
Monday, February 24, 2014

Let me entertain you

This weekend was pretty busy for us.

As you all know, we're ridiculous procrastinators so as usual, we waited until Friday to clean for company Saturday.  We got everything done except for vacuuming that night so we decided to hit a tag sale Saturday morning and because the first day was Friday, they picked that house clean of the good stuff like buzzards.  Then it was back to another location of the store that we bought the Tempurpedic pillows from.  Yeah...those weren't going to work out.  Too hard (even with the extra soft), HOT and for $200, we just couldn't do it.  So we took them back and they tried to tell us that we couldn't bring them back because we'd opened them. news for you sistah...THEY opened them and use them as demos on the floor to sell you the pillows when you are buying a mattress.  I know this because they've done this with us twice AND there was someone else's hair on both of our pillows.

So after we told her that,  the Mr and I busted out the "we'll just cancel our mattress order", Little Ms. Attitude made a call and we were getting our credit card credited back.  .

We went to an antique mall in town and didn't find anything that hit my fancy.  There were some staples that sold including an overpriced Simpsons pinball machine and one of the saddest things I've ever seen...a Woody cowboy doll from Toy Story.  I mean, I swore I could feel him cry every time we walked past him.  I was glad to see he was gone where hopefully he's being loved by a new little kid.

Then it was time to go home and do more food prep.  Our friends arrived and I made a copycat version of Slabtown Burgers Pungi Burger and I used pretzel buns.  I should've toasted them because they got a little mushy but I wouldn't need to do a pretzel bun next time over a Hawaiian one or brioche bun.  Everyone LOVED them.  Our friends said it was better than anything they'd get at a restaurant and the Mr has said that quite a bit this week.  So that makes me feel good!  :-)  I also used the frozen Northern Spy apples we got in Michigan on our way home that I had frozen waiting for this day.  It was the first apple crumb pie I ever made and it was damn good!  I'm not usually an ala mode girl but the Mr is and the vanilla bean ice cream was quite tasty!)  Apple crumb is my favorite fruit pie and this tasted pretty dang close to Grand Traverse Pie Company...our favorite pie place.  So I was the queen of the food knock off's this weekend.  I always like to try to recreate restaurant faves because I know I can make it better and even a little healthier here and there.  I'm not saying the burger was healthy but I did an 80/20 and 96/4 beef mix where a restaurant would use straight 80/20 and add a ton of salt.  I used 33% less fat cream cheese to stuff it and just little substitutions like that.

Then Sunday my mom was dropping off something and we got to talking so I asked if she wanted to stay for lunch.  She did and I did a ground turkey breast burger version of the Pungi and some baked beans.  The Mr almost exploded with delight on that one.  Mom loved it too.  For dessert we had a little homemade hot fudge sundae complete with a cherry for them.  (I don't like those fakey cherries.)  So I felt pretty darn accomplished culinary wise this weekend!  We gabbed and before we knew it, it was 4:30.  So she stayed for 5 1/2 hours!

We were all tired and she went home and took a 2 hour nap.  We took about an hour-ish nap with intermittent wake ups from the a-hole dogs barking next door and next next door.  People, keep your idiot mutts quiet!

So that's about it on our end.  We imbibed a bit more than we should have this weekend between both days but it's a new week, so onward with the hard work.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. You outdid yourself big time this weekend! I cannot believe how wonderful all the food was and you did even better than the original on the pungi burger! Then the pie was just divine. Best apple crumb pie I've ever had, no doubt! Great job baby and thanks for all the hard work!

    1. Thanks! I was glad that the stuffing for the burgers turned out well. I probably wouldn't use that brand of cheese again, I don't know why it was greasy when it melted. But that one chipotle gouda we got would be a good addition. I was pretty proud of the pie and we're going to have to figure out how to get Northern Spy apples because those are THE perfect pie apple ever. Take that granny smith.

  2. Sounds like you had a yummy weekend, and company to share it with. Saturday we went car shopping and actually found something (I posted a pic at spark). The to a junior college basketball game as a scouts outing. Then Sunday was all the stuff that didn't get done Saturday. I could really use a 3 day weekend this week.

    1. Congrats on the new ride! You need to take Friday off and make next weekend your 3 day weekend. :-)

  3. Do you think Jimmy Fallon looks (and acts) like a cross between Mike Meyers and Pee Wee Herman--in a totally good way?

    1. Now that you say that, I can see it. The Mr and I were just talking about how we like him on SNL but he can be a little much to watch as a talk show host. He's so hyper and sometimes we have to turn it. But when Justin is involved, we're totally there.

  4. I worked Saturday morning and then came home for a much--needed 2 hour nap after a week of little sleep. Then we went out for our Valentine's dinner to a place some friends highly recommended. It was wonderful! The hubs loved his lobster--ranked it a 10 out of 10 which he NEVER does (9.5 is the highest he's gone) and he was thrilled to bits. I took his word for it since I don't like seafood and had one of the most tender pieces of chicken parmesan in my life. It was outstanding and I was thrilled with it. We enjoyed some spumoni before heading home to watch Ghost Adventures. Sunday was grocery shopping and laundry and another nap for me, which my body greatly thanked me for. Made a fabulous pork roast in the crockpot which I then refrigerated for tonight's meal, and that made all the difference with the flavors. Going forward that's how I'm going to do the crockpot meals--cook 'em, let them rest overnight, then reheat on low--yum! So it was a very relaxing weekend and I even got in some reading.


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