
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Weigh In and small non scale victories

Down 2.

I've gotta shake my head on that one because in addition to Aunt Flo being in the hizz-ouse, I'll come clean...we basically had 2 high cal days last weekend.  After our stellar sundae bar with friends, we had ice cream left.  Let's just say the chocolate ganache ice cream did not go to waste.  You ever eat something so good you just don't give a rat's ass how many calories are in it?  The little bit that was left after our second bowl got melted and all of the gross TJ's vanilla met the same fate.  We didn't cover it all in chocolate sauce, fluff and M&M's so I guess there's a small plus.

I was making a new nighttime snack on Monday and it required some leftover fluff (marshmallow cream) and there was one leftover graham cracker so I slathered it in fluff, had it halfway in my mouth and said "what the hell are you DOING!?", turned on the hot water and put it in the disposal and flipped the switch.  An hour later, I found myself randomly grabbing a single marshmallow from the hot chocolate supply in the pantry and thinking "ONE won't kill me and will satisfy that craving."  I put it up to the cupcake hole and again said "seriously!?!?  KNOCK IT OFF!!!!" and threw it back into the mason jar.  Small victories, people.  Small victories.

I suppose I should get a move on.

Hope whatever you've got going on today is awesome!

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  1. You are so right about the small victories. I am under a near-constant barrage at work where at any turn I could be tempted by mini Hershey bars, kit kats, cheesecake, brownies, etc. It is tough to always say no and there is nothing wrong with indulging a little from time to time but sometimes you just have to take a stand! We didn't take a stand with the ice cream, but we've done other good things so it balances out eventually. I didn't lose any weight but I will take staying the same this week on the scale as a win regardless!

    1. Your work is insane with all of the temptations. I'm so glad you are able to control yourself there. You know you're coming home to some good yummies anyway.

  2. Small victories indeed. Putting the marshmallow back in the jar and tossing the graham cracker may seem small, but really they're the result of the training you've done over the last years to stop that kind of thing.

    1. It certainly is. In the end, I had to ask myself if I was going to let a bad weekend turn into an excuse to keep making the wrong choices and the answer was thankfully no.

  3. I need to do that more often, but when it's close to my mouth, it usually just goes right on in. But after being inspired by you just now, I'm throwing away the rest of the piece of left-over thin crust pizza I was eating. No reason to be eating it, other than it's there. Leftovers are SO HARD!

    1. Trust me, that was a rarity for me but I need to make that a habit if I'm going to get the rest of this weight off. Good on ya girl! Unless the pizza is absolutely amazing the next day, no need to deplete the calorie bank!

  4. I definitely agree that it's the small victories that make biggest impact- and are often the hardest to make! And without the small victories, we'd never be able to have the BIG victories!!

  5. The small victories add up big in the long run. Congrats on the loss and those NSVs both! Stopping the mindless eating is so important and SO hard to do.

    1. Absolutely! I'm not usually too bad with it but I need to stop having stuff just because it fits into my calories and ask if it's WORTH fitting into my calories.

  6. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.

  7. Those small victories lead to big success! Congrats on the 2 pounds sister!

  8. Every NSV adds up in the end. Congrats on both the NSV's and the weight loss! Training your mind to not eat that stuff when it's available isn't easy. Great job on not regressing back into old habits!

  9. Ah, sweet victory....nothing small about those!! Congrats are beating the demon, not once but twice!! I had a bit of one myself yesterday at lunchtime. I had minestrone soup from a restaurant and wasn't sure if they'd have noodles in it or not (I've had some that don't). Well this one did, and I simply picked out the rotini buggers and put them off to the side...and the soup was wonderful without them. So day 3 of no pasta (I'm doing the "X" thing on my calendar as a good visual). I'm not giving up carbs by any means, just pasta in particular because that is a long-held vice that is very much an addiction.

    Congrats on the 2 lbs down, too, hot stuff!! Victory, indeed!

    1. Good on ya girl! I won't even tell you what I had for lunch today. I'll just say it was an Italian restaurant. Keep up the great work!

  10. ooh, a graham cracker with a fluff schmear is one of my favorite snacks! If I have enough calories, I sprinkle on some choco chips.
    Sadly, I don't have the calories today. Or the graham cracker. :)

    Here's wishing you another good week ahead!

    1. It's SOOO good isn't it?? I thought about the chocolate chips or getting chocolate graham crackers next time.


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