
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Just in (tea) time

I don't know if it's because I'm forcing the water down during the day or what but my cravings during the day (thusfar) have not been anywhere near as bad as they have been in the past.  I expected stabbing pit hunger as our stomach acclimated back to normal portion sizes and insane cravings.

Aside from the haunting deja vu Reese's peanut butter cup commercial taunting me no matter what channel I have on in the background.  I've been doing well.  The Mr hasn't faired quite as well at work as his hunger kicked in a few times and the co-workers are working on getting their homes cleared out of crap so they're bringing it into work.  Chocolate cake...special darks (his favorite)...truffles, etc.  But he hung in like a champ and resisted temptation.  Go Mr!

While my days may be smooth sailing so far this week, the evenings are becoming my issue.  The Mr and I are obviously on different hunger schedules!

We'll have our snack and then like an hour later out of sheer boredom, I want more.  I've been turning to green tea to help fill up the belly and give my hands something to do other than blog.  Specifically, this is the tea I've been having.

We found this roasted green tea (affiliate link)  in Hawaii and I was over the moon to find it on Amazon and ordered a buttload of it.  I gave a box to my cousin who drinks a ton of green tea and he LOOOOVES it.  It has the health benefits of regular green tea but because it's roasted, it has a richer flavor.  It's perfect to help with that  little boredom gnaw I get in my stomach as I get back to normal.  It's better than slamming my face in a bowl of cereal or rip off a hunk or two of cheese that would both equal a couple of hundred calories.

What tricks do you use when you want to eat but you're not really hungry?

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you buy through it, I'll get a few cents and you'll get some of the best tea you've ever're welcome.)

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  1. I highly recommend this tea. It has a great flavor and honestly that is what is usually missing from most green tea. It does help a lot too when we are leaning towards wanting something. Boredom is definitely the biggest threat to eating right.

    1. Boredom sucks and your mind starts wandering. I'm proud of you for avoiding the temptations at work, especially today's.

  2. You know what I want someone to invent? Crunchy gum. I know that sounds gross - but sometimes (especially at night) I just want something to crunch on. Not veggies, but like candy or chips or crackers or... Just crunchy. If there were sugar free gum on the market that gave that crunching feeling that would go a long ways towards stopping me from overeating at night.

    During the day drinking water is a good go to, but not at night. If I don't have my water in by 7ish I'm up peeing all night so drinking water instead of snacking at 9 o'clock doesn't work.

    Sometimes sheer laziness helps - you know the kitchen is all the way in another room and it's soooo haaaard to go get snacks. Mostly though don't have any real tricks to help.

    1. Crunchy gum? You may be on to something. I know lots of people like crunchy stuff.

      I know, I'm up about 2am every night right now and hoping I can knock out the tea thing as time moves on so I can get a full night's sleep! LOL

  3. I can definitely relate to you're eating out of boredom. That's my weakness, and the trick I use (with only moderate success) is to think about how my stomach feels. If it's not feeling empty, then I know that I don't need to eat. Like you, I also go for the green tea. It fills me up, and is nice on these cold nights. I'll check out the roasted green tea. My final trick is to clean my teeth after dinner, so I won't want to eat. That seems to work pretty well.

    1. I do try to ask myself if I'm really hungry most of the time. Tea is my way of drowning the voice that says "no, I'm not hungry but you could have a handful of dry cereal without doing much damage." Then I tea-board the inner child and shut her up. I've heard of the brushing your teeth thing too. Good on ya!

  4. I also drink drink tea when I want to eat, and it often helps. Sometimes when I feel like I really want to eat, I'll tell myself if I am hungry, I can have an apple or some carrots with dip, but no junk. It's really hard sometimes! Some days I do fine, and others I just want to eat constantly for some reason. It's maddening. I think when I am exercising a lot a more it makes me hungrier. That is why I never lose weight when I train for the half marathons.

    1. It can be hard but yeah tea or something I'll grab a clementine (35-40 cals) I've heard the same thing from people who train for marathons of any kind that they will either maintain or gain despite all the extra activity.

  5. During the day I either reach for the water, crunch ice, or reach for a stick of gum. I love the crunch gum comment, that would be great. At night it is tough, lately, I try not to have foods in the house that tempt me, just the basics. If it is not there, I can eat it! I live alone so it is easier for me then most...

    1. I told her she might have something with that crunch gum! :-) Good for you not having tempting food in the house. That's most of the battle!

  6. I'm not a tea drinker ... but in a similar fashion, sometimes I will sip on a citrus soda like Fresca or Squirt (I know, diet soda isn't really getting a thumbs up either, but I'm not a big diet soda drinker, it's pretty rare for me). It gives my mouth something to do and the taste actually makes other foods unappealing. Other tricks are chewing gum or brushing my teeth ...

    1. Oh man, just reading the word "Squirt" gave me a cavity! :-) I tried that one time and I felt like Beavis turning into Cornholio! LOL I did the gum thing last night when the tea effect wore off an hour later.

  7. That tea looks so good! I often try to drink some. I got green tea with mint from Trader Joes for Christmas and it's great. Latley I've been trying to add more fitness when I'm hungry or during times of the day when I normally get hungry. It helps me overcome the craving.

    1. Tea is just so good and this one for me gives such a great full flavor. I can't do flavored teas (no lemon, mint, citrus, etc) so I stick to green and black for the most part. I tried white but it didn't taste like anything and for that I could drink water. Speaking of which...

  8. In all honesty, I haven't figured out any tricks thus far. Sigh.....

    1. Try some tea and see if it works for ya. Or gum. Always nice to have at least one method in your arsenal. I went without the tea last night and chawed on some gum.

  9. Tea is one of my little tricks too. :) There's this cinnamon tea that I used to get and it was so sweet without having any sugar in it--I wish I could remember the brand! It was so good and it immediately curbed my sweet tooth and made me feel full too.

    1. It's so good, isn't it? I tried to make my own cinnamon tea with ground cinnamon once and it just clumped up on me. Me think I should've mulled it with a whole stick. LOL


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