Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Meal with mama, strength in numbers and getting some zzz's

Happy Hump Day all!

Well we had mom over last night for dinner.

I was hankerin' for chili really bad lately and despite the weather changing back to swamp @ss hot this week, the craving wasn't subsiding.  So chili in 90 degree weather it was.  There's one serving left for the Mr and I split for some healthy chili cheese fry action tonight so that makes me a happy girl!

It was a nice visit with mom.  She was here for 4 hours and had a lot of gossip to catch me up on.  Some jaw droppers, some commiserating on like minded opinions and people that just are screwed up and talking about them is truly a waste of time.  I always try to show my disdain for the people involved but she ends up sucking the Mr into it and I just have to let it run it's course way longer than I care to listen to.  To quote Frank Cross..."scrape 'em off Claire, you wanna save somebody, save yourself."  But even with having to listen about other people's crap, we shared lots of fun stories of our summer too.

We got our workout in earlier in the day.  Resistance band training to ease back into strength for the Mr.  So if his shoulder doesn't heal up, I'm going to do an extra session when he's not here so he doesn't feel like he's missing out.  I feel a real difference in not doing two sessions a week and I can't let my strength slack when he's the one who needs to back off it a bit to heal properly.  I remember going through phases of that in our past where one person couldn't workout or do something and the other would then slack as well for no real reason.  I'm going to learn from that mistake and do what I need to do for my own endurance while supporting him in what he can do.

I have no idea what workout I want to do tonight.  I really wish it wasn't so hot so we could get one paddle in this week especially with a close to full moon but I don't think that's going to happen.  Oh!  I forgot to mention that the other night I used a sample of Emergen-Zzzz Nighttime Sleep Aid (affiliate link) with melatonin because sleep has seriously been eluding me lately and my body was feeling battered.  I slept for 9 hours with only one wee break at 4am.  I still felt somewhat tired (not groggy) when I woke up but I know my body needed the repair time.  So while I'm not a proponent of using sleep aids, this one may be making an appearance for me before trips especially.  I always have a hard time sleeping before a road trip from either excitement, making sure I don't forget anything or antici...


Kudos to those who got the reference.  Ooh, today I might just have to torture the Mr with that movie!

Welp, suppose I'll get a move on.  Hope everyone has a great day!

What is/was your relationship with your mom?  

Sleep aids...yay or nay?

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  1. It was a very good visit with your mother and despite hot weather, the chili was very good. Of course the chili cheese fries will be even better so I am looking forward to that for sure! Have a great day baby!

    1. Yes, it was good despite the heat. I can eat chili any time of year. I can't wait for chili fries tonight! A rare treat!

  2. I love chili. I'm definitely going to have to make some soon. Mine isn't all that great though, so I think I need to find a new recipe - any recipe really since I pretty much just throw ingredients into the crockpot and hope for the best. Chili cheese fries rock.

    I go through bouts of sleeplessness sometimes and I think about going to the doctor to get a prescription, but then I remember how scary the side effects can be. I think I would though if those bouts ever lasted more than a couple weeks. Mostly if I know I'm going to have a tough time sleeping that night I take a Benedryl. I have to take it pretty early though because if I wait until I'm ready for bed I tend to be a little groggy in the morning. Mostly I save that for the night before a trip (like you said), or if I'm going to be staying someplace other than home because I have a hard time sleeping anywhere that's not my bed.

    1. I love chili even better the next day. I made it Monday so it would be fully marinated by our dinner and easy to throw together.

      Yeah the side effects on sleep meds are downright terrifying and with Alz in the family, no way am I going to mess with those. (Or anti-depressants which are also linked) But I figure a little hit of the melatonin on rare occasion shouldn't hurt based on what I've read. I could've used it last night, up every hour.

  3. My mom and I have a great relationship. We never really had the love/hate thing that happens when you're a teenager. She was DEFINITELY a parent vs friend but I think now that I'm a full blown adult, we've finally hit that part where we're friends too.

    I'm hit and miss on sleep aids. I find I'm always dragging the next day so I try to avoid them. I suffer from night terrors and have tried all kinds of sleep aids to help but none of them do so really I don't get much out of it.

    1. That's awesome. It's good to have a mom that isn't afraid to parent but can be a friend as you get older.

      I don't know if that Emergen Zzz would help you or not, I felt like it was super mild but stuff like Nyquil or PM meds never did anything for me so I was actually happy this made me just sleep enough to go to sleep in a normal time frame and not feel gross in the morning. This is why I love samples! :-)

  4. My mom and I get along really good. I just wish I didn't live 1000 miles away from her. We had to move to make our lives with kids work in a state that wasn't locked down with temporary agencies. But now that they are all grown, I am working towards moving closer to her. And Wisconsin is getting too damn cold to live in forever!
    I have used Zquil to help me sleep on occasion, sometimes you just need to make the mind shut down so the body can rest. I have that pre-travel issue as well.

    1. That would be nice to be able to move closer to her and yes, I imagine Wisconsin winters are quite interesting! LOL

      Yeah the whole travel thing, I'm totally like this:

  5. I haven't used sleep aids before, but I've been tempted. The night before a trip I don't sleep (doesn't help that flights off this island leave at 6 am in order to make connections with other flights), then once I've arrived at my destination I can't sleep the first night either! So I start my trip so tired! Went to California this past April, had major issues with weather/connections, got stuck in a city overnight and arrived in LA a day later than supposed to. Vacation started with us being exhausted. Hubs does occasionally use prescription sleep aids, he hasn't slept well since I've known him, but he doesn't like the chemical "hangover" that comes with it. So I've been weary, but may check out the EmercenZZZ.

    I wish my relationship with my mom was better, and as she gets older I feel bad that it isn't. She tends to live in the past, and all our conversations are about her and what she went through, which wasn't an easy life, but there are people out there who've had it far worse than her. I was also the one who got pregnant and married young, (21) then had three kids in four years, while hubs struggled to finish university. My two siblings did things the "right" way and got married at a later age, worked and then had families. She always said she wished I had done things right like my siblings. She had no faith in me or hubs making it, and while it was a struggle with lots of ups and downs we got through it and now the kids are grown, hubs is getting ready to retire at 57, and we have three great kids and two grandbabies. My siblings, the golden children??? One sibling is an alcoholic, divorced after finally leaving an abusive relationship, one of her children is an alcoholic/drug addict, one had a child at 15, they have no respect for my sister or my parents and treat them like $h!t. My parents refuse to believe she's an alcoholic, they think she drinks to get through stuff. Denial maybe? The other is in an emotionally/mentally abusive relationship and is struggling to work and raise two kids with no help from the spouse. So I guess I'm holding on to a little bitterness that she had no faith in me, and she always tells me she cried "oceans" of tears because she thought I had made so many mistakes. Now it's my siblings and their children she's crying about. I feel bad for my siblings, but there's nothing I can do to help because mom says they're "jealous" of my life and they don't need to hear that things worked out for me. So it's very frustrating to drive an hour to spend time with her and listen to the same stuff all the time. Do I sound resentful??? Lol. I'm proud of my relationship with my children, and contrary to the old saying, I have not become my mother, because I warned hubs that if I started to behave/sound like her to call me on it!

    1. One thing that does help me is the whole "unplugging" from all computer and TV light 30 minutes prior to bedtime. When our downstairs tv was on the fritz and we moved our bedroom tv downstairs, I actually slept better. I told the Mr I'd like the take the TV out of there for a month and see how I sleep. I need to follow through more often on no computer/tv time before bed.

      Your story is sadly not uncommon. I have friends that have told me similar things and the crazy thing is the one they treat the worst in life is often the one they turn to later in life when the health takes a turn. I wish I had comforting words but it just plain sucks and it's not fair. Just when you think you can take a little pride in working hard, doing well and having children that are respectful, it's still somehow not good enough. So yeah, you have a right to feel resentful, I would too. I have a good relationship with my mom but dang man, last night was just one big gossip session from her and I just felt kind of, I don't know, weighed down by it all when she left. I mean the first 30 minutes were about a friend marriage crumbling apart...happy birthday to me! LOL For health reasons, I had to cut out all of the gossip talk because I tend to take on other people's issues when there's nothing I can do to change it and since then, we just haven't been as close as we used to be. I hate to think the only thing we'd have to talk about is other people, especially people who made their beds and now have to lie in them. I've got better ways to spend my time than obsessing over people's mistakes. *rolling eyes*

  6. Today mom and I were taking pictures out of frames to wash and give the frames away and she had lots of stories to share about them, so that was really neat for her. Baby pictures of her, some of me and my sister (blech), and other family members. She said she feels very good after our talks and keeping busy during the day, so that's encouraging to hear. She was tired and crabby today from lack of sleep and I told her it was just fine --she can be in a funk and I can focus on driving, so no worries on my part. She seemed to perk up a bit after that and promised she was just going to watch a movie tonight so I was happy to hear that. I'll take her for her last treatment tomorrow and then she'll be done with that. I know she's REALLY looking forward to having that behind her.

    Sleep bet your sweet bippy! Anything to help me snooze I'm in favor of. Even an anvil to the head to stop the hamster wheel on occasion. LOL

    1. I'm so glad you and your mom have this time to say all of the things that need to be said, share stories, etc. If she's up to it, she should hand write some stories on a card on the back of some of the pics. Maybe it's just me but there's something about seeing the handwriting of the person that makes it feel so much more special. I bet she'll be glad to have treatment behind her. When will they get results of that?

      An anvil would help on occasion here as well!


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