Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Squared away and Movie Night

Our rental situation thankfully got settled before lunchtime yesterday but it wasn't without a nice morning full of panic attacks where I couldn't take a full breath.  Don't mess with mah vacation woman!  Thankfully that passed by the afternoon and I got some work done.  The Mr was kickin' butt helping me so we had the evening free.  We did our cardio of walking the hood for three laps because my legs were cursing me from deadlifts from the previous night's workout.  Tonight will definitely be upper body because I'm still pretty tight and I don't want to overdo it.  Dinner was BBQ chicken, twice baked potato and green beans.  Then it was time to take in some movies.

Wild Oats   (affiliate link)  (Jessica Lange, Shirley MacLaine, Billy Connelly)  A recently widowed woman (MacLaine) erroneously receives a five million dollar check instead of the $50,000 she was expecting from her husband's life insurance.  Egged on by her best friend (Lange), they embark to live life to the fullest before they get caught.  Connelly's character is somewhat endearing and you'd know why I feel that way if you rented it.  The romp in the hay scenes with Jessica Lange were actually refreshing because it was very reminiscent of her performance in Tootsie.   (affiliate link) Very innocent and sex kittenish without trying to be if that makes sense.  It was nice to see that part of her come out again.  Howard Hesseman and Demi Moore also star.  The trailer on this looked pretty awesome, even the Mr agreed it looked good.  It's not that it wasn't good, it was just a little draggy and it was the director, not the talent that made it a little disappointing.  (Though I will say either Demi Moore has lost it acting wise or was directed to play an infantile schmuck,  It was grating.)  I wouldn't steer people away from it just know there could be some parts you're hoping will pick up a bit.

Split  (affiliate link) (James McAvoy, Betty Buckley)- This is an M. Night Shyamalan movie so you know you may sit through 110 minutes of "hurrrrry uppppppppppp" for 10 minutes of "holy sh*t!!"  While there are some slow parts, McAvoy is seriously...OMG.  Wow.  So very talented.  I don't even know who he is honestly but some split personality disorders are over-acted in movies but he makes you believe it. The back story of the main female lead, Anya Taylor-Joy, was predictable to me from the start but still doesn't make it any easier to watch evolve.  So it was enough to distract from the abduction situation.  (I'm not giving anything away, it's in the whole trailer.)  Honestly what you think is the twist was predictable as well however, you were just bracing to see "okay, is he going to go super over the top with this and make me regret renting it even though we got it for free or do it justice?"  He did it justice.  I guess the REAL twist at the end is one that only true Shyamalan fans will get because I just thought it was a famous actor doing a cameo at the end and the Mr immediately knew what it meant and it had to be explained to me.  I told him I thought it a little pretentious that M.NS presumes we all remember this character as though it's part of pop culture but whatever.  Still really liked it though and would suggest it for a rent.  Betty Buckley was also a nice surprise and played a pretty hefty role so I was glad to see her in something like that.

If this is riddled with typos, please excuse me as my editor is sleeping now.  :-)

Do you like suspense to be drawn out in movies or constant action?

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  1. As your editor I can say you did just fine! I really liked Split and I was surprised I even understood what the real twist was but for some reason it clicked with me. I highly recommend it and it does stand on its own too.

    1. After I see it I will be contacting you to explain the twist because I'm sure I won't get it either.

  2. Those sound like pretty good movies. I've been reading more that watching tv/movies lately, but that will shift soon and I'll catch up on the dvr and then look for movies to rent.

    Sometimes I like lots of action and little plot, but in other moods I like suspenseful drawn out stories.

  3. I haven't seen a movie in so long that I'm not really sure what I like. LOL I'm used to watching comedies, and haven't watched a drama in a quite a while. My attention span has been nil as of late so that might explain why.


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