
Monday, December 21, 2015

White flag raised

Is Christmas over yet?

Yep, I'm at that point after all of the "togetherness" this weekend.  After all of the baking and the very sweet thank yous from the recipients, I was good with the work put into them and it was worth it.

But then I had our own cookie baking to do, house cleaning that needed done and errands to run before company arrived.  I will say it wasn't the Mr's best day and if he wasn't driving, I was tempted to punch him in the throat a time or two which always sets a lovely tone for the rest of the day.  I ended up with a stress headache that lasted most of the afternoon.  I was rushing right up until the minute our company arrived.  Overall it was a good visit but there is some serious humble-bragging problems coming up with every visit now and it's getting hard to bite my tongue.  All I could do was change my demeanor to stop myself from saying something that wouldn't be very nice.  I don't consider bragging about your wealth and the amount of money you drop impressive.  It kind of sucks when you see people change for the worse.  I'm hoping it's a phase because I don't know how much I can be around it if it continues this way.  My filter is far too thin as I age.

When they left, we didn't have time to really talk about anything as the Mr had to be up early to see The Force Awakens with my cousin at 9am across town.  I wanted to spend that time working out but I had to bake everything I needed for our Christmas gathering mid afternoon.  He called me to tell me that my cousin was late and he couldn't get a hold of him.  (He is chronically late)  He said he was probably going to have to end up leaving his ticket at the window because he wasn't missing it.  That really ticked me off and put me in a bad mood.  Then I had time to marinate on some comments from the previous night and that put me in a more foul mood.  I had all kinds of stuff to make from scratch including this bouche de noel...

I was of course rushing around until we had to leave, then a gift bag fell onto it in the car.  I wanted to scream, so I turned off the Christmas music that I'm tired of and flipped on my "anger management" playlist and started singing along with Break Stuff (affiliate link) by Limp Bizkit.  It is the only song that will allow me the outlet to get my rage out without totally going off on someone.  A close second is Idiot by Lisa Marie Presley.  It's not quite the soundtrack I envisioned on my way to a Christmas gathering but it was for the safety of all involved.  Well, it didn't matter because others were in a mood and I honestly couldn't muster faking my lack of enthusiasm.  It was only exacerbated by the people who had a main component of the linner being an hour late, so by that time I had another headache.  But I was cordial and talkative with my other grandma who this was with because I think it's only fair to be cheery with a person dumping $150 worth of gifts in every person's lap.  Too bad a few others couldn't get that memo.  Yes, she can be a little abrasive but we see her once a year, get over yourselves and smile for her sake.  For some reason she wanted to be my buddy and I was fine with that because it kept me away from people I was not in the mood to deal with.

We did give my aunt and uncle the Food Saver we bought for them and once I showed them how it could free up their time and save them money and help her with food for both of their parents, they both got super excited about it.  I gave them a little tutorial after everyone left and it was nice.  My food was horrible this weekend and I really feel like I just don't want to make one more damn thing this week.  Of course that's how I feel as I type and today I could feel differently.  I just want a little friggin' peace and I want people to stop being puds.  I need a vacation.

Today I think I'm going to nap for as long as humanly possible.  My white flag is raised and I don't want my immune system to do the same.   I just want next year to be me and the Mr somewhere with snow, I will cook a small feast and we will leave the BS here.  I think I will start looking at cabins in the woods for next year.

Edit:  After a talk last night before bed, the Mr said he wanted me to take a hooky day for myself.  "Sleep in and don't come downstairs, just stay in bed, you deserve it!"  Sounded good to me!  I couldn't wait to catch up on the sleep I missed all weekend!

Here it is, 4am and after 2 hours of bouncing in bed to try to stop him from the hellacious snoring he decided to do only last night, I am on the couch with about 2 hours under my belt and no sleep in sight.


How was your weekend?

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  1. Saturday definitely wasn't my best day and then getting very little sleep Saturday night must have caught up to me last night. Hopefully you're sleeping happily by now and will wake refreshed for once. I guess the only consolation is that it's almost over!

  2. Good Morning! Sounds like a whirlwind weekend!
    Well, my baby son (22) got home Thursday which is just awesome. I missed him so much! We got some great news Friday, my brother and fam from Indy will be joining us Christmas day! So excited! I was so bummed last week mailing out gifts we wouldn't see anyone open. Let the board games begin :) My Mom sure perked up when I shared the news!
    We had a quiet weekend, watched "something's gotta give". I love that movie, first time Mom has been interested in anything for awhile. I had taped it and the ending was cutoff! I saw it was playing again so I retaped it and yep, same thing, grrrr! I've ben wrapping each delivery as it arrives so pretty much done there except for 3 items ordered in time that won't get here in time, pfft! Tonight my #1 son arrives so off to the store to stock up on all his fave foods. They are heading to Iowa until Christmas Eve so Mom and I will be busy getting ready for the food fest!
    Only 3 days of work, then off for 11!
    Have an awesome day!

  3. Good Morning! Sounds like a whirlwind weekend!
    Well, my baby son (22) got home Thursday which is just awesome. I missed him so much! We got some great news Friday, my brother and fam from Indy will be joining us Christmas day! So excited! I was so bummed last week mailing out gifts we wouldn't see anyone open. Let the board games begin :) My Mom sure perked up when I shared the news!
    We had a quiet weekend, watched "something's gotta give". I love that movie, first time Mom has been interested in anything for awhile. I had taped it and the ending was cutoff! I saw it was playing again so I retaped it and yep, same thing, grrrr! I've ben wrapping each delivery as it arrives so pretty much done there except for 3 items ordered in time that won't get here in time, pfft! Tonight my #1 son arrives so off to the store to stock up on all his fave foods. They are heading to Iowa until Christmas Eve so Mom and I will be busy getting ready for the food fest!
    Only 3 days of work, then off for 11!
    Have an awesome day!

  4. Sorry about you weekend, it can be hard to hang with family. I wish you a merry Christmas.

  5. I understand how you are feeling about the holidays. My significant other is feeling the same way. We made the call this morning that he is going to take a pass on the family festivities and take a road trip to the mountains of Tennessee (arriving the 24th) and I will do the family Christmas thing and fly down to meet him early on the 26th. We will have that cabin in the woods, but no snow, for a few days. Sometimes the hardest thing is to recognize that you just don't have the energy to put on a happy face for a room full of family and friends when you just aren't feeling it.

  6. My weekend wasn't like that at all. I pretty much lazed around until Sunday afternoon, then took the boy to the park to play with a friend and then did all my chores when we got home. I think I needed it because today I feel a lot better about life in general. I waited too long to order gifts online (how is one day shipping going to take from Friday until the next Thursday?) so I'll be making a run out of town tomorrow to do my shopping. I'm not looking forward to the crowds, but it's my own fault. Mostly. I didn't get paid until the 15th and got a bonus on the 17th so I didn't really have the money to get gifts earlier, but I still could have planned better.

    I hope you get some rest and that today is a better day.

  7. Our house is chaos- everyone wanted to come home and we are moving literally the day they all leave. So I determined I was not going to make myself nuts this year and I'm not. Cards were out day after Thanksgiving- shopping and wrapping was done mid-November and under the very early tree. I even let the store buy the cheesecake this year- I know it's not the same as home made but I'm moving- so everyone can just survive this one year. I'm probably more 'over' things always being about food because honestly, I'm over THAT right now. But I'm happy for the visitors, even happy for the chaos so long as I can take a break from it. Your log looked lovely and I'm sure it was still yummo. Sleep...sleep...sleep.

  8. Oh man, you did have a hellish weekend! All the running around, baking, cooking, etc you had to do and to feel rushed on top of it. Then to be with people who aren't appreciative and snarky to boot...good grief. I would definitely plan an "out to town" cabin for next Christmas where you guys can spend and entire week in pure bliss and leave the family crap behind. Now that sounds like a lovely holiday. Get booking sister!


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