
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lose money?

It just occurred to me as I'm sitting here that the air conditioning hit 76 before turning on.

What was it set to at my heaviest during the day?  70.

Now I still need it cold at night when I sleep because I like to snuggle up under the covers so I set it to 71 before going up but it used to be 68.  I wish I had the electric bills from back then to see what we're saving on electricity.  (Of course rates have risen since then so I'm probably paying the same.  Pffft)

Nothing ground breaking, just something that popped into my wee head that I wondered if anyone else noticed.

What temp do you set your air conditioning to?  Has that number changed with weight loss or gain?

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  1. My husband still has the temp set at 72, but I have noticed this year. I am cold! I where lots of sweatshirts. :)

  2. I am cold all the time now--since losing the excess fat. And like you, my thermostat is around 75 now instead of the 70 I used to set it at as soon as the first hot weather hit. Of course, I freeze all winter! But sweaters and sweatshirts help with that! And another place I have to be saving is fast food. I used to eat it all the time, and now I hardly ever eat it. Almost never. In fact I can't remember my last fast food meal, but I think it was probably a salad.

    On the other side--I spend way too much money on clothes now cause when I go to the store and can actually find clothes that fit and then try them on, I can't say NO to anything! My closet is stuffed full, and for now I'm at home for the next six weeks recuperating from my hysterectomy, so I've got no place to wear all those pretty new clothes! Yesterday I went to get hubby some shirts at Kohl's, and dressed up in one of my pretty new outfits.

  3. Definitely with ya! Only time I really feel like I need some cold air blasting at me is during and right after cardio. I cool off amazingly quickly though and go from the depths of hell to freezing my arse off!

  4. One of the "downsides" to losing a lot of weight is that I'm frequently cold. Like you, I like to have it cooler for sleeping (around 72 or so), but during the day, I turn the a/c off completely. (This will change in July.)

  5. Very cool! I had never thought about this, but I imagine that if/when I finally lose some weight, I'll be able to enjoy lower A/C bills as well. My husband and I keep it pretty cool in the summer (then again, we do live in south Texas!) but I am sure once there is less of "us" to cool, then we can get away with keeping it at 75 degrees instead of 68 or 70. Just one more thing to look forward to!

  6. I have definitely noticed a difference. A summer or 2 ago, I couldn't get cool enough. The AC was down to 68 and I was still sweating. Now, It's set at 75 and I'm just fine. I also use to hate being outside with the heat. Now I LOVE sitting outside and soaking up the sun.

  7. I don't think my weight has affected that with me. I've always been one who runs cool, and prefers a room warmer than most people. If anything I think I may actually be running warmer now that I'm 40-some pounds lighter. And I still hate being outside in the heat...can't see that ever changing.

  8. I've always been cold in air conditioning, even when I was at my heaviest. Our thermostat is set to 75, up from 72, but if it were my choice it would be 78. I turn it off in the middle of the night because I'm freezing, and DH wakes up sweating. Wish there were such a thing as a personal cone of comfort, where one could walk around with a bubble of perfect-temperature air!

  9. I have definitely noticed I sweat a little less since losing weight (only down 20 so far) so the a/c is set at a higher temp for sure. Another thing I know I will save $$ on as I loose is lotion. It sounds weird, but we live in a super dry climate and I slather my entire body in lotion every day. As my surface area goes down, so does the amount of lotion I have to use.

  10. Interesting, I haven't really noticed, but I haven't really paid attention or thought about it. I kind of gravitate towards wanting to be cold anyways....even when I was fit and much lighter I preferred the temp around 72-74. I'll have to pay attention to that.

  11. Several years ago when I lost 100lbs I was freezing all winter - I even wore long underwear and doubled on socks because I couldn't get warm. And before then I was always a hot person, wearing tshirts in the winter etc. During the hotter months I noticed that the a/c needed to be set a little warmer than before, I used to wear my long thick hair down in the middle of the summer when I was thinner. Then I gained the weight and was always hot again. Now that I'm finally committed to losing again I found that even after 10lbs lost I was more comfortable in the heat :)

  12. I haven't lost enough to notice yet, but I do remember when summer wasn't so hard on me. Now, it seems like 70-degree days are almost intolerable. I'm often too warm when others are cold. Humidity makes me feel sick (I live in MI), so I'm hoping next summer is much easier on me. This summer has been okay so far because I'm not in as much pain or as tired as I used to be, but it does feel much warmer than days past, when I was only 160 or 180 pounds.

  13. I don't have central air so I have 3 choices - swamp cooler low, high or off. That's enough to keep my house bearable most days, but high humidity days are miserable around here no matter what weight I am. I do know that I'm more comfortable in the heat (anywhere really, but especially in the heat) when my weight is down.

  14. It's funny you posted about this, because I feel cold a lot now! I've lost 135 pounds. Before I was pretty much always hot, even in winter. I am sort of a hot blooded person and still don't take high heat incredibly well, and I like cold weather, but my husband even said, "Do you notice you're cold all the time now?" We actually make our AC higher at night, like 78 or so, because the part of the house where we sleep is always colder, even in the day time, and we sleep with a fan. The living area of our house has skylights and high ceilings, so it doesn't stay as cool. At the hottest part of the day the sun is blaring on the kitchen and living area, so even with fans going I sometimes feel hot. During the day we keep it set to around 76, but on super hot days, like up near 100 or more, I'll bump it down to 74. We've actually had our air off the last few days and kept the windows open, because it was only in the 70s during the day and like the 50s at night. That is unusual for this time of year here, but I am not complaining, because I really don't like summer that much. It's always humid and hot here. I love fall when it's chilly out, and then I love winter and the snow. Summer is my least favorite season, but I do like the nice days we sometimes get where it's not too hot and humid and we can go swimming.

    1. Man I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates summer! I usually get looked at like I have 3 heads when I say that! Enjoy that weather, you know it's bound to change for the worse! ;)

    2. People do the same thing to me! The only good things about summer are the beach and swimming. LOL I do not like heat above 85 and for most of the summer that is what it is here, plus very humid. A lot of people who live in Florida come here and say the humidity is comparable to there. I live in central Virginia. I love weather that is not humid, slightly breezy and in the low 70s or upper 60s. I love running outside when it's freezing cold, but sunny. The heat kills me! I'd rather run when it's 25 degrees out than when it's 80 degrees. I love everything about Fall (except football, eww). The cool air just makes me feel good. I love the leaves, apple picking, pumpkin picking and making fall foods. I love sleeping with the window open on chilly nights and being able to do more outside without feeling like I am doing to die from the heat. I do take it better than I did, but I am still not good with the heat. Even as a little kid I felt like crud when I was hot.

  15. That is so cool that you pointed that out, and I am going to send this link to my brother who is also a weight loss blogger. His house used to be sooooo friggin col, but, now that you mention it, I just realized that the last two times I've been over there I didn't freeze my fanny off. He recently lost 85lbs or so, so I'm interested to see his response!

  16. I'm right there with you on this one! I used to always be hot, but now I actually am COLD a majority of the time because there's less blubber keeping me insulated! Yay for small NSV's!


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