
Friday, April 7, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #14

It's Friday!!  This week has kind of flown by for me.  So much to do and not enough hours in the day. (Hence my being up until 1am most nights.  Oy)

But enough of my sleep deprivation, let's get to...

A Trainer's Take on How Many Days Each Week You Should Strength Train  (I already do three, I don't really want to up it from there just yet.)

The One Thing No One Realizes About Happiness  (Very good tips)

I Did the World's First Ice Cream Cleanse: Yes, Really  (Courtesy of The Mr)

Here's What a Doctor Has to Say About All That Protein You're Eating  (That large Spain study is some scary shizz!)

Nutrition and healing; how to eat to help healing  (This came at a time the Mr needed to read it.  Very helpful info for those coming back from injury)

15 Little Spring Cleaning Tasks You Can Tackle in Under an Hour  (We've all got that drawer/bin)

The Unexpected Reason You're So Anxious  (YES, this!!)

8 Times in Your Life to Take Advantage of a Major Declutter (I remember hearing a tip once about when you set out on a declutter mission to pretend you've just accepted a job cross country and you're keeping what you're moving.)

OMG, Eating Cheese Is Linked to Better Health in New Study  (Runs to cheese drawer in fridge)

Dad Devises Genius “X-Plan” That Could Save Your Teen from a Dangerous Situation  (For every parent out there!)

Bob Harper of ‘Biggest Loser’ Recounts Heart Attack ‘I Was on the Ground Dead’  (Scary stuff!)

Payless is closing 400 stores — see if your store is one of them  (Well poo balls.  Not that I shop here a lot but still nice to have a lower cost option.)

'The Neverending Story' Empress Tami Stronach Shares Behind-the-Scenes Stories From the '80s Fantasy Film  ("Bastian...pleeeease....CALL MY NAME!"  "I will!...*runs to window*..."MOFMOHDIAAAAAAAAAAAA!"  (aka-"Moonchild"  Bastian's mama or grandparents were hippies!))

I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be a working weekend for me as I will actually have sunlight to film by.  Yay.  Not.  I'm hoping to at least get out of the house for an hour or two in there.

What are you guys up to this weekend?  

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  1. I am still laughing about what you wrote for Neverending Story. Mofmohdiaaaaaaaaaa!

  2. Great articles! I've been reading a lot about full-fat cheese and milk actually being better for you, so this was interesting.

    Going to see my uncle today, then going to the burbs tomorrow to take another couple of loads to the storage unit. I'm opting to skip my meeting tomorrow to get a head start on the drive. I'll feel really good when we get this done tomorrow because there won't be too much left after that. Sunday I'm planning on taking the pooches for a lovely spring day walk. =o) And no doubt some grocery shopping as well.

    Have a super duper weekend!

  3. Great reads as usual! I'm a major cheese freak. No big plans for the weekend, but at least the weather is getting nicer! It's going to be in the 70's by Monday!! Yay. Have a great weekend.

  4. My kids are all past that age, but The X Plan article was really great. I sent on to several people.

    And it would also work with couples/friends. Get to a party or event with your hubby/friends and really want to leave, text an X, even if they are sitting right across the table from you. Between the two, would be able to bow out semi gracefully.

  5. I don't know ..... again this morning I find myself questioning my path.... maybe less protein IS better.... I am like a ping pong ball ... can't make a decision and stick to it.... sheesh


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