
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

You can do magic

Last night, the Mr came home and was unwinding.  He came over to snuggle before our workout.  He laid his head on mine and we just kinda laid there in our procrastinating trepidation wondering who would be the one to say we needed to go downstairs first.  His heavy breathing told me if I were being bad, I could've stayed still, napped for 30 minutes and gone downstairs later.  I gave it about 10 minutes before I moved around bringing him out of that half sleep state.  I commented that I would like an exercise pill we could pop so that we could just go to sleep and wake up and our bodies would be all exercised up.

Obviously I would never take this pill all the time if they made such a thing but on occasion snuggling up for a nap with your honey sounds better than getting your sweat on in the home gym.  We got up and got to our workout for the night.

If you could invent a "shortcut" so once or twice a year you could sub a lazy behavior for a healthy one, what would it be?  Exercise pill?  Eat like crap pill that your body registers as eating all healthy foods at the low end of your calorie range?  A bubble bath that counts as a 500 calorie workout?  This is for FUN, don't be a downer and say "I'd never choose to skip a workout or not eat like an athlete!"

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  1. I think so many people were disappointed that it wasn't some magic pill that got me to where I am in my weight loss journey when they asked how I lost so much weight. But the fact is, you appreciate it more when it's hard earned and I think that has a lot to do with our ability to keep it off in the long run.

    That being said, if I had one shortcut it would be the ability to eat what I want for a week or two and not gain crap. This would allow us to fully enjoy a vacation without the excess baggage we tend to take home and have to work back off.

  2. I am so down with that! I vote for vacation pill!!

  3. A vacation pill would be great. So would a "I feel like crap" pill for when we're sick.

  4. I'd make a "zero calorie" pill. You could take it with a food you wanted to be zero calories. Giant cookie that looks so good? Pop a Zero Calorie befor you eat it and it's like it never happened!

    Of course, there would be no icky side effects from the pill (like with some of those fat blocker pills that make you shart yourself).

    1. *laughing/crying* Yeah, 'anal leakage' ala those other pills, not cute.

  5. Oh mine would be a "go to work for me pill" Not have to go work for a day or two.

  6. I LOVE the idea of a vacation would also be nice if you had a "vacation pill" that allows you to go on vacation and not miss any work...and get tan without getting skin cancer...haha I think I'm going overboard with this.

  7. Hmmm, this is hard because I want a pill for everything. :) I mean, it would be great if you could take something that would cut the sodium of the day in half or burn calories when you sleep. I'd probably take something that would make pizza zero calories.

    1. I'm there! Especially if it makes deep dish pizza zero calories!

  8. I'm easy. My magic pill would simply keep me warm while I commuted to the gym for my workout. (I wonder if it would help if I visualized taking one...I'll let you know.)

    I also like the idea of a vacation/holiday pill.

  9. I'd definitely go with a "more hours in the day" pill.

  10. I'd make the ability to put fat in storage. Say for every pound you lose you get to put an extra one on the shelf. Eventually you'd have to do the work to lose it but it'd be off your body so you feel better quicker and the physical stress on the body would be lower. Of course, there'd have to be a counter mechanism where for each lb you gain you take 2 from your shelf (if there's anything there). How's that for motivation?

    On a side note, just listened to the Wonderful World medley by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. It makes me think of Hawaii, which makes me think of you.

    1. That would certainly be motivating.

      Aww, that is the ultimate compliment and I was just listening to Iz a few hours ago!

  11. I want a pill to get through tax season. I could go on auto pilot and just wake up April 16th each year and be in vacation mode.

  12. I want a magic pill that would do whatever I wanted it too. Want to go to the Greek Isles? Pop a magic pill! Want to eat an entire cheesecake without any repercussions of any kind? Pop a magic pill! How amazeballs would that be?!?

  13. Definitely the "eat like crap" pill, that would still register the food as "healthy." I have discovered there's no way you can fool your body when you eat the wrong stuff, or even when you overeat on fairly good stuff. Your body always knows and holds you accountable. There's not a time of day, or a holiday or a special restaurant, or even when you're all alone and no one's watching! NOPE! Your body is always there, counting those calories you just ingested and later, registering them on that damned scale.

    I won't lie, I have considered making myself up-chuck after I have overeaten. But....I can't make myself do that, in fact I didn't even try, knowing how disgusting that would be. And also knowing there are people who do that, and are addicted to it, and are not healthy from this habit AT ALL!!

    So if there was a magic pill that let you eat anything you wanted, at least occasionally, I would take it. But since there's not, I muddle along, trying every day to be as good as I can be, but still so so so hungry for all the wrong food!!!

  14. Once or twice a year? Why stop there, how about everyday? :D Because I dream of the day they invent a pill that lets you eat whatever you want and never gain weight. (And I have totally had this dream since I was a kid.)

    1. Because if I ate Sprinkles cupcakes and Paxti's deep dish every day I can't imagine how sluggish I'd feel even if I didn't gain weight. Unless it makes you feel like you ate veggies and whole grains...then I'm down with double fisting cupcakes.

  15. A "no carb" pill. I could eat all the pasta and potatoes I wanted without having to worry about my glucose levels.

    A "teleportation" pill. You could be wherever you wanted in an instant.

    A "double calorie" pill. Burn double the calories while working out.

    1. I will take pill 2 and 3 fo' sho'! I'd be on Kauai for dinner at Roy's with Lappert's dark chocolate gelato after which would then require the eat like crap pill!

  16. I wish I could take a pill that would make it not matter how many calories I ate for a day. It seems I can't even go over 1700 now, even with working out a ton, without a gain. It's frustrating. My hubby and I had a similar moment today where we did take a nap (he works nights and I felt bad this morning) so we slept for a bit and then worked out in the afternoon.

  17. Ah, I vote for the vacation pill! Very appropriate since I'm getting ready to go for a week and I KNOW we will be eating at some high calorie places this trip.

  18. I'd go a different way and maybe it is just because it is Di.ner time but I would like a pill that gives me a personal chef some nights for dinner prep.

  19. A "calorie cancel" on my computer. That way the celery I ate yesterday would cancel out the Rice Krispie bar I had in the afternoon!

  20. That vacation pill sounds like just the thing. But since I didn't think that one up, I'll offer another...a pill that makes you lose 5 lbs each time you have a full-body massage. Double treat! Of course, if you had enough massages, then you'd have to eat like crap to avoid disappearing altogether. HAHAHAHAHA!

  21. I had to jump over from reader just so I could read the comments on this one! They are all awesome and I would love to have one of each, please. :-)

    Fun post!

  22. A magic pill that would help me to the have the house looking Carol Brady (or Alice) clean in a minimal amount of time. And for extra fantasy, a pill that would allow me to eat whatever I wanted and it would increase my metabolism. *snort*! I'd be all over that! =o)


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