
Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This has not been a good foot week.  I'm growing really tired of this crap.  It's been just over 2 months I've been dealing with this injury and I'm growing impatient.  I walked quite a bit Saturday, maybe 2-3 hours and my foot was pinchy.  It became obvious to me I need to be on it more for it to reshape.  So the next day was grocery day and we were out for about three hours and my foot was really bothering me.  We gave it a rest and went out later on out of necessity for about another hour.  Monday I felt like it was a little better then we went on a hike.  It was flat most of the time with some wet, gravelly trail thrown in there but it was enough to make me limpy yesterday morning.  Thank God it was a strength day because I couldn't have done cardio on that sucker.

Today we have an electrician coming over to fix some shady wiring and install our bathroom fan.  We've used them before so I'm glad to not have a flaming fire hazard so close to where we sleep.  I'll take final pics once everything is done in there.

Then tonight a friend is coming to help the Mr hoist the tread-monster to the garage for easier loading Friday when our friend comes to pick it up.  I'm glad that'll be done.  Hopefully it'll be done sans hernia or thrown out back.

I have a couple of vacation workouts I'm trying to throw together before the summer sneaks up on me.  I'd like to actually exercise a few times a week this time on the days we're less active.  My brain has pretty much given up any more body weight exercises so I need your help.

Name three exercises I can do in a "hotel room" (we rent homes-no gym available) or a pool.  Pick up where my brain fry left off.

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  1. Sorry your foot is bothering you still. Luckily you have an appointment this week so hopefully that can make a difference for you.

    I hated to have to hire an electrician but I am not one of those people who takes chances with that kind of thing just to save some money. In the long run, it costs less than it would to be responsible for a fire due to faulty wiring.

    1. Yeah, definitely hated hiring one especially after what we got. Pffft.

  2. Workouts in the pool? Hell, just holding onto the edge and kicking your legs is a great workout. You could also get a pool noodle (or some floaty thing like that) and push/pull it under the water with your hands for little upper body workout. And there's always walking in circles (as fast as you can) for a set number of laps and then switching directions. You'll get good resistance when you go against the current you made. Oh, you might be able to do some of your kickboxing moves in the pool, too (at least if you fall over there's no fear of hurting yourself in the fall).

    I can't remember if you've tried yoga before (I bet you have) but you could set up a pretty good little yoga routine that (at most) would ony require a mat. And you don't have to do the crazy stuff, a half an hour of sun salutations that take you through forward folds, chaturanga pushups, and up into down dog then into warrior 1, then 2, then back to standing can really get the blood flowing and stretch the whole body.

    1. Yeah, I intend on doing kicks. Takes me back to childhood! :) I'm not big into yoga but I could definitely benefit from stretching. Thanks!

  3. Treading water can be a good exercise. Probably not a high burn though - but if you put your arms up out of the water it would be. Maybe your hotel would have a gym you could use? Or you could bring one of your less "bouncy" dvd's with you and play it on your laptop or the hotel dvd player if they have one.

    1. I'll take any burn that will get Lappert's Chocolate Ganache ice cream from sticking to my thighs. :)

  4. Congrats on your progress to date and more than that-your determination!
    As far as the away from home workout-you could do bench presses on the desk/bed in the hotel room? And lunges and wall squats too. I saw an article once where they recommend you fill Ziploc gallon bags with water and use those as weights when doing the squats etc. Could work when you're away from home.

    1. Thanks so much Julie! All good suggestions and I thought about getting half gallon jugs and dumping them into pitchers and refilling with water to use as weights! :) (With my luck, I'd drop the ziploc bags and SPLASH! LOL)

  5. I'm sorry you're still struggling with the foot injury.:(
    You can 'water jog' with a noodle and I found that helpful. I would use dvd's indoors and my sil (exercise freak) tells me to do 'stair steps' if there is one step available. I can think of one other 'indoor activity' that is supposed to be good cardio workout and you can do it lying down- but I'll refrain from naming it. ;)

    1. I think this house does have an upstairs now that I think about it! (Rare for rentals homes) I can do some stair laps! Gee, what ever could you be referring to?? :D

  6. Squats

    3 sets of 15 each

  7. Reverse lunge
    Side lunge
    Donkey kick backs
    Variation on the squat
    Use exercise bands
    Make up combos to get your heart pumping

    Hope that helps

  8. I hope you'll share this workout with us! :)

    And let me know if you want me to explain any of these:
    Air squats
    Mountain climbers
    Puddle jumpers
    Curtsy squats
    Boxing combos (jab/cross/hook/upper)
    Fast feet ski jumps
    Triceps dips
    Crab walk
    Walking push ups (side to side or forward and back)
    Exploding/scissor lunges

    1. You know I will! :)

      Now I'm off to look up Fast Feet Ski Jumps and Puddle Jumpers.

  9. I recently started taking a water aerobics class and have been surprised how much there is to do that doesn't even require those floaty weights. My faves are the rock and roll and the side variation. Great for the abs. I'm fluffy enough I don't need a weight belt but if you do, a noodle might work. Basically you float on your back, pull your knees to your chest, and shift your weight forward until your legs are straight and angled behind you, as if you are doing a plank. It's hard and great for the abs. The side variation is a little easier. You tuck your knees up then extend them at an angle to the side, alternating after each tuck.

  10. Sorry about the foot. I wonder if the increase in pain was a signal to slow down, not continue to press? It's so tough to know. (And I usually manage to choose the wrong answer.)

    Most of my hotel room moves have already been listed. I tend to keep it simple, with planks, pushups, and squats. If I get a few sets of those in, I'm happy, plus I don't pay for it when I return to the gym later. :)

    1. Unfortunately not. He wants me on it. He said the more I'm off it, the longer reshaping will take. It's just something I have to suffer through while my muscles reconfigure. Sigh.

      My aim is keep my muscles from atrophying while we're gone! LOL


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