Monday, May 9, 2016

Don't Wake the Neighbors Lower Body Workout

This workout was created to get in a good lower body workout but isn't so jump oriented that you wake the neighbors.  It's perfect whether you live in an apartment or are traveling and want to get a hotel workout in without retaliation. 

Marching in place is done for about 5 minutes and throw in some arm reaches and maybe some high knees to get yourself warmed up.  (Or do your own favorite warm up)

Using your phone timer, do each exercise for 50 seconds with a 10 second active rest before moving on to the next exercise.  Go through the exercises twice and you'll have a quick 25 minute workout to get the lower body hummin'!

Reverse Lunges-  Start with feet hip distance apart.  Step back with your right leg & lower your body toward the ground until the front knee reaches about 90 degrees making sure your knee doesn't go beyond the toe.  Then stand up and alternate to the left leg.  Repeat for 40 seconds.

Squats- Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.  Keep your back straight as you stick out your booty and squat down using the hips and keeping your weight in your heels.  Go as low as is comfortable and stand up.

Side Lunges-  Start with legs shoulder width apart, step out to the right  until your left leg is straight.  Hold it for a moment then lunge to the left until your right leg is straight.  Make sure you keep your back straight as you are lunging.

Pulse Squats-  Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.  Keep your back straight as you stick your booty out and squat down using the hips and keeping your weight in your heels.  Go as low as is comfortable then pulse up and down within a 3" span.

Calf Raises-  Stand with feet shoulder width apart.  Raise up onto your toes, hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower down.  If you want to, you can do a single leg raise for 20 seconds on one leg then alternate to the other for more of a burnout effect.

Side Kicks-  Feet shoulder width apart, lean slightly to the left and kick to the right.  Kick only as high as is comfortable aim for knee to hip height then alternate.

Hamstring Curls- With feet shoulder width apart, lift left heel toward left buttock then alternate to the right side.

Squat Kicks-  Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.  Keep your back straight as you stick out your booty and squat down using the hips and keeping your weight in your heels.  Go as low as is comfortable and when you stand up, do a front kick and alternate legs each time you come up.

Pulse Alternating Lunges (20 sec per leg)-  Start with feet hip distance apart.  Step forward with your right leg & lower your body toward the ground until the front knee reaches about 90 degrees making sure your knee doesn't go beyond the toe.  Pulse up and down in a 3" range for 20 seconds, then stand up and alternate to the left leg.  You'll get a 20 second rest after both legs with this one to kick out the legs and shake off that tightness.

Side Knee Raise-  Lift your left knee toward right hip for 3 counts then alternate to the right knee toward left hip for 3 counts.  Add arm movements for more calorie burn.

Heel Touches-  With feet shoulder width apart, raise your arms over your head.  Raise your left heel inward toward your waist while simultaneously lowering your right hand to touch your left heel at/close to the waist level.  Switch leg/arm when you alternate.

Front & Back Kicks- Front kick with the left leg.  When you lower the leg, lean slightly forward and reverse kick with the right leg.  Do this for 20 seconds before switching which leg is kicking forward and back.

As always, check with a doctor before doing this or any exercise program that is new to you.
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1 comment:

  1. This would definitely be effective, whether or not you have to worry about disturbing the neighbors.


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