
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weigh In/Foot update

I'd love to know how I'm up almost 1/2 pound.  I'm getting real sick of this crap.  It's not like I've been slacking on the workouts either given the injury.  *HISS*

I went to the chiropractor Thursday.  I asked the lady if I could lay with my legs over the water jets and she let me.  I think it helped make my legs more receptive to treatment and it felt good hitting on the fibular head.  (Side of my knee)  I think my orthotics are kickin' in because my knees and hips are achy and my stride is definitely changing.  He's very pleased with my progress.  I can stop doing the Achilles stretch because he said he's happy with the lengthening and doesn't want me to over stretch it.  I asked if I should start doing yoga and he was not a big fan.  He said many studies are showing people are injuring themselves more by doing exaggerated stretches and definitely do not hold a stretch for 30-60 seconds.  He said 10-15 seconds is more than adequate and anything over that has high potential to injure.  He said just a normal quick stretch after a workout is fine.  I asked about quads stretches and he asked why I wanted to stretch them.  I said some of my modifications involved squats so I would sometimes have sore quads the next day.  He said to grab the ankle not the top of the foot and lightly pull back but my quads were in good shape and didn't need stretched much.  I've been having trouble with tenderness on the outside of my knee on the bum leg.  He felt around and did some manipulation thinking it would pop but it didn't.  He said it would likely pop while I was walking but did a few deep tissue moves to help speed things along.  Thankfully he didn't do those horrid painful ones he did last time but worked on the back of my calves where I was having some cramping issues.  He said I had rippled muscles back there where the muscle is somewhat trapped and I asked if he was sure it wasn't fat.  He said no, even the thinnest of athletes have it and it just means that it's evident I workout and he needed to break up the area a bit.  He hit a few good spots.  He did another round of the laser then put me on the vibration plate.  I did foot grips, stretches and squats on it for 10 minutes.  It basically increases circulation, helps shake loose scar tissue, activates muscles in a way that working out doesn't and helps with pain.  It has felt better since then.  I actually had a decent foot day yesterday so hopefully this is a good sign of things to come.

I got a new strength workout yesterday, Ultimate Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners .  (affiliate link)  I know I'm not a beginner but it looked like a good workout so that'll go in the routine this week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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  1. Sounds like improvement is happening - long term that's the key. Short-term, not losing sucks. I hope you enjoy your new video.

    1. Thanks mama! Yep improvement is happening though you wouldn't know it today. It was NOT a good day.

  2. I know the 1/2 bugs you but being on the road to recovery is so much more rewarding right now! I am glad to know you are making some real progress in that department! the other will come but getting healthy is what counts now!

    1. Yes, I know, I just hate when I do everything right and still get snubbed. I've got a trip coming up in the spring and I really wanted some weight off by then.

  3. Sounds like you've got a very knowledgeable chiro. I know when I needed one, I was so glad to have access to someone who treated Olympics teams from countries who didn't bring their own during the 2002 games in Salt Lake City.

    It also sounds like other areas besides your foot are benefiting. Could this have been one of those blessings in disguise? Well, maybe we won't go that far, but I'm glad you are getting good care.

    1. Yep, he's great. I'm so glad I found him!

      Yes, I've thought of that too though with today's bad day, it doesn't feel like a blessing. My left ankle is swollen pretty bad and in lots of pain. GRRR!

  4. You are becoming quite the expert on all the muscles, tendons, etc. of your legs, aren't you? I think you probably know more about your body than any doctor or chiro. It's like when you talk to a primary care physician about weight-loss stuff, and realize you are more of an expert than he is.

    I wanted to comment too on your food journal. Everything you fix looks so delicious, and I've got to start making Brussels sprouts again, I kind of quit, but they look so good in your pictures, it's time to get that bag out of the freezer. TONIGHT? Hubby is grilling steaks in this momentary warm front we are experiencing here in Nebraska (I think the high is to be in the 40's today!). I believe Brussels sprouts will be our side, along with a nice lite Caesar salad! It still won't compete with that yummy stuff you posted!

    1. I know, it's insane! "Everything you didn't want to know about the foot but know anyway thanks to your injury."

      How were the brussels? We're going to TJ's tomorrow and reloading on them!

  5. From what I understand, one of the biggest problems with yoga occurs when yahoos like me try doing it on their own. I suspect a good teacher to correct postures and provide instructions would go a long way in preventing injuries. :)

    I like doing beginner workouts, except when they kick my butt. LOL

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. LOL, I'm sure you do just fine!

      I'm looking forward to getting my rump kicked tomorrow!

  6. I just finished reading your ABOUT page and you are such an inspiration! I'm in the middle of losing weight after a baby and this time around it's very different than my other children because of nursing issues. Coming across your site today was exactly what I needed. Thank you! And keep up the awesome job you're doing!


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