
Monday, March 11, 2019

Time Change Weekend Recap

For those with delicate sensibilities, there will be more swearing than usual below as I wrote the first part in the moment to avoid screaming and waking the Mr.

Saturday morning:  My biggest joy in life is drinking more water, making an effort to change up our meals into being even more healthy than they already are (particularly lunches) in a calorie range well within what every calculator out there tells me I should be eating, doing hard new to us workouts and gaining a friggin' pound

I'm not quitting on our current plan or anything, but this is exactly why I've given zero f**ks the past few years about killing myself meticulously tracking, obsessing over HRM numbers, and taking the time to plan because I feel like I just get crapped on for my efforts.  My body goes against every single law of physics regardless of the scenario.  No, I should not let a piece of machinery make me this friggin' angry but THIS is the part of the fight that makes me want to throat punch people when they're like "calories in/calories out", "move more, eat less" or my favorite "just lose weight" like it's the easiest thing in the world to do.  Maybe it's easier for skinny folk that are genetically blessed and their efforts seem to pay off more than the rest of us who struggle with weight (they would read that as an excuse), but for those of us who have to kick, scream, and fight for every damn ounce, it's frustrating.  Our downstairs calendar reads like a gym schedule.  You saw the March workout schedule last week, I sent it to someone else doing Beachbody on Demand, and their jaws dropped so I know we're not fooling ourselves on the intensity.  I know there could be a myriad of reasons why that bastard from hell shows me gaining, but when you still have 9 lbs now of vacation weight to get off, and you feel like crap about yourself already, it needs to get with the program.  I sure have, so step in line @sshole!

On a major high note though, the Mr lost 4 lbs!!!  I'm genuinely ecstatic for him because I really urged him to track this week and up his calories because I thought they were way too low and he was in the same boat I'm in so to see this drop for him is awesome.

We did 21 Day Fix "Dirty 30" which was a mix of compound weight exercises, and it kicked our butts.  Before that, I got us each 2 pitted Medjool dates stuffed with a few walnuts so my blood sugar wouldn't drop out from under me afterward and thankfully, that did the trick.  It doesn't hurt it tastes like pecan pie either.  If you haven't tried that, I highly suggest you do.  It is an awesome pre or post workout snack.  I have to say it stinks not having that Friday feeling of "yes!  Rest day tomorrow!" and if we're road tripping, we'll have to flip back to Sunday but it'll take some getting used to.  It did feel nice last Sunday to not have to get a workout in even though we still walked just under 2 miles at the park, we weren't focused on "we have to do one more lap for it to count."

The rest of the day was spent just stopping at random stores because we didn't want to be home, then the storm came through, so we headed home.  Then we ended up getting into deep conversations around 11pm and didn't go up until 1:45am which by the time we got done with bathroom necessities became 3am due to the time change. 

I woke up at 9:00 am (to my body) and checked email and all that jazz and didn't haul my butt outta bed until 10:30 am.  It was a cloudy, crappy day that called for grilled cheese and tomato soup to get things started as we woke up from our emotion filled and time change stupor.  The time change never used to affect me, but I find the last year or two, it has taken me almost a week to get on schedule.

We had some crap to get at grocery stores including Whole Foods which is always a joy on the weekend, and the Mr wanted to get insulation to finish off the garage.  It was weird for it to be a rest day but my Lord after Dirty 30, I needed it.  My abs and chest were sore.  Let me peek at today's workout...Core de Force-MMA Shred.  Here's some random chick that recorded herself doing some of it if you want to get an idea of what we're in for.  At least it's not strength.  I couldn't do that today.  I did a buttload of meal prep which took a goodly amount of time.  I was so glad dinner was heat and eat then we crashed hard.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. I feel like you are going to bust out a huge triump over that scale soon. You are a beast when it comes to getting all the meals prepped and the workouts planned and I know it's going to make a big difference soon. Just keep it going!

    I am glad I got the garage insulation project finished, especially since it started last week and I am tired of starting things like that and putting off finishing them. When a person does that all they really do is leave reminders to themselves of all the unfinished things that subconsiously stress them out. So yeah, I am glad that one is done. Now on to the next!

    1. We'll see. When one eats jackfruit tacos, they're pretty desperate.

  2. I'm sorry about the scale. That is incredibly frustrating and it doesn't matter what the reason is for the just plain sucks. I hope it starts moving in the right direction, like now!

    Weekend was pretty laid back. Got my hair done on Saturday, and it was great to catch up with my friend. Then it was one measly load of laundry, paid bills, and went to the post office before staying indoors to do my exercise and having lunch/dinner in the mid-afternoon. Sunday was grocery shopping, two loads of laundry, and lots of ticky-tack stuff around the house that kept me busy, as well as exercise, and a hard nap that was too late in the day. Got two hours of sleep last night so this is going to be very long day. Yikes.

    1. It's gonna move in a direction if it doesn't step with it. Glad you had a laid back weekend but I hope you at least got a nap in.

  3. So very frustrating that darn scale. Went to fish fry Friday then pretty much moped all weekend doing random tasks. Reframed a picture, scrubbed the walls and baseboards and sorted photos. I was up at 4am yesterday. The time change throws me off as well. Have a great day!

    1. Ooh, if you'd like to come scrub mine, you're more than welcome! :D

  4. Time change has always thrown me off. It doesn't seem to matter if it's spring or fall, I'm always "off" for several days afterwards. it's been like that since college. Funny thing is that when I travel to other time zones I don't have the same struggle when I come back.

    This weekend was a long weekend (so nice) but I ended up making 2 trips out of town so I spent a lot more time in the car than I would have liked.

    The scale sucks. I'm sorry it was mean to you.

    1. I don't have a problem going to wherever we're going but anything over 3 hours (Hawaii being 6 hours) and that time change beats mah booty!

  5. Have you been tracking inches lost? I bet you guys have lost a lot of inches! You may have gained muscle. Also, once T20 is released to everyone, which I think is soon on BeachBody on Demand, I think you guys would love it. I just started T20, and love it so far. It's a lot of HIIT.

    1. Yes we have and no we haven't. LOL I have a pair of "you're fat" jeans and they have been laughing at me for 2 months now but the tape measurer just confirms what I already know after sliding those on. I'm looking forward to T20, it looks pretty awesome. I've got one sample workout from it but I don't want to mix it in until the whole program is available. Glad to hear someone likes it and gives it a thumbs up!


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