
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bathed in pain

For the first time in a long time, I had to skip a workout due to a migraine.  I've worked out through migraines before (to the point of almost passing out) but that along with a knee that was feeling the pain told me listening to my body was the better choice.  This one was a stress induced one and there's not a whole lot I can do for it once it kicks over.  So the Mr gave me a deep massage until his fingers almost snapped off and once I realized working out wasn't in the cards, I went upstairs to run a detox bath.  Of course the damn drain decided to start not holding water so I had to yell for the Mr to come fix it.  It ALWAYS works for his salt baths but not when IIIII need it.

*kicks pebble*

He got it working for me and I grabbed the MP3 player and put it on .5 because that's about as loud as I could tolerate it.  I got my potions ready for the double, double toil and trouble.  Here's what I use for my detox bath...

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay(affiliate link) 1/4-1/2 cup.  It's about a pound of the stuff and is known for tightening pores and detoxifying when used in a bath.  It is also a GREAT facial!  Put 2 tbsp of this with 1 tbsp organic apple cider vinegar, stir and keep it in the fridge for a spot treatment or use it for a facial and you can feel it tightening your face as it dries.  When your face begins to pulsate like a Wes Craven monster it's about time to remove it.

Epsom Salt-  (affiliate link) 1 cup.  I'm sure most of you know it eases aches and pains and such.  This stuff works instantaneous on the Mr but doesn't do quite as much good for me right away.  I always feel better afterward but it's like a miracle for him.

Relax Synergy Essential Oil Blend-  (affiliate link) I love this stuff.  It has a nice relaxing scent and you only need 2-4 drops for the whole tub.  I also use a drop in the facial mask to make the apple cider vinegar easier to take since I loathe that smell.  You can also put some in a water bottle and freshen your sheets, hair, face, clothes, whatever.

The Mr said to make sure I got my neck down in the water as much as possible. I did that the best I could which meant I had to sit with my knees bent up out of the water.

Of course the first thing that came to my mind was when Freddy Krueger's glove comes up in the bathtub.

Damn 80's horror movies welded into my brain.  You can imagine how relaxing that was.

By the end of my bath I felt about 25% better which sucked but better is better.  I hated missing a workout because of it but I didn't have a choice.  Rat bastard migraine.  I started making to do lists and getting things crossed off of it so I don't go into today with another one.  Note to self...THIS is why procrastination is bad!

How do you handle migraines/bad headaches?

(This post contains a few affiliate links for your future relaxation and pimple free pleasure.  Should you buy through them, I will get a nominal kickback to help keep the lights on around here.)

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  1. It is nice to taking a nice, hot bath from time to time. Especially when the muscles are really sore but also when a bad headache is afflicting you. I'm sorry it didn't help you more but hopefully you get better soon. I could tell there was no way you were going to be able to work out. Sometimes you have to make the right decision for the situation and you did the right thing.

    1. Yeah, I thought I would be okay but the nausea really kicked in when I went downstairs. I was hoping the knee would feel better today and icing has helped a bit but I think yoga is on the ticket during the day so I can workout tonight.

  2. I hate migraines! I haven't had a full blown migraine for years, and I am so grateful. I used to get them pretty regularly in college. The don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't breathe so loud, and I can feel your eye on me, blinding, lying on the bathroom floor because it was cool and close to the toilet, no light, no noise, maybe it would be better if my head did go ahead and explode variety. Yeesh. I tried heat, cold, baths, meds, caffeine, sacrificing small animals... The only thing that I could do in the end was go to bed and sleep it off. I finally got a prescription migraine medicine right before my migraines stopped and never tried one. Maybe that was the solution, to have something potent in my medicine cabinet.

    Mine were tied to my cycle & caffeine addiction (too much or too little could trigger one at the right time of the month) and stress could cause one at any time.

    1. I think mine have only gotten that bad maybe 3x in my life. They're not frequent enough for prescription meds thankfully but it sounds like yours were scared enough of the threat of meds they backed off! :-)

      I usually get one with my cycle every 3 months or so. Weird how that is!

  3. I don't get many headaches but if I do, I take 3 aspirin and it usually goes away. I know I'm lucky!
    I was just thinking about the bathtub. I barely fit into it before, and had to limit the amount of water I put in, since my body displaced so much of it, it would go clear to the top of the tub when I sat down and threaten to overflow! I still don't take many baths, but it's nice that NOW I CAN. Getting in and out was always hard, and with my bad knees, it's still not easy, but I can do it, and once in a great while I'll take a nice bubble bath. Granddaughter uses the bathtub in our house more than anyone else. She loves it! Hope it eased your pain!

    1. I was thinking about that myself when I was in there. My hips barely touch the sides but there was a time I was swooshed in there and had to do a 3 point turn just to ready myself to hoist up and outta there!

  4. I had a bad headache like that on Monday! It was horrible. I had never vomited from a headache before in my life. Usually I would take a few Advil & go about my day, but I am 20 weeks pregnant, so that is not something I can do now. My husband gave me a 45 minute head massage, I did nothing but lay down the rest of the day and then I went to sleep. But I couldn't stay asleep. I will try the bath next time this happens.

    1. Ugh, that stinks! Good on the hubby for going the distance on the massage. I always make fun of the Mr for his "girl hands" because after like 2 minutes he's shaking his fingers and hands and groaning. Big ol' bear paws and no grip strength. LOL I think the bath would help. It's SO relaxing.

  5. Aww that sucks...but the bath sounds refreshing..

    but i hear ya on that image..another is the one from "the shining"..i remember my cousin ogling at the chick till she shrivels up and shud have seen his face..i knew it wud happen coz I read the book..ROFL!!!

    1. Yes, it definitely was. I might take another one later.

      ROFL that is HILARIOUS!!! I actually think the remake they did with Steven Weber and Rebecca DeMornay was scarier than the original. There's this part when Steven pops up with this scary face and I still can't think about it or it scares the crap out of me! That and the sleep demon from the TV show Sleepy Hollow. Thankfully Ichabod is hot enough to make me forget about it! ;-)

  6. I met Nancy, from a Nightmare on Elm Street this weekend! She actually aged really well!

    I still use old school bath bombs. Maybe I should try something useful in my baths from now on. ;)

    1. It sounds like you might've been at the same horror convention my friends went to this weekend! They like to make extended weekends around conventions. I'll have to ask but I know he's met her several times and said the same thing.

      I've seen DIY bath bombs and have always wanted to give them a try. But yeah, the stuff in this bath will leave you feeling like a drained rag doll if you get the water all nice and hot. It's great for just before bed!

  7. Haha! I often think of that scene when I am in the tub. Too funny! :) I used to get migraines a lot, but over the last few years they aren't as often. When they are really bad, the only thing that makes me feel better is to lie in a dark room with an ice pack on my head. I take excedrin migraine, which works for me better than a prescription medication I used to take. I can usually workout with a regular headache, and occasionally the exercise helps it, but I can't with a really bad headache or migraine.

    1. I was just on that edge where a dark room was going to be necessary but the bath and subsequent scorching hot shower on my shoulders took it back just enough of a notch to not have to. I took the last 2 Excedrin migraine so I'll need to restock! Though I'm glad to say I don't need it nearly as much as I used to as well.

  8. When ever I get a really bad headache the only things that work for me, is to lay down in darkness with a cold compress over my eyes, and some soft calming music (Sarah Maclaughlin used to work wonders for me) to act as a noise filter. I often won't sleep, but will often pull things back so that the headache is managable and I can go back to completing simple tasks. More often than not I just have to wait them out. Drugs don't do much for me.

    1. Mine always seems to go away at 11pm without fail and did just that last night. It's like it clocks out. Weird.


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