
Monday, October 7, 2013

Simple centerpieces, juvenile humor and Satisfries review

This weekend was...interesting.

We got an early start for a long road trip and as seems to be our usual over the past few months another Saturday sunrise on four wheels.

I had to take a pic of this cute, simple flower arrangement for Fall that was at a roadside pumpkin stand.  Isn't it gourd-geous?  Wah wahh.

Of course, antiquing was on the schedule and because I have a 9 year old boy trapped inside me, seeing this made me giggle enough to whip out the phone.

I was flabbergasted to see the Western Barbie I had as a kid.  The box has never been opened so even her little stamp pad is in it's original plastic and the hair brush and stuff is all still in its connective plastic at the bottom.  I still have mine but I don't think she looks quite this good anymore.

These freaked me the hell out so if they haunt my dreams, they have to haunt yours.  The Mr said it's like the Headless Horseman had children.

This is where I would've put a picture of the puppy we almost bought and are still struggling with our decision.  I'm kind of proud we're not just jumping into it but it's brought out a lot of emotions and is making us think about our priorities vs. our fears.  It's not exactly fair that when we came home there was a pet catalog from a company we hadn't heard from in years.  Next.

We split a small Burger King Satisfries.

If you like thick fries, you'll love these.  I like big, thick steak fries and these are pretty good though a little salty for my liking.  I'd probably get them with no salt next time because I don't need 330mg of sodium I'm not even going to enjoy.  I also have to note that I hate BK's fries so this is a step up for me.

When we got home, we started watching the DVR'd football games far later than we should.  The Mr got very vocal so to take his mind off of things, I gave him one of his birthday presents speakers for the car.  The one thing we immediately noticed is the speakers in the car SUCK.  I mean, hard.  Yesterday he installed them and finally I can car-twerk to Robin Thicke properly.

Before we knew it, most of our Sunday was sucked down the drain.  We found this open house we wanted to go to of this mid-century modern house that looked like it could be a quart and a half of awesome so we went.  Wow.  There was one room in this 1960's home that we loved with it's awesome 60's fixtures, black and white checkered linoleum and paneling.  Perfect for a retro room like we've always wanted.  But when it's being sold "as is" and the homeowners list "no knowledge of water damage" in a house that smells like a YMCA pool and there is clearly water damage all over the go.  Well that and the petrified mouse skeleton in the old circuit breaker that revealed a full wiring overhaul might be in order was probably the final nail.

Our workout was later than I like on a Sunday but still got in about 650 calories for a shorter workout so I guess I can't complain too much.  Today we have to workout early because we're getting together with family for an early b-day dinner for the Mr so that we're not too close to my cousins b-day dinner.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Saturday was nuts. On the way home it was like everything was trying to get us. Lightning, heavy rain, flooding, deer running in front of us, etc. It's amazing we made it home unscathed.

    I would recommend satisfries if anyone eats at BK. The problem is that every meal I've had from BK, which is very few and far between, has been crap. Even the "fresh" whopper we got the other night was cold and just not very good at all. Not to mention that they failed to serve it "my way" despite very clearly asking for no tomato or pickle.

    Thanks so much for my speakers and birthday gifts. Amazing what a difference that makes and I am proud of myself for a successful install without any issues (despite the casualty of my power screwdriver).

    1. Yeah Saturday was insane. I mean good insane for the most part but then insane insane for other parts. LOL. Seemed like Mother Nature was on the rampage.

      Oh I didn't know your Whopper was cold. My cheeseburger was cold so why the hell did we have to wait!? I'm guessing that was our last BK run since we've had nothing but bad luck the few times we have had them. Sigh.

      You're welcome. Didn't mean to freak you out like "here, install your speakers!" But you did enough research before wishlisting them that I knew you could do it. ;-)

  2. Holy crap! That western barbie brings back memories. My sister had that (along with the very flamboyantly dressed Ken). That poor barbie always looked like she had a stroke, with one of her eyelids all half mast. I remember we used to take our pinky finger nail and push her eyelid back up into her head, the poor dear. Now it's an ANTIQUE? What? Did they change the rules about what is antique? It can't be that old (which would mean I'm that old. . .I don't ACT that old!).

    Thanks for the review of the fries. Now that I see how thick they are I'm not interested (I like shoestring fries the best).

    1. Oh trust me, when I started seeing crap from my childhood pop up in antique stores, I was both thrilled and horrifically depressed. I'm seeing Thundercats and stuff pop up so the 90's kids are getting their youth handed to them pretty soon.

      Yeah I definitely prefer McD's fries if I'm getting fast food, which is rare but still. I prefer boardwalk/fair fries or steak fries. (Which is why my potato wedges rock the house in our casa. :-)

  3. Hey

    sorry was missing ur blogs..was on vacation and the connection sucked...

    Puppies are a big commitment..good luck with ur decision.

    those pumpkin dolls were creepy...yikes!!!

    1. I wondered where you were! :-) Yes, they are a very big commitment. 14 years is how long both of my dogs lived so we are taking it very seriously. Unfortunately I think the timing is off for this particular sweetie but I pray she gets a wonderful home.

      Pumpkin dolls were way creepy!

  4. I wondered how their new fries were. I LOVE steak fries, I may have to go them a go sometime. Ok, those headless horseman children are terrifying, thanks so much! Lol!

    1. Yeah it like they're the thickness of steak fries but more like those old school Ore Ida crinkle cut fries. Worth a go.

      You're welcome...if I had to see them, I wanted to share the terror! HA!

  5. Good to know the Satisfries are okay. Hubby shares his fries with me sometimes, so it's not like I've been going completely without anyway. The Whopper Jr. I had a few weeks was mighty tasty however, warm and delicious! I'd have it again.

    I like the Barbie Doll--but what little girl doesn't play with her dolls? Did somebody know that someday these dolls would be collectible? Smarter than me. I just wish I had all the Star Wars Men and original BIGGER GI Joe men that I bought for my 3 boys over the years--IN THEIR ORIGINAL BOXES! Fat chance!

    Puppies are a lot of work for sure, but I think what is holding you both back more than anything is your dread of the grief you feel (felt) when you lose them. We decided the joy of owning our new puppy outweighs the agony when you lose them, as well as all the work you put in on training. She has really helped us heal from losing our Lola. But it's a huge decision--glad you're taking your time!

    1. We've had nothing but bad experiences with BK the past few times so I'd say they're off our list. I can't see us going there specifically for fries but I did want to give them a go.

      It could be one of those deals where a girl got the same one and just never opened the box. Or Santa temporarily lost it, bought another one then found it later. ;-) I don't think back then people had much forethought in the nostalgia market or else I'd have asked for 2 of everything I owned back then! HA!

      When we had our last dog, we were super morbidly obese. Most of the pictures we have of her with us are us laying around. We're much more active people now and we are rarely home on weekends. I don't want to resent a dog for keeping us from doing what we want on weekends because we have to come home to let them out or whatever. For as much as we loved our little girl, the freedom we have in not having one isn't something we're ready to give up just yet. I'm thinking in another 10 years when we've gotten our weekend trips out of our system would be a better time. Right now we're making up for time lost to inactivity for too many years.

  6. Have you ever thought about volunteering at your local animal shelter? At mine, you can just go and play with the animals for a few hours. You don't have to do the dirty stuff...unless that's what you want to do :).

    1. I've tossed the idea around. I did look into it but their requirements aren't quite as loose as "come in and play!" They want you to scoop da poop, mop up the pee and sop up the yak too. I have a severely sensitive gag reflex and have to walk out of some places if it smells remotely like any of those. If I could suppress that, I'd be all over it!

  7. I had that Barbie too! I loved her. I'm pro-puppy all the way! I wouldn't just say that to anybody, but I feel confident you aren't the type of people that adopt one without completely thinking it through.

    What did I do this weekend? Well we finally got On Demand on our DirecTV and BECAUSE OF YOU, I started watching Dexter, episode one. It's really good!!! I can't decide if I should thank you or be mad at you!! I got three episodes in yesterday and I am scheming trying to figure out when I can watch more. :) Have great week! (get a puppy)

    1. I loved her too until her eye would get stuck and she'd look like she had some kind of health event. I had Dallas the horse too.

      HA, get Dexter fever baby! Then do yourself a favor...stop watching after season 4. The Trinity Killer season was the absolute best season ever and after that it quickly plummeted in quality and was nothing but disappointing. Control how Dexter ends for you because you will likely hate the real way they ended it!

      We'll get a puppy if you come watch it every weekend when we're on the road 8-15 hours. ;-)

  8. This weekend was jam packed for us, too--meeting on Saturday afternoon, concert Saturday night, church Sunday morning, hair appointment Sunday afternoon, visit with a friend Sunday night. No wonder I wake up Mondays tired, LOL! Wondered about the Satisfries; we eat at fast food joints very rarely, and BK is way down on the list of places to eat. The pumpkin dolls remind me of a photo I saw on Facebook recently of the best baby Halloween costume ever: a toddler dressed like an old lady, grey hair in a bun and pushing a walker. Pretty freaky--you'd definitely do a double take if you saw her walking down the street!

    1. I know, right? You wake up Monday going "uh...where'd my weekend go!?" Sounds like a funny costume! This would be a great one for a really little kid if you didn't want to put too much effort into it. A pair of jammies, make a paper jack o lantern with a paper handle and boom!

  9. Walked to local Farmers Market Friday evening with my two little cousins, did 5k Saturday w/ my 10 year old nephew and then we went to Harvest Fest (craft festival), and grilled out, Sunday was housework (why don't I have a self cleaning Jetsons house?) and we grilled out again. Tried to be outdoors as much as possible this weekend-weather was awesome. And before you know it Monday has come around again.

    1. You had quite the busy weekend! I want a self cleaning house as well, especially right now. (Looking around horrified!)

  10. Western Barbie was awesome! I had her horse too. I used to take Barbie's white cowboy boots and put them on my fingers and walk them around--I thought I was so cool. The 80's were awesome!

    1. The 80's were indeed awesome! Western Barbie wasn't my absolute favorite but she sure stuck out due to that eye wink thing! I'm assuming she was a mesh of Dolly Parton and Dottie West from back in the day?

  11. Nothing like you did. I went in to work for a couple hours Saturday, then stood and waiting for my Bountiful Baskets stuff for what felt like forever. I seriously need to attach my email to my phone for that one reason. I always go on time, and then get home to find a "truck is late" email. Hate that. Still, I'm paying like half price for my produce so I don't want to complain too much.

    Then Sunday was run around like a crazy person chore day. All in all not the best weekend ever, but not the worst either.

  12. I've never seen the western Barbie doll before. My sister got all the cool Barbie stuff and I did not, so I've never owned my own new doll. It's so cool when you see stuff from childhood that is in mint condition.

    I'm not a fan of BK fries either, so it's nice to hear they're pretty tasty. The best fries I've ever had are from Portillo's. I'm not sure if you've ever eaten there on your trips to Chicago, but that place is the bomb! I grew up with it and it's the best Italian beef and hot dogs I've ever eaten in my life (coming from Chicago, that's saying something). Fries are spot on every single time.

    This weekend was a little scary with mom ending up in the hospital after having a stress test. They didn't know if she had blockage or scar tissue from the radiation. Turns out she's ok, put on a beta blocker, and was able to go home the next day. I was a good 100 miles away since she was in Naperville, so I spent all day Saturday sitting by the phone. Ran some errands and shopped for some holiday scrub tops online. Other than that, I was mentally exhausted from training at work.

  13. I too had that same Western Barbie. That thick blue eye shadow was a look I tried numerous times to duplicate. :/ My brother chewed her feet off.
    It looks like it was a fun weekend!

  14. Those pumpkin things are creeeepy! I would have busted out the camera for that pic, too. :D I might have to try those when I have a fry craving. I am not a big fry person (I have a sweet tooth) but now and then I want them, and thick potatoey fries are what I like.


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