
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Presidents Day with my Mr

How romantic that sounded.

We had yesterday off so we decided we'd take our workout outside.  Well, I did.  Of course I forgot my camera and we had some of the best lighting and things to take pics of. It was 50 degrees which is usually very doable but with howling winds the whole time, I think we lost a good 10-15 degrees.  We walked for two miles and it felt like four.  It started with this stair hike...

Sadly this was not yesterday.

You might remember it from previous hikes.  This was the first time we did this since my injury.  My feet did okay on the stairs, it was my lungs that were burning and I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  That's what happens when high impact is out of the picture for 2 months.  Well actually they always give me fits but this one was pretty bad.  When we got to our halfway point in the hike across the lake, we sat at a picnic table and lamented over the hike back.  It was soooo windy and cold.  Whose stupid ass idea was that??

Oh yeah...mine.

I burned 860 calories which was okay.  I could've burned less and still felt like I got a good workout in because I was sore and my legs were like jello.  We made it back somehow and I had to pee so bad that I was willing to use the port-a-potty provided.  There were actually two so we decided to go in at the same time in each one.  I had my rear exposed and ready to sit when something told me to turn around again and thank God I did.  There was a big ol' poo log on the seat.  REALLY!?!?!  I mean, how do you miss a big hole?  Something tells me it was done intentionally.  This happened in retail quite frequently in my teen years and a friend confirms it still does.  People are disgusting.  I mean, can you imagine if I'd sat down!?  *barfing*  I told the Mr about my unsavory discovery on the black toilet seat and he cleaned his up so I would have a less grody toilet to use.  Chivalry is not dead.

On our way back, the Mr pulled into a pet store so we could love on a furry nugget.  I saw this little brindle, kind of unattractive to most, little long hair Dachshund.  He was pawing at the window at me and that was all I needed.  He was easily distracted, wiggly, looked like a 90 year old man and had little round biscuit paws.  The girl said she loved him and called him "Grandpa Ralph."  The name totally fit.  He would play a little, get distracted a lot and because of his unwieldy body as he was trying to hop up, fell backwards and knocked his wee noggin.  That settled him down.  I scooped him up and smooched his head and the Mr made him follow his finger with his eyes.  He seemed okay.  I hope he gets adopted, he was so unusual looking but sweet.  I'd name him Curmudgeon or Gramps if we got him...we're not but you know, hypothetically.

We came home and I had half of dinner already made so within 10 minutes we were ready to go.  That was nice.  I still had a hard time getting warm though so the Mr made us some hot tea.  I am trying to convert to stevia but am having a hard time.  That stuff is NASTY!  I've tried it in every incarnation and it tastes like cardboard.  I wish it wasn't so expensive.

So all in all, it was a nice way to spend a day off.

I also got the good news that a friend of ours who is a runner will take our treadmill!  She's a wonderful girl and she is having to go to the gym to get her incline running in and it's a big time suck for her so she was thrilled.  There's nothing wrong with it, it's just unfortunately wrong for us at this point in time.  So once she brings her muscle men over Friday to get it, we can order our elliptical.  We've tried it out and it's nice and smooth so we're looking forward to some new workout blood in the dungeon.  I also noticed a huge rip in one of our Ripcord resistance bands and they have lifetime replacement so we're getting that taken care of.  I think they're going bad right on time so we're glad we went through a place that will replace them.  She even encouraged us to check all of our bands so they could replace any with the slightest sign of wear so we could save on shipping.

Did you have yesterday off?  Ever encounter an unfriendly bathroom surprise?  Got any exercise equipment you're getting rid of or need to replace?

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  1. I had a great day off with you yesterday. Yes it was a lot colder than the advertised 50 degrees, and we quickly realized the toll that the cold can take on our ability to walk as far comfortably. But it was still nice to get out and to see the lake partially frozen over was a first too. I sure hope Grampa Ralph is OK and gets a home soon!

    1. Me too! I'm so glad I grabbed my scarf at the last second! Poor Grandpa Ralph, he whacked his lil noggin good but I think a bump on the head was the only thing that was going to calm that spazz down! LOL

  2. We also had the howling winds yesterday. I was glad it was a gym day. :)

    I do have a treadmill I need to get rid of. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get it on Craigslist for the weekend.

    1. The winds are so blistering even in "warmer" weather. Yow! So glad I could be a reminder for ya! Good luck on getting rid of the treadmill!

  3. I wish I could do the elliptical, I feel dizzy and off balance whenever I try it. I watch from the treadmills people speeding along on those things

    1. I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the elliptical. It always makes my knees hurt but I think it's because I never adjusted it. I plan to only use it as a 2 minute station in circuit workouts when I can work those back in.

  4. I hope Gramps gets a good home. I can't go to pet stores because I just want to bring everybody home.

    We had a great mini-getaway, but today it's back to the grind. Nothing like an extra day off to remind us of what's really important.

    I can't count the number of bathroom surprises I've encountered as either a user or a cleaner (worked fast food for years). Yecchhh, and people totally do that on purpose. I'll never understand it.

    I have a treadmill that I need to use more, but I don't need to get or get rid of anything right now.

    1. Me too! He was a cutie! I've always gone to pet stores to hold and smooch on pups so I'm kind of immune now. Plus their ridiculous prices are a big deterrent. That is just so gross that people would purposely poo on a toilet seat or the back of a toilet seat. People are truly gross. If I ever had the unfortunate instance to catch someone in the act, I'd rub their nose in it like my grandpa used to do to his dog. That would make 'em think twice! (I hope!)

      Glad you had a great getaway! We definitely need those from time to time! It's good for the soul!

  5. So enjoying your posts, they make me smile and realize I am not in this alone! :)

    1. Thanks so much! You're definitely not alone! Hope to see ya around!

  6. I didn't eve meet Grampa Ralph and I want him! I love your blog, and congratulations to you and the Mr. on your commitment and success!


    1. He's quite the cutie even if he looks like he's 14 at age 3 months! Thanks so much for the kind words!

  7. I hate using porta potties. BLECH> I always have to at my races though and make sure I go right before hand. While training for the half marathon I was on an 8 mile run and I couldn't hold it, so I went in the woods and peed. lol I hate most of the 0 calorie sweeteners, but Stevia (the Raw brand, I think it's called) is the most tolerable for me. I can't do Truvia. I use 1 tsp of sugar in my coffee when I know I can afford the calories. I love my coffee and tea, and just don't want to give it up. Your walk sounds good (except the wind) When I run when it's windy out I always get windburn and my face hurts for a day or so. The doggy sounds adorable! I sometimes miss having a dog (ours died last summer) but I don't think we'll get another any time soon. It's hard to go places when you have a dog. We have a cat and a bird, and that's enough. Oh, and 2 kids, which are kinda in the same category as animals. haha

    1. They are always so gross under 99.9% of circumstances. So sorry to hear about your pup. We're in the same situation. Our girl died a few years ago and while we loved having her, I think our lifestyle is too active right now for us to get another one. It wouldn't be fair.

  8. Have you tried the C&H Light? It's a mixture of regular cane sugar and stevia. I'm using it since I don't like stevia on its own and it seems to be a decent balance of the two. You only need a smidge and you can even bake with it. ~Krista

    1. I will definitely keep a lookout for it! Not bad calorie wise either at 5 cals per 1/2 tsp. Thanks!

    2. You're welcome! 1/2 tsp seems to be sweet enough for most things, too. I didn't like it very much at first, but it's growing on me. Maybe some day I'll be able to transition to plain stevia.

  9. Lucky you having the day off. Unfortunately I had to work. Boooo! Port-a-potties freak me out and I will do whatever I can to not have to use one. If it's my last hope and I have to use it, I forutnatly carry wipes in my purse.
    Ugh, I keep trying to like Stevia but it's just plain gross to me.
    Lol, Curmudgeon or Gramps! Sound like the perfect name.
    You two really seem to like dogs. How come you don't own one?

    1. Port-a-potties are the WORST! I'd rather have squat in the woods if I thought I could've gotten away with it! LOL

      Our dog died 5 1/2 years ago (his first, my second) and at the time we were sharing blood supplies with the couch. Now that we are more active, not home much on weekends if we can help it and go on a few vacations a year, it wouldn't be fair to have a dog. I hate it when people are rarely home and have dogs so I'm not gonna be one of 'em. Honestly, I don't have the patience to housebreak/train anymore either. Maybe when we get older we will but right now the ability to pick up and go where we want overnight or longer without thinking of a dogsitter and expenses.

  10. Aww Grandpa Ralph--he sounds like a cutie and a sweetie! I love long-haired dachsunds. Glad you had a nice outdoor workout. It's always great to get a break from the usual indoor stuff around this time of year. Nothing like those stairs to warm you up quickly, from the inside out!

    Speaking of indoor workouts, I did Atletica this morning and thought of you. That's always an intense one! Have you purchased her new ones yet??

    Good luck with the elliptical...glad you found a home for the treadmill!

    1. He sure is! We can't believe he's only 3 months old! Still complete with puppy breath! You know, I think you've inspired me to do Atletica this week. We did get one of her new ones but because of the injury, I haven't been able to do it. The Mr did it and really liked it. We're definitely going to get the others as well!

      We're glad we found a home for it too! So glad it's going to a runner who will put it to good use as well.

  11. I'm just now reading this and it occurs to me that I haven't been up the many steps to the Mountain Tower that's just down the road from where I live. We finally have enough snow for some serious snowshoe time and I think a trip to the Mountain Tower is on my plans for the weekend! Thanks for the reminder!


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