Friday, May 25, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #21

Happy Friday everyone!  Are you as ready for the weekend as I am?  (Rhetorical obviously!)

Let's peruse...

7 Low-Back-Friendly Glute Exercises  (No pain for booty gains!)

Should You Exercise When You Are Sore?   (Good to know.)

Americans waste about a quarter of the food they buy, and the environmental consequences are staggering  (WOW.   This is kinda scary)

12 Foods That Help You Fall (and Stay) Asleep!  (I love a lot of foods on this li....zzzzzz...)

Not seeing results? 5 Common weight loss methods that might be sabotaging your progress  (Excellent points and good for those wanting to stop with the numbers obsessing)

The "Burn Fat Faster" Workout  (Love this workout!  It's a butt kicker for sure!)

What to Do When You Weigh 352 Pounds and Everything Else Has Failed  (Very interesting perspective from 50 years ago)

10 years of following an Alzheimer's patient  (*sobbing*  Please, you MUST watch this.  Don't read the article, watch the video.)

"I've Had All My Fillers Dissolved": Courteney Cox Admits to Getting Tons of Facial Work  (I am SO proud of her!  I'm so sick of women falling into this snowball effect of trying to maintain a "youthful" appearance that looks anything but.  She looks SO much better without all of that sh*t in her face!  Let's hope others follow suit...Hollywood is sending the wrong message to our youth and I'm hoping she starts a revolution!)

Fleetwood Mac Detail New Tour and Talk Life After Lindsey Buckingham   (Sorry but it's not Fleetwood Mac without Lindsey.  I understand the reason they gave for his firing but still.  So glad I saw them in 1997 when they reunited the first time and were on good terms.)

We're gearing up for Memorial Day weekend like most of you.  I don't know that we have specific plans but just enjoying getting back into the groove.

What are your plans this weekend?  Any grilling on tap?

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  1. Tomorrow I have a meeting, then driving out to see my uncle, then cutting the lawn. Grocery shopping and laundry need to get done as well. I'm really hoping to get all that done in two days so I can truly relax on Monday. Every Monday in June is filled with appointments, so I need a day to sit, relax, and read, which I haven't done in months.

    I don't know about any cooking because it's going to be in the 90's here. I do plan on making a fruit salad and a cucumber/onion salad though.

    Happy Memorial weekend to you and the Mr.!!

  2. Happy Friday and enjoy the long holiday weekend everyone!


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