Monday, April 10, 2017

Knock, knock

Who's there?


Boo Who?

The weekend's over, you don't have to cry about it!

Actually I do have to because damn man, it was jam packed full of work and even though we got out of the house it was for half of our grocery re-stock so that just feels like work!  Then we had dinner out (we usually do lunch out, less crowded).  We had some loud family beside us, screeching children behind us and a waitress that thought we apparently looked like it'd be okay to drop an F bomb as she bid us adieu.  (We're not prudes but yeah, not appropriate until you've waited on us about 3x then let 'em fly.)  The meal was okay but this is why I end up cooking at home half the time.

I wanted some fur fix so we got out this little guy...

"I'm about to remind you why you haven't gotten another pup!"

He was a cutie and ran around in circles until he started circling period looking at his butt and took a fresh, steamy dump on the floor... followed 3 minutes later by a squirt thus reminding us why we don't have dogs.  The Mr was about done after that....probably because he was the one cleaning it up.  Bwaaahahaha!  (Seriously, steaming dog poo makes me dry heave.)  So we said goodbye, wiped down our clothes which were freshly shed on and went to a few more stores.

My new bedtime seems to be 1am.  That needs to stop, weekend or not.

Sunday I worked again while the Mr helped and before we knew it after working on some projects, the day was down to 4:30pm and we still had our produce haul to hit and one more store.  I decided since we were able to find a turkey for $17, I'm going to make a turkey and bring that for Easter.  I'm saving back the best pieces for us (two nice breasts please...LOL) and they're welcome to the rest.  I'll also make it clear I'm not bringing turkey every year either.  Don't wanna start that thought in their heads!  ;-)  So if I do that and maybe have some baked beans then I should be good.  Hopefully they'll have a veggie or something I can put on the plate too.  I decided on the sugar free banana cream pies.  Mix and dump.  Then I'll do donut bunny pops for the kids.  I did a test one and it looks like it'll work without being too much of a pain in my buttocks.

By the time we got done and took a few minutes just to sit down, it was 7:15pm before we got downstairs to start our workout.  I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to skip...hard.  Instead, I decided on Shaun T25 Focus  (affiliate link) because I knew we could do 25 minutes and if we put it into beast mode then I would feel like I wasn't wussing.  Well my lungs were burning and I was hacking and crap so I think we worked hard enough!  Thankfully, I had some makeover lasagna still in the freezer, so I put the oven on 325 while we worked out and then I took a shower after and it was done.  I had nothing left in me to prepare a whole meal afterward.

Then it was time to finally catch our breaths and that was at 9:30pm.

So yeah, I could totally use another day please.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. Yeah, wow. That weekend was a whirlwind. Where did it go? I'm glad we did get out and about for at least a little bit and glad the groceries are all replenished.

  2. Had a working weekend myself. Had to turn over dirt where 2 trees went down last summer and plant grass seed. That was alot harder than I thought! Got the cars all clean and smelling good. Got the gutters cleaned out. Loving this weather!
    Have a fantastic week!

  3. Sounds like a productive, if not restful, weekend. I went to friend's Friday night. Saturday the boy had two soccer games and then the library book sale. $1 any book, or $10 for 12? Yes please.

  4. Hokey smokes, that was a busy weekend you had! Isn't it funny how when you want time to go by quickly (say the work week) it tends to drag, but when you need time to slow down, it does not cooperate. At all.

    Went to the burbs on Saturday and got a lot done there. Spent the afternoon trying to get the mildew smell out of my car (CANNOT figure out where that is coming from) then fell asleep for about an hour at 8pm. Yesterday was grocery shopping and laundry and a few errands. It was sunny and very warm, but super windy so not the best to be out working on my plants. lol


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