Friday, May 27, 2016

Homeward bound

"No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one."
- Elbert Hubbard

Isn't that the truth?  It doesn't matter how long you're on vacation or how rejuvenated you feel before stepping into the airport...all of that starts fading away the second you return the rental car.  The irritation from other passengers, being on a plane longer than a work day, the layovers, the rushing then waiting, the bad airplane or airport food with inflated prices and by the time you get home you've got a whole new set of things to deal with.  Voice mails, emails (no, we do not take computers on vacation), snail mail, bills and inevitably there is always some crisis that is waiting for us.  Some family member has decided to wait until the day we get back to spring some massive computer problem they need resolved ASAP when we haven't spoken to them in months, someone needs a favor or on the morbid side, loved ones die.  Yep, it's happened 4 or 5 different times we've been on vacation.

I'm praying this vacation is different these things aren't waiting on us since we come home today.  I would like to come home relaxed, with life giving us an extra day or two to get back into the groove before harshing our vacation mellow.  It's part of the reason we're always vague about a return date with family and are very careful about liking or commenting on anything on social media.  Once they know you're home...all bets are off.  I have to remember how to blog again since I'll have not done it daily in over a month!  Forgive me as I knock some rust off next week!  ;-)

We need to go to the grocery store and stock up on fruits, veggies and healthy schtuff to purge the sins that have likely stuck to our hips.  It's always nice to get back to a regular routine food and exercise wise after letting loose on vacay a bit.  (Hats off to the ones who lose weight or maintain on vacation...that'll never be us.)  It's like after vacation you just crave that and I also get really inspired by the food we have on vacation.  I love to recreate dishes and try to make them healthier or get inspired by new ingredients I've come across.  Come Sunday, we'll jump back into a planned program as we try to get jet lag under control and readjust to a 6 hour time difference.  Melatonin shall be my friend and water...lots and lots of water!

Three day weekend!  Woot!

What's on tap for you this weekend?  Got any trips coming up?

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  1. Can't wait to read all about your trip. We are leaving Yellowstone tomorrow after 4 days here and before that three days in the Black Hills. We're stopping for a couple days in Estes Park on our way home to Lincoln. It's all beautiful country especially compared to boring and flat Lincoln, Nebr, but I can't wait to get home either! I've been sticking to my diet plan, because I finally found my weight loss mojo again and don't want to risk losing it yet again. I've got half of my 53-lb. regain off and I know the last 25 lbs. will be a bitch. But I'm determined!! Hoping the scale shows a major loss after 10 days of not weighing daily.

  2. i love that quote -it's so true! i hope that you've enjoyed a peaceful holiday weekend and week ahead with lots of recovery and emotional support for the terrible re-entry process. :) i appreciate your posts so much, and just wanted to let you know.


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