
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Holy Sheet and Premiere Week

Happy Friday eve everyone!

I hope the week is treating you well and you're ready to slide into the weekend tomorrow.  It's been a somewhat low key week.  After last week's push to finish the flooring, it sucks all of my energy and I need a week to recoup.  I hate that I'm like that but it's like clockwork.  That means my next push should come any day now.  

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I treated myself to an electric kettle instead of boiling water for my green tea the next day in a saucepan.  We had one at our place in Montana and I really liked it.  It has different settings based on what kind of tea you're brewing and it has a keep warm function too.  I think it'll also come in handy for winter wassail to keep warm as well when the season kicks into gear.  There's a recipe I want to make that a place we stayed in Maine made and I'm looking forward to trying it in there.

I got myself in trouble when the Vermont Country Store catalog arrived.  On the back were the new flannel Great Pumpkin sheets and I had a gift certificate for $50 so I was done for.

Here's a closer look at the pattern...

They make me ridiculously happy.

It's premiere week so the DVR is starting to fill up.  We watched This is Us and they'd better step it up.  I didn't care for last season and I don't feel like they've told enough of their story to be adding so many new characters.  I can't stand American Horror Story the past few years but the 1984 theme drew us in.  I wasn't impressed with the first episode and we're waiting until today to watch the second one since the Mr had to do training for second and third shift.   We watched the new Goldbergs and that was nice to see some of old the cast from Vacation though also a little sad too.  I saw we have a Masked Singer to watch too. 

What premieres did you watch/are you looking forward to?

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  1. Those sheets are amazing! They would make me that happy too. Just knowing they exists made my whole morning better. But I don't have a coupon and I had to give away 2 sheet sets this summer b/c I have too many already. But I don't have a flannel set so... Maybe the Great Pumpkin will bring them to me.

    I watched the first episode of Prodigal Son. I don't know what I think yet, I'll give it a couple more episodes before I decide. I recorded the pilots of a couple others but haven't watched yet. I'm looking forward to Nancy Drew because I loved those books as a kid (I so wanted to be Nancy) but there's a really good chance that it will be more teenage angst than detective work and I'll get bored.

  2. I hated this week's This is Us! I hope A Million Little Pieces is good tonight!

  3. Love, love, love the sheets!!! If that doesn't say fall I don't know what does.

    We watched The Goldbergs and Schooled last night and I'm looking forward to watching Patricia Heaton in Carol's Second Act tonight -- looks very funny. One of my favorite shows from last year got cancelled (The Kids are Alright) so I'm bummed about that. I have to check the preview guide I got in the paper again to see what else is coming up. We really enjoy watching Bob's Burgers on Sunday nights for silly laughs, so that should be this weekend I would think.

  4. Glad we have some new stuff to watch but already feeling a little underwhelmed with what I've seen so far.


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