
Thursday, February 7, 2013


What a friggin' week.  How's that for an opener?  Welcome ladies and gent to...

Friday I had my run in with the treadmill and re-injuring the muscles I'd worked so hard to heal.  The next day I moved up to the final level on my shoe inserts and it felt like a firm golf ball in there.  I mean holy hell, it was like adding 3 levels by the standards they used to build you up on the previous levels.  I knew from previous level changes that my feet were going to be sore but when it raises your arch that much it makes it super sore.  I went snowshoeing Sunday and Tuesday so you've got that added in with everything else and I'm back to "no impact" likely for the rest of the week.  Nothing like having your chiro tell you what progress you've made only to feel like you've knocked yourself three weeks back in time healing wise.  I know this adjustment will take a week or two but I was just really liking the feeling of feeling almost normal again.  It also reminds me that even as strong as my muscles were feeling, I'm still in recovery and I can't rush it.  My goal is to be completely back to prior exercise levels by our summer vacation.  Everything still makes me sore like the balance board he's got me doing and even some of the stretches.  I will not get in my own way and I suppose the past week was a good reminder of how quickly that can happen if I let my head get ahead of my body.

It's a hell of a week to tweak the plan eh?  Oh, I didn't tell you?  We're bumping up exercise from five to six days per week.  We've done this before, it didn't do anything but I don't know we gave it the proper three weeks before.   I also bumped my level up on the Total Trainer from five to six...whatever that means.  It's more.  :-)   We're altering high cal days to be one meal, one sweet instead of just eating what we want for any meal that day.  It kind of sucks that we made the change on Aunt Flo week because I'm bloated like a Macy's float so who knows what the scale will throw at me this week.  I couldn't even move my rings this morning.  Boo.

How's your week treating you?

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  1. I am surprised how quickly those orthotic inserts ramped up to the highest level as well. Luckily I haven't felt the effects too much yet but at least once we are fully adjusted there are no more levels above it to go to so that's good.

    As far as the tweaks go, I think we're on the right track and it should help a lot in the long run. I know it will be tough to adjust to but it's one of those adjustments that was a long time coming.

    1. Yeah, the ones they used before to build you up were wussy compared to the uber insert that is the final one! Yow! I think so too, it's just gonna suck to adjust to in the beginning.

  2. My week has been an exercise in frustration. But hey, thanks for asking!

    I hope those orthotics are worth it in the long term. It sounds like short term they're terribly uncomfortable. I guess it is good to be reminded that you are still healing, but it would've been nice for the universe to just send an email instead of sending the pain.

    1. Sorry to hear it's been a frustrating week! BOO!

      They will be. After 30 some years of walking incorrectly due to naturally high arches being crushed by my weight into flat-ish feet, there are going to be growing pains. Two months is the average time to reshape the foot and I'm on like week 4 or something so I'm actually ahead of schedule. I just have to suck it up and my muscles should be fully adjusted in about 2 weeks. It'll be worth it to finally have a normalish gait.

  3. oh wow..thats a major transition insert level wise...but if it heels...good luck with those...

    My week has been okay...been eating not so great but worked a little sick in between but slowly getting there...
    have a good rest of the week

    1. Yeah, it's a biggun but as long as it does its job, I'll suffer through.

      Sorry you got sick, hopefully you're feeling better soon!

  4. My week has been pretty craptacular. I have some weird burning neck pain going on and I've been back to working insane hours, so I've been slacking on working out. But I've been too busy to eat much, so at least there's that?

    The back-to-normal-by-summer goal sounds completely reasonable--you should be able to do that without a problem, I'm sure! But I know getting there will be a frustrating process...

    1. BOO for craptacular weeks! The Mr gets a burning neck pain when he's stressed. Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend and if you don't, start plannin'!

  5. My week has been up and down. I'm very irritated today with work things, and just processing through some personal crap. And a friend of mine that I work with, who is like a mom to me, not only has breast cancer (and has been through hell with it) but just found out two days ago that she now has a brain tumor and will be having surgery next Wednesday. I just want to scream on everyone's behalf!!!

    1. Ugh, what a horrible week! This seems to be a theme with this week. So sorry to hear about your friend, I hope she gets well. I say keeps things interesting!

  6. This was the first week since January (when I started) that I wasn't able to exercise more than 4 days. :( Most days I just walk. Friday was cram packed with things I couldn't change (parent conferences, training, birthday lunch for a recently retired coworker) and then I headed to the mountains for a planning retreat. Got home late last night. Today was booked solid. But tomorrow is a new day!

    One negative from my weight loss (15 pounds) so far....I'm 43, and my last period was in June. I was thinking maybe early menopause. Nope. Friday--just before I headed to the mountains, I got the hint. Aunt Flo was on her way. :( Yuck. I was hoping she had moved away for good!


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