
Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend ramblin's

I wonder if there will ever be a weight where sitting in those cheap plastic chairs will not almost send me into a white knuckled panic attack?  I mean, skinny chicks have broken those things!
Not the exact chair but close.

We went out of town this weekend and hit this pub and the only place to sit was on their cold patio where there were just plastic chairs.  I wanted to say "I'll wait 20 minutes for a booth thanks."  (There's a phrase my uber fat self never thought she'd utter!  Before it would've been "I'll wait 45 minutes for an armless chair table, please" or more likely "let's get takeout.")

Just the act of sitting down requires concentration and thigh strength.  There's always that initial hover, then light lowering of your butt onto the seat and then that "settling" of your load on the plastic legs.  There is always that little jolt on the legs of the chair.  It's the moment of reckoning where it decides if it's going to hold your girth or drop yo fat azz in front of 110 people.  You just pray you don't end up on YouTube with the sound of your body hitting the floor and scream of terror and "nooooooo God, not like this!" slowed down and auto-tuned into a song that'll get you on Ellen.

I'm happy to report I ate me fish n' chips in the upright position for the entire meal but man, I don't think I'll ever be comfortable in those things.

I drank a can of Pepsi with dinner Saturday.  It was good but yeah, there was my Pepsi for the year.  It sounded like Satan emerging from the bowels of my gullet every time I belched, which embarrassingly, was often.  Thank God we weren't around people at that time or they would've ran to stand in doorways while the house shook.  It still blows me away that we would go through a 2 liter of that easily on the weekends.  No one needs 32 oz of pop in a day yet I think those are considered "large" if you order a value meal these days.  Ugh, I get a stomachache just thinking about it.  We never even set out to cut out pop on the weekends, it just somehow happened and now the Mr will buy a 12 pack of Vanilla Coke that lasts him an entire year when he would've blown through those in a week several times over because it used to be a summer only thing so he figured suck it down while he had the chance.  Funny how things change!

We hit up the Life is Good store.  I love the shirts there.  I found a cool one on clearance...

That is so me and no the fact it's February shan't deter me from wearing it any time of year.  If I get a paper cut I bleed red and green.  I think I'm going to turn on some Christmas music and fire up the Yule Log.

Sunday was grocery day.  I was so not in the mood.  I had a bowl of cereal before we left and because we were lollygagging and I was picking up some extra stuff for new recipes, I got really hungry by the time we hit the last grocery store.  Nutritionally void things were popping into the cart.  Like these...

Now, I really don't regret getting these because even though we never had Twinkies around the house before the Hostess collapse, I heard these were like old school Twinkies...before they got gross.  When the Mr spied them with a big smile on his face, I gave the nod.  I won't lie, they are awesome.  They won't be something we get all the time, probably because we'll never find them again, but even with a Twinkie deal looming with another company, I still won't eat those dry logs.  Long live Cloud Cakes.  Thank you Little Debbie...I think.  Oh yeah, these made their way in there too...

Kiersten, you're a bad influence.  ;-)

I haven't tried them yet but I'll report back.  I have a feeling they're delicious.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. I bought a box of those Kashi crackers & a box of the fire roasted veggie ones. By the time I had opened the box (of the veggie ones), the expiration date had passed on the box and they tasted stale.

    I'm not a big Kashi person - most of their products taste like cardboard.

    As for my weekend, I packed since I'm moving out of my (now ex) boyfriend's apartment. I finished two books, and we watched movies/tv. I also learned from some of my MFP pals that I should grow some herb plants and broaden my cooking horizons based off of a forum post I made lol

    1. I find some hits, some misses with Kashi. Their Cinnamon Crunch cereal is awesome if you like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The Mr loves their mini wheats knock off. I think we tried something else we were indifferent on but we're looking forward to these.

      Definitely grow herbs. If you're like many people though, you'll be excited for them, use them for a week or two then forget about them. Oh wait, that might just be me.

  2. Those white plastic chairs always make a funky fart type sound when the legs are getting situated, too. No one (no matter their size) wants THAT. Stupid cheap chairs.

  3. Saturday I had training all day for a continuing education class I'm taking in hopes to provide me some advancement careerwise (or at least a little pay bump)

    Sundays training was cancelled because it snowed saturday night, so I spent most of Sunday cleaning, organizing, and de-crapifying everything around the house. We're putting our house on the market as soon as its ready. It is not fun. (How do two people aquire so much crap?!)

    1. Oh man, I cringe thinking about the day we finally put this place on the market. I look in the closets and think "I never use any of this crap" but I don't want to get rid of some of it either. I don't envy your de-crappification process!

  4. I too had the fear of those plastic chairs when I realized that was where we were sitting. Ugh! The place has pretty good food but I never want to be sitting on their patio again in 17 degree weather!

    As for the cloud cakes. MMMMMMMMMMMMM. So much better than the last Twinkie I had. It reminds me of the twinkies we got when we were kids. It truly is an old school twinkie. They just need to buy the name and keep making them the way they are making them and they'd be set.

    1. Yeah I wondered if you saw them. It wasn't until I grabbed the chair and I was like "oh shit!" Nice of them to turn the other heater on 3/4 of the way through our lunch. Those cloud cakes are HEAVEN. Hey, a funny! We'll have to ration the ones left since it took so long to finally find those!

  5. Long live Little Debbie! Just because we don't see each other these days doesn't mean I don't wish her well. :)

    I hear you on the plastic chairs. I'm actually comfortable plopping my behind in them now, but it's a recent thing.

    1. I hope I can get to where you are on the plastic chairs some year. I feel like Charlie Brown going up to kick the football Lucy's holding every time.

  6. Man I hate hose plastic chairs!

  7. I used to hate those plastic chairs too. I hated all lawn chairs of any kind. And yet my hips and knees were so horrible, I was constantly looking for someplace to plop down. Even so, I would NOT sit in one of those chairs--the fear of breaking it was just too great. Even now if I sit in one at my 150 lbs. I lower myself slowly as you described, so as to avoid too great of an impact. Like you said, skinny chicks have broken those chairs! Being able to sit in any chair without fear, even those narrow chairs with arms in doctor's waiting rooms, was a major NSV.
    I noticed those Little Debbie's in the store too, not long after Hostess went under. They also have the HoHo rip-offs. Little Debbie's have never tempted me, and I love me some sweets. I used to buy boxes and boxes for hubby's lunch and for kid's cheaper treats (cheaper than Hostess anyhow), and must have burnt out on them. Hubby likes oatmeal cream pies. I keep a box in the cupboard even today, and they are safe--I still cannot look at those things!

    I won't lie, I drink way too much diet soda. My favorite is diet Squirt. It doesn't taste gross to me even after it sits there and the ice melts and it's kinda warm. I can still drink it. Diet Pepsi/Coke has to be super cold, but then I do like it. I usually just get water in a restaurant because drinks are too expensive. I know they factor in a couple re-fills to their price and I can never even finish one glass so I feel like I'm wasting money. I'm not much of a drinker. But the other day I had a Diet Pepsi with lunch and it was delicious, so the next time we went out, I ordered it again. When it came, I tasted it, and I didn't think it tasted like it was DIET! HORRORS! I had hubby taste it. "Oh, that's definitely Diet!" he states. So I have finally gotten to the point where I can't tell diet pop. That's amazing, cause I used to HATE the stuff. I always said I'll drink water before I'll drink diet pop. I probably should.

    1. Those narrow doctors chairs are the worst. Or ones in a bank or insurance office. I remember visiting with my aunt and her guest chairs in her office are like RIDICULOUSLY narrow. I had to hover my big butt for 45 minutes on the very edge of it. Horrid.

      You can keep your diet soda. LOL Actually, not to preach, don't keep it if you can help it. It's actually worse than regular soda for your health with all of the artificial sweeteners supposedly. I'm trying to kick the "pink stuff" habit with my tea but stevia tastes like ass. (Or so I assume! HA!)

  8. Those chairs give me anxiety attacks haha.

  9. It's just over the last year when I got under 200 that I am no longer afraid of certain chairs. I used to really worry about those chairs (and booths!) before. One of the biggest rewards to losing weight has been just not having to worry about stuff like that anymore. I remember going somewhere with my friends in their Jeep when I was over 300 pounds, and the seatbelt in the back didn't fit me.

  10. Those chairs have sucked since the beginning of time. Nothing like feeling like your legs are bound together at the kneecaps because you can feel the plastic turning inward to dig into your legs! As for the Cloud Cakes, dems the bomb! We have Little Debbie everywhere around here and those are delicious. I like their banana twins too (the hubs thinks anything is gross that has a fruit name in it...and he's a rail--go figure). Believe it or not the nutty buddy bars that I like better than Little Debbie's is the Walmart brand--a lot more peanut butter and crunchier. Now it's time to get back to my salad.... =o)

    1. You are so right. Whoever invented those things should be firmly beaten about the head and neck.

      Cloud Cakes ROCK! I haven't had a Swiss Cake Roll in a while. (My yodeling fat roll begs to differ!)

  11. Those chairs strike terror in the hearts of anyone with an ounce of common sense.

  12. Laughed out loud at this post - "drop yo fat azz" about killed me. So, so true. Cloud cakes are the all-encompassing shit and I really like those asiago crackers from Kashi, especially with a veggie spread, like red pepper.
    Anyway, my weekend is posted on my blog (!) but I wanted to comment to let you know that I had loved something you said about motivation and referenced it and your blog, using a hyperlink, on my page. I encouraged my readers (...about, oh, 10 of them) to come check out your blog.
    - A.


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