
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hump Day Poll: Temp Check

Fall starts in 3 days but you'd never know it around here.  We're tippin' 90 this week again and I'm OVER. IT.  My house is typically decorated and all of the baking starts happening come September 1st but I don't have a single pumpkin in sight.

So temperature check, does it feel like Fall in your area?  Have you decorated your house for Fall-idays yet?

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  1. Same boat as you obviously but I am so ready for those more crisp fall mornings and I hope we get a nice long fall for a change.

  2. Still in the 80s here, I'm a bit miffed as i already closed the pool. I'm a summer girl and feel like I got jipped this year because it rain the entire month of June and was balls hot July and August was like spring. If I hadn't closed my pool I be happy right now. The only thing I've done is put my Scarecrow on my front door. I have been able to have a few bonfires on a few cooler evenings. Have a great day! I've always wondered what state you live in?

  3. lol Dawn - balls hot. That pretty much sums up the temps here where I am too. I'm looking forward to a "cold front" of mid 80s for this weekend, other than that we've still been in the mid-upper 90s.

    I don't do much with seasonal decorations because I don't have the knack for it, and I hate the put it all away part. I have a Halloween welcome mat, and a fall/harvest themed door hanger and that's about it. I'll probably put those out this weekend. I love when I go places that all are decorated for fall, but I just don't have that gene.

  4. I am not happy with the humidity this week. Unacceptable! LOL I have mini hot flashes as it is, so this week does not bode well for me. It's supposed to be 73 or 75 on Monday I think I saw, but we'll see if that actually comes to fruition. I have no decorating done other than I have mum planters on my front porch that I really like. The containers are very fall-ish, so now we just need the blooms to open (and not burn to a crisp).

  5. Well, this week as been cool(er) and started feeling like fall. So I got my mums and did a little porch decoration with a small scarecrow. But now it's supposed to jump back up into the 80's this weekend into next week. Ugh. I love fall!!

  6. We are having a break from the heat right now. Only in the mid 80s and overnight temps are low 60s. So, no. No sign of fall. I'm afraid it's going to jump too quick from fall to winter to get anything done but I have a punch list and am ready to decorate as soon as Halloween rolls around.

  7. Yesterday was 90, today its 75. Fall in the south, it comes and goes.


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