
Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm not a fan of Valentines Day...

...then I get a surprise like these

Okay, so maybe I like it a LITTLE.

I think what's more important is showing yourself a little love not just on this Hallmark holiday but every day.

Tonight to show myself a little love I'm gonna workout then take a nice long shower and do my hair mask that makes my hair smell all purty.  To show the Mr I love him, I'll make him a nice dinner that's a little more "meaty" than our usual fare along with a nice dessert that fits into our calories today.

What are you doing to show yourself/your significant other a little love today?

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  1. Happy Valentine's Day baby! No better way to celebrate it than with some Aloha! Looking forward to getting off work, working out and enjoying that wonderful meal you have planned!

  2. Those are beautiful - your Mr. sure knows how to pick flowers.

    Not a lot for Valentine's Day (we called it VD in elementary school, I'm sure the teachers were appalled). Hubby works overnight on Thursdays so I won't even see him until tomorrow after work. He gave me a new MP3 player for an early present, and I'll get him something cool to give to him late (I thought we were doing the "thing" Friday, he jumped the gun).

    I'm not a fan of the holiday either, but hubby likes it so we celebrate. We'll do something this weekend, but no firm plans yet.

    1. Yes he does! They're from a little farm on the Big Island not too far from our place so it always feels like a bit of home when I get them. :)

      That's SO funny because I just said the other night how if you warned a kid about "VD" these days they probably wouldn't know what the hell you were talking about since they've been called STD's for quite a while now. Oy...I'm getting old.

  3. Those are so nice...

    Yup not a fan either...but flowers like those...i cud enjoy V day...

    VD...cracked me up..I remember we called it VD in High school too [I grew up in India] trust me we didnt know till I came here about the double meaning...hehehe...

    Finally its here...we leave to Alaska bright and early tomorrow...and this morning..we notice our walk in closet is flooded because of our neighbor's bathroom leak...thank god the apt maintainance will take care of it while we are hopefully i dont stress out too much about it....

    have a nice weekend...

    1. Yeah, I enjoy those any time of year. So pretty and they last a long time too. We said VD in school too followed by insane giggling. Have fun in Alaska! That will be awesome! Hope the flood stuff is all taken care of when you get back! Enjoy yourself!

  4. This has always been a 'kid' holiday to me, not a grown up one. I figure every day is valentines day with my honey and honestly, if it weren't, getting flowers once a year wouldn't make up for it. But I enjoyed the years of having my little boys as valentines- and today I'll work late so a bunch of our families and their kids will have a fun night. We even have heart shaped pizza and treats planned for our 'teens' this afternoon. No candy shall pass these lips!

    1. Since we don't have kids we kind of pick and choose when we want to celebrate. I've seen some pretty elaborate valentines this year on several blogs and from friends. Am I just old or is the days of giving a Valentine from a 20 pack gone and now you have to come up with a budget for Vday gifts? Good on you for working late so others can enjoy the 'holiday.'

  5. Aww, so sweet! No big plans here. Some work, some walking, an orange, a chocolate waffle--the usual. :)

    happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Hawaii flowers! Beautiful! You know he didn't just walk into a grocery store and get THOSE! Very thoughtful! You are very lucky to have found such a wonderful Mister!

    I've had many lovely gifts over the 43 years hubby & I have been together, but in 1986, I got my best gift, when my 3rd (and last) son was born on February 14. So ever since then, his birthday has pretty much over-shadowed our romantic celebration and that's okay. My dad always used to get me a big Russell Stover candy heart. I miss my Dad, but not the candy. Okay...I miss the candy too!

    1. Nope, he gets them from a little town on the Big Island. Yes I am!

      Happy birthday to your son. I didn't know Russell Stover made a heart. The Mr loves the RS easter bunny. That's my mom's staple for him every Easter.

  7. Mother nature gave us the give of 4 inches of fresh snow. I guess that could be positive or negative. I was going to get myself a bunch of flowers tonight at the store. I also got some new DVDs online AND spent $200 of my Old Navy Christmas gift card. Can't wait for some new clothes!! Not to shabby....

    1. I'd say that's a positive! Go play in it! Snow shoe! Ski! Snowball fight! Snow Angels! Etc! Or shopping sprees work nicely too! :)

  8. I made the hubs a lovely chicken risotto last night, which I was thrilled with. And today I went to the doctor for a weight and blood pressure check and had a great talk with him, so I'm feeling really good right now. =o)

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers! How sweet! :) I made Chris some chocolates, but we're not too into the holiday kind of for the same reason.


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