
Monday, October 21, 2013

We're back...Jack and wanna do it again

Howdy do all?

Well, if you follow me on Instagram, you know my secret...we snuck away to Traverse City, Michigan last week for a vacay.  It was much needed and we had a nice time.  When we went last year, we had six rainy days and one sunny one which happened to thankfully fall on the Mr's birthday.  This year we had five sunny days and two less than ideal but were still able to do stuff.  We stayed downtown this time so we could walk most places to eat and shop.  We got in 38 miles of walking averaging 5.43 miles per day.  I think that's a new record for us beating Chicago by about 1/2 mile.  However, I don't think it put a dent in the damage we did food wise but that's another post.

In the meantime, here's a few shots from our getaway...

No vacation is complete without a trip to the local Humane Society

It's pretty sad when 6 samples this size give us both flaming headaches.  Definitely not drinkers but the spiced cherry wine is amazing.

Glen Haven Beach...heaven on Earth.

Frankfort Lighthouse
It's quite a haul drive wise but we bought Billy Crystal's audiobook version of his new book Still Foolin' 'Em: Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys?  (affiliate link)  It helped the time pass by quite nicely and if you should get it, I highly suggest going audiobook with it because he reads it and does impressions and some chapters are read in front of an audience so it seems almost like stand up.  It'll make you laugh, cry and prepare you for some scary shit aging wise.  I'd better buy stock in travel neck pillows because apparently we'll all be napping a lot.

Whatchu been up to?

(This post contains an affiliate link to a pretty hilarious book.  If you buy anything through it, I'll get a nominal kickback and you'll help keep a roof on this blog home.)

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  1. Sadly, nothing fun like this. Michigan is so beautiful. I'm glad you guys had a good time.

  2. Your pictures are gorgeous! I haven't been to Traverse City in years. . . :( Glad you had a good time!

  3. Beautiful the BW of the MR...on the bridge..

  4. Those pics are beautiful! I'm glad you guys had a great trip =)

  5. What a lovely weekend away! I requested a follow on Instagram! :)

    Also, spiced cherry wine? Sounds delicious! And I'm getting that book! We've got a big drive to Boston coming up, so I'm sure it will help us pass the time. Thanks!

  6. Man what a great trip! Thanks for planning another great trip to one of our favorite places. It was some much needed time away from work and everything. Anyone on the fence about going there should definitely just go.It really is one of the most beautiful places to visit!

  7. LOVE Michigan! I'm originally from Chicago and going to Michigan is basically what people from Chicago do for vacation. :) Your pictures are beautiful--I'm glad you had a good time!

  8. What wonderful pictures! I love the one of your hubs standing on the long pier--terrific shot! So glad you guys had a lovely time. I think Michigan in the fall is one of the prettiest places in this country--simply gorgeous. I have the song to the commercials and listen to it all the time. And thanks for the kudos on the Billy Crystal audiobook. I wrote it down to put on my Christmas idea list.

  9. My husband's family is from TC. Love, love, love that place! Sadly grandma passed away a 1 1/2 years ago. She is deeply missed. It is weird visiting there without her. We would all stay at her giant house right near downtown. But my kids grew up going there and we shall be back again.


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