last weekend at our local town pride day. Usually the vendors are out in full force with all kinds of cool stuff, this year there were only a few booths with craft/decor items none of which were that interesting to me. Maybe it's the end of the season and they will restock so next time you go you'll find some great stuff.

    This weekend was kind of dissppointing. I had plans with a former co-worker for supper, and then with another friend for a catch up and chat in front of the fire pit in the backyard. Both of them ended up cancelling on me. I know it's not about me, but it still felt crummy to get cancelled on twice in one night no matter that they both had really good reasons for staying in that night.

    Yesterday was grading and catching up on laundry. And today I'm back to work. I'm kind of ready for a weekend already.


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