
Friday, September 11, 2015

A day of pampering and what I'm reading this week

Holy crap y'all, yesterday was a fantabulous day!

I was getting out of the shower and heard a knock at the door.  It was that kind of knock that people do when they know you...or if you've watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds it's the knock a killer does to try to make you think you know the person at the door.  Because I was half nekkid and knowing that anyone who knows me well knows I don't answer the door for drop bys, I took my time getting dressed.  As they knocked a second time, I peeked out the window and saw a florist van.  "Who the hell is sending flowers??" I thought.  I know it wouldn't be the Mr because I know what florist he uses and this wasn't it.  So when I came downstairs, I saw this was left on my doorstep...

My wonderful friend Jeff sent this as a belated birthday gift!  Love the fall colors mixed with orchids and since we're going to have the opportunity to watch Hawaii play online, the touch of aloha will get us pumped for the game!

(Lest anyone think the Mr's flower game isn't strong, I got to enjoy these all last week (and a sweet card) when he surprised me after a bad day.  Facebookers saw these)

Then it was off to the chiro.  I just couldn't take the leg pain anymore.  It wasn't debilitating but I didn't want it to progress into a "thing."   I felt like he didn't get as deep as I would've liked and he said much of my problem right now is tissue related and he didn't feel damage like before.  He still did the laser on me which always helps.  They are having a special this month with the newer massage therapist to try her out for $50 (almost $20 off) and they had an opening 30 minutes after I finished.  I decided why not so I made the appointment.  I told her what I just had done with the doc and how out of whack my legs felt.  She said she'd do a once over on my shoulders and such first and then move to the gams.  I didn't even realize how sore my shoulder and neck were until she started digging in a bit.  Then she moved on to the legs and damn did it hurt/feel good.  She actually worked on me for 100 blissful minutes!  I left a tip for her and left feeling much more limber.  She said the affects should last for a week.  I'm going to do everything I can to keep myself loosened up over this week and be a good girl and roll.

But enough of my day o' pampering, let's get to...

18 Easy and Delicious Ways to Enjoy Apples  (I have been enjoying the first Honeycrisps of the season this week.  Soooo good!)

12 Easy, Anytime Moves to Strengthen Your Feet and Ankles  (My ankles need to man up.  The left one is poopin' out on me this week)

19 Michigan Beach Towns, Ranked   (I see some long but worth it road trips in our future)

How Something You Spray On Your Kids Can Melt Your Car’s Paint  (This seriously terrified me.  I avoided it anyway but now, no way in hell!)

Take a Force-Ful Nostalgia Trip With the Best Vintage 'Star Wars' Toy Commercials  (For the Mr)

The Rock to the rescue! Dwayne Johnson saves puppy from drowning  (Good thing he was keeping an eye on them!)

How Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon Got His Signature Look  (Holy God that man still gives me the vapors!)

The 50 Best Free Workout Resources You Can Find Online  (You know we agree with #1 for sure!)

My Years of Eating Dangerously  (I love this article.  Reminds me of my great grandma who drank pickle juice every day, used lard for everything, ate chicken and dumpling and homemade strudel like it was nothing and lived to 100)

 7 Subtle and Slightly Bizarre Signs You Need More Sleep  (I always need more sleep)

Tea party recipes (I am DYING to have an afternoon tea at home.  Where my tea people at?)

Tom Mison is a great husband's experience  (1.  Major points to the hubby  2.  Major awesome points to Tom  3.  I want to lick his face even more.  Errm...uh, never mind.)

You Can Now Visit Halloweentown, No Flying Bus Required!  (MUST. DO. THIS.)

Tomorrow is all about the Hawaii football game.  It's so rare we can actually see their game online (forget on TV) so we're going to cast it, I'm making Hawaiian food and we're busting out our Warrior gear.  It's supposed to be in the high 60's this weekend so I'm hoping to get out and enjoy a preview of Fall even if it's supposed to be short lived.  I'm so ready for sweatshirt, fuzzy socks and apple cider season!!

What are y'all doing this weekend?  Do you tip your massage therapist?

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  1. Happy Friday!
    I happily have no plans this weekend. I'm going to do a drop by at my friends house in the city. Her Mother moved in a few months ago, she is in early stages of dementia and Nina really needs a hug. I refinished a table a week ago and found a really easy strippping product to use so I have added my dining room table and Hubby's dresser to my project list. Might close up the pool too as summer is officially ova in my book. I haven't been to a massage therapist but I would tip anyone after a massage if it was good.
    Enjoy your day

    1. No plans are sometimes the best plans! Wait. Yeah.

      A hug is certainly much appreciated by anyone dealing with that disease in their lives. Give her an extra hug from someone who can vouch for the suck. Oooh look at you Ms. Stripper! Wait, that didn't sound so good. I used this stuff called Citrix or something like that and it does a great job. Crap, you just reminded me I need to get more of that and get my flea market skis stripped and stained before the weather changes.

  2. That is awesome of Jeff to send flowers like that. But now I have to step up MY flower game so, thanks Jeff! LOL. Glad you got pampered, you deserve it!

    1. Yes it was. He's a good egg, he is. Your flower game is just fine sir.

  3. I bought a sweatshirt on a whim when we were at the giftshop at the TOP of Rocky Mtn. Natl. Park in July, and only got to wear it that one morning. It was SO COLD up there, and I had lost track of the Mr. in the car so decided to pamper myself with the spur of the moment purchase before I went out to hunt in the packed parking lot for him. Now I'm ready to wear that new sweatshirt again. It's in the 50's this morning and only supposed to get into the low 70's, so maybe Fall is here? I'm ready!
    Nice Flowers!!!

    1. Hopefully you get to put it to good use sooner than later! So ready for Fall! We only get this weekend then right back to the 80's. :-\

  4. Those flowers are beautiful! What a good friend. :)

  5. I actually got a massage and facial this week. I tipped my masseuse well as he did a great job as I harbor a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. My facial lady was just so/so. I still tipped her but it was smaller.

    1. Yeah when I was talking to my mom about the medical massages she gets and I told her I tipped she was like "uh, you're supposed to tip them? I don't." That's why I don't get them well, ever, because regular prices are so high and I know they kind of expect a tip so $80 for someone to rub my shoulders or legs is a luxury I can't afford since our insurance doesn't cover them. Only because of the pain and the special did I take advantage. I wish they were a little more affordable.

  6. Had my comment almost finished and the page closed on me, grrr! So if there's two posts from me, sorry!

    My health insurance through my employer covers $1400 worth of massage per year so I try to use it up. I do tip the masseuse, and I tip based on service and quality of the massage. I've gotten enough over the years for the same physical issues that I know when I'm going to feel significantly better. I do try to go to the same person, but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

    I'm going to Nova Scotia tomorrow and on to PEI on Tuesday for a mini-vacation/work trip. My daughter is coming with me so we're renting a car and going exploring til work starts on Wednesday. So looking forward to it!

    "Holy God that man still gives me the vapors!" That made me laugh out loud!

    1. Man, I'm so jealous of y'all who have it covered by insurance! I would love to get it done on a regular basis. My current on call masseuse says yes but has the groan under his breath. (The Mr)

      I hear Nova Scotia is gorgeous! Have a great time!

  7. Beautiful flowers all around! Glad you got to treat yourself to a much-needed massage. Enjoy your Hawaii football day -- sounds like so much fun! Today is a perfect, gorgeous fall day in the 60's, strong breeze, and lovely sunshine with clouds mixed in. The hubs and I took the dogs for a long drive in the country to go to the apple orchard so I could take a peek at all the fall offerings and to get my much-anticipated apple cider donuts. I do not know how they get the perfect crispness to these things and they are so light and airy. Most places have heavy cake donuts and these are nothing like that -- simply amazing. For some reason I've been slightly nauseous all day and thought maybe it was just a little car sickness, but I haven't been able to shake it. The hubs says he thinks it's fatigue because of the week I had and driving between 150-200 miles every day. Very long days and not good sleep, so he might be on to something there. My plans for grocery shopping went out the window for today, but now I have a plan for tomorrow so I'm happy about that. I'm going to buy the ingredients for the meatloaf recipe you gave me and report on how it went after I make it. =o) Despite not feeling up to par, I can't help but be in a good mood when the weather is as perfect as this. It's supposed to warm up again to near 80 next week, but I'm going to soak in all this autumn air while we have it. Enjoy your weekend!!

  8. I bought 6 Honeycrisp for $15 today, but since they are the size of my head, I don't care.

  9. Love when friends surprise other friends with flowers - AWESOME!!


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