
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mushy surprise

When the Mr came home, he handed me the mail and there was a card from him.  Then he told me to close my eyes.  When I opened them, this little guy was sitting in front of me...

It is so cute and it has special meaning to us because it was our dog's favorite toy.  We got her a similar one when she was a puppy and replaced it every time the squeaker got punctured or it was in it's last legs after many mend jobs.  We both laughed that she would be going NUTS over it and would try to take it from me or we'd have to buy her one even though it's 1/3 of her body weight.

It was very sweet and I love getting romantic cards and/or gifts for no reason.  It makes me feel gooey inside...and not because I'm fat.

What romantic thing has your honey done for you lately?  What was the most romantic thing they've done for you?

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  1. I just had to get that. I saw it in the window the other day and knew that it was perfect. I know he is more of a valentine's thing but who needs valentine's day to say I love you? I'm glad you like it and I know our doggy would have gone bat*hit over that thing and it's really funny just to think about.

    1. Thank you so much. It's so cute and I know the dog would've definitely gone batshit over it! I think even when we're 90 years old we'll see a hoggy and think of her!

  2. How very sweet. You definitely have a winner in the Mr.

  3. Stuff for no reason is the best!! My hubby will give me a card for no reason, asks regularly if I need help, and he always helps around the house. I think all of those things are VERY romatic!

    1. That last word should be romaNtic LOL.

    2. Stuff for no reason IS the best and means so much more!

  4. My hubs will buy me fun socks (I'm obsessed) out of the blue and will come home with flowers and beanie babies for me. He cooks dinner often, which is so nice when I work later. The sweetest thing he's done lately is he knew I was very stressed out about the snow this past weekend so he got up early and ran all the errands I had AND did all the grocery shopping. I was stunned when he came walking through the door proud as a peacock. He said he wanted me to have a good Sunday with no stress so he took care of everything that needed to be done outside the house. It was wonderful!

    1. Mine are fun Christmas socks. Santa with pom poms on the back, Grinch, Snowmen, Reindeer, all of it.

      What a good hubby! Points for sure!!


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