
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Hump Day Poll: Who to Believe

If it's one thing that has gotten more confusing with the internet, it's the information floating around about your caloric needs.  Back in the day, it was basically "starve yourself and go to Spa Lady and the weight will fall off!"  Now you have so many different sites telling you conflicting info.  Tracker apps, a specific program you're following, a dietician site may all say something totally different with the same info.

One way has always been to add a zero to the end of the next weight you want to be.  (They say to do that with your "goal weight" but if I cut to my goal weight and plateau before I hit it, I'm not gonna be a happy girl when I have to cut calories again.)

If I look at Beachbody on Demand's guidelines for figuring my weight loss calorie target, I would take my weight x11 then subtract 750 and that is how I would pick what calorie plan to use on basically any of their programs.

MyFitnessPal says 1550 net calories which means I have to wear my HRM to see my calorie burn which I've been doing the past 2 days and it's been between 525-550 calories which you would add to your net calories for the number of calories you'd eat for the day.  (So 2075-2125 cals.  Gotta be honest, I HATE the way they do their calories which is why I dropped them years ago.  Every time I dropped as low as they said, I gained weight and some people said you add your exercise like they say and others say not to.)

There are different calculators you can use and find out what your calorie range should be based on how much you want to lose per week.

These can vary up to 400 calories based on the same information which is super frustrating.

If you look on any weight loss forums, the topic of calorie ranges is the most commented on and is a hotbed of hostility for people wanting you to do it their way.

How do you calculate your calorie range if you're trying to lose weight?  Calculate, intuitive eating or something else?

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  1. I continue to be confused about what the best method is so at best I think you can only take an average of what a few of the calculators say and start with that, then just keep tweaking it. Problem with that is that it takes weeks before you see real results and those are easily affected by other things. But I know one thing for sure. If I hear a skinny jerk say "calories in, calories out" one more time...

    1. I wonder how many calories a throat punch burns? I totally agree on that asinine saying which is typically uttered by some ass clown that has never had a weight problem. My favorite is also "just eat less and move more." It's the "just" that gets me. "Oh thank you Einstein, I hadn't thought of doing something so insanely simple." *throat punch* (which after looking it up, burns 1 1/2 calories.)

  2. I use weight watchers point system so fortunately no calorie counting. It's been slow going, 40 lbs 2 years but I half a$$ it sometimes.

    1. Congrats!! That's awesome and now you actually have half an ass! :D

  3. I find the variety of calculators confusing as well. I'm all about simplicity though, so I like the "add a zero" thing. Except that means every time I lose 10 pounds I'd have to drop 100 calories and that's hard to do.

    1. I don't get how there are only like 2 formulas out there to calculate it all but there are so many variations. It's been beaten into our heads to go so low which is fine for a skinny chick but when you still have 100 lbs to lose there's a lot more info and then sleep, stress and all of that are factors as well. OY! I like the add a zero thing as well but I think it needs to start higher. (Like if I want to be 140 lbs but am at 240, I'd need to add a zero to 220 to get there first then adjust down to say 200, etc. If I went straight for the 1400 cals, I'd plateau and then there's nowhere to cut from. That made sense in my head, I hope it translated. LOL)

  4. I had my BMR tested and I've found that to be the most useful. I think there is a lot more variation among people than most folks think - which contributes to the confusion. It takes more work, but treating yourself like a science experiment and figuring out what style of eating (and in what amount) is best for your body is what will lead to long term success and sanity IMO.

  5. It is very confusing and often I'll read about calculations that include if you're "sedentary, moderately active, or very active." Well, defining that is an individual thing too! What one person considers very active may only be moderate for someone else. I have a calorie range that seems to work well with my blood sugar and allows me to go up a bit on really heavy workout days if I feel I need it. The pamphlets I get from the doctor's office are so generic that I don't bother with them because they are very antiquated.


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